So you want every weapon and ship to have the same strenght/value ratio? Why would that be important in a singleplayer game? The only reason I can think of is to keep all the options open for minmaxers.
Mainly, my gripe is that, as a mildly-minmax player, I keep finding only one path that is sensible, even within a non-optimal strategic choice, like playing big-fleet rather than optimal, one-ship-vs-all stuff.
I feel like there's nothing wrong with Weapon A being better in every way than Weapon B, but that's what OPs are for; to make that cost something. It's the only meaningful limiting factor, if Weapon A is superior enough. I don't mind that some weapons are low-OP but are out-classed by high-OP things; at least there's rough parity there. But the Arbalest and Heavy AC are examples of weapons that are flat-out weak vs. their competition in the Small Ballistic category; they could be fixed pretty easily by just leaving them alone in every way but Flux cost per shot and would become attractive again.
I'm playing for massive kills this time, with a largish fleet where I pretty much steamroll everything and try out options. Things that have really struck me:
1. HE's just not working for what you pay for it. It's not that it "doesn't work"; it's just not cutting the mustard atm vs. Kinetic or Energy.
Why? Because knocking shields down / maxing out Flux is pretty much the whole fight atm, in part because of the Armor behaviors, in part because of the AI becoming so afraid of lowering its shield. There is no moment where I'm like, "gee, that Onslaught is low on Flux; I'll bet he's about to lower shields and charge me"; there isn't tension that way right now.
2. Missiles are a really mixed bag right now; I didn't talk much about them because that's almost a second long post, lol. Mainly they're OK-ish but unattractive for OPs if they don't regen.
3. I just don't find most of the stuff in Energy compelling, now that there are lots of ships where I get a choice.
4. The Hammerhead got brought up (I swear, for the last time) because it's the Mid Tech ship that doesn't work and it's one of those iconic designs in the game that I'd like to see be functional largely because it's iconic, like the Hound and Conquest (all ships that don't work well atm). It just irks me that the first thing I feel like I've gotta do, if I want to fly one around, is buff it a little; it's not a "cheat", because the AI gets the stats too, but it's still one of those things.
The Sunder, which I've always considered more High than Mid, works, kind of (I think the Sunder (U) in SS+ is where it should be, though; that thing is just over certain cusps enough to be FUN).
5. I was pretty sure EMP still did Soft Flux. Will confirm that.
6. The Aurora has all sorts of ways it could be fixed, but yeah, something that gives it mobility is probably the one, so that it can continue to have great stats, sub-optimal guns, but still work.
7. I think SO still works great; Phasing is cool and I don't think it's OP so much as AI fleets generally don't use enough Beams to counter. Make Beams more attractive and more Variants mounting them and huh, that'd end quick.
8. Beams get the basic bonus; but they don't get the fade-out distance, which becomes quite a lot longer when shot speeds go up, because that's a flat timer. This effects early alpha timing and gives human pilots a great advantage, since we all make use of the fade-out timer.
9. The HIL is not a good support weapon. Yes, a Sunder can fire one with a Cautious pilot, but it's still just contributing 250 Soft Flux atm at 500 Soft Flux, and that "support" Sunder will die very easily in a big scrum because of the OPs you used up.
Compare that with just spending the OPs on a pair of Pulse Lasers that do Hard Flux at 850-ish ranges with the level-20 bonuses and ITU; it's Hard Flux and it's at a 1.1 DPS / Flux tradeoff, roughly, vs. shields. Sure, the range isn't that cool, but if you just want the AI to keep shields up, a single Tac Laser will do it.
But even if it worked well on the Sunder, I still wouldn't buy it for anything else. A weapon that has one maybe-ish use case isn't good.
10. Rarity is not a valid argument for things that are obviously OP / UP for <whatever game variables actually matter>. In the case of weapons, it's OP; for ships, it's largely DP / CR costs, but we can have a sensible argument about over-world speeds and Fuel use, too. Unless "rarity" becomes some Roguelike, "there is only X of Y in the entire game, ever" system, of course; then we'll all just save-scum every time we lost a ship carrying Y, though... so rarity isn't a thing.
11. I don't find the Afflictor to be terrifically OP, except possibly in player hands. Against it, I'm fine, using my current tactics. I'd rather see other ships get better than continually see the nail that sticks up getting the hammer.