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Author Topic: [0.97a] Roider Union 2.1.0  (Read 433778 times)


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[0.97a] Roider Union 2.1.0
« on: August 26, 2015, 08:16:10 PM »

Roider Union

Download v2.1.0

Save compatibility: v2.1.0 or later
Requires LazyLib
Requires MagicLib
Requires RetroLib

Supports GraphicsLib | Supports Nexerelin
Supports Commissioned Crews

Both a culture and a profession, most roiders (roaming asteroid miners) live as nomads, travelling the Sector in their ships to find mining sites. When many of them allied with their more sedentary kin to fight a massive surge of piracy, no one expected it to last. Since then, the Roider Union has become the face of all roiders in the public eye and a minor power in its own right.

- Join the Roider Union, an alliance of asteroid miners
- Retrofits! Convert your junk civilian ships into warships
- Find refuge in the far reaches at independent roider stations

Gameplay Tips:
- Roiders rely heavily on their fighters. Use the Fighter Clamps hullmod to even bring them on your frigates!
- Ship conversions are done at markets with a Union HQ industry. Go to the bar to meet the Roider CEO in charge.
- Some Roider ships have tough armor modules on their front or sides. Low hit-strength weapons will struggle to do damage to them.

Created by SafariJohn
Art by Gwyvern
Music by Electric Trojan
Music and Sounds by MesoTroniK
Testing by Avanitia
Code snippets given by Tartiflette, MesoTroniK, and Gwyvern
Alex, David, and co. for making Starsector
And the Starsector community for years of support!

Version 2.1.0
 New Features
 - Added Historical Roider Charter special item for Roider Dives and Union HQ
   - Boosts production, mining range, and fleet size
 - Organics are now available as void resources for Dives and Union HQ to gather
 - Nerfed Calidor's Interdiction Sequence
   - Reduced range from 1000 to 800
   - Restarts target's engines after a few seconds
 - Void resources in Roider systems are now preset
 - Rebalanced void resource generation - roughly a bell curve, now
 Bug Fixes
 - Fixed cargo screen lag 100%
 - Fixed nomad bases in fringe not accurately tracking commodity sales for shortages/surpluses
 - Fixed Mad MIDAS bar event's bad result not being shown - it was still happening, though

Version 2.0.7
 Bug Fixes
 - Fixed initialization crash on new game

Version 2.0.6
 Bug Fixes
 - Fixed prospector fleets being spammed
 - Fixed Union HQ submarket and retrofitting not using Roider Union rep/commission
 - Fixed NPE from Rockpiper Shipworks
 - Reduced lag when opening inventory - still looking for main cause

Version 2.0.5
 Bug Fixes
 - Fixed random Phasenet crash
 - Added missing Ring Flare Launcher description
 - Blocked roider prospectors from spawning in some invalid places

Version 2.0.4
 New Features
 - Added Ring Flare Launcher
   - Used by Argos-class mothership and Jane-class tanker
 Bug Fixes
 - Fixed incompatibility crash with Ashes of the Domain
 - Stopped Neural Link hullmods from being transferred to armor modules

Version 2.0.3
 - Improved Zap SRM's zap visual
 - Improved Phasenet's zapping visuals

 Bug Fixes
 - Fixed Wrecker towing crash

Version 2.0.2
 Bug Fixes
 - Fixed crash when replacing Roider Union capital
 - Corrected Rocksaw normal map's name

Version 2.0.1
 - Roach's armor module now temporal shifts with it
 - Fixed a few variants affected by vanilla's weapon OP changes that slipped by my first pass

 Bug Fixes
 - Fixed NoClassDefFoundError crash when starting a game with Nexerelin

Version 2.0
 New Features
 - Moved all code from Java to Kotlin
 - Added Doldrums Chaingun - small kinetic burst gun
 - Added Calidor-class carrier - premium destroyer carrier
 - Added Cowboy-class light (frigate) carrier
   - Renamed destroyer Cowboy to Trailboss
 - Added S-Mod effect to MIDAS - reduces kinetic damage to hull/armor
 - Added S-Mod effect to Firestorm Integration -  gives Ballistic Rangefinder's effects
 - Unified fringe mechanics under "nomads" concept
   - Fringe stations come in various sizes and all offer retrofits through special Argosi Bazaari industry
   - Nomad trade fleets travel between fringe stations and core worlds
   - Systems with Roider Union stations display transponder warning on jump points
   - If Korovin is lost, a fringe Roider station will replace it as Roider Union's capital
 - Added an industry BP for Roider Dives, which now costs less to build
 - Improved Sharpshooter's hit chance
 - Moved most retrofitting code to new RetroLib library mod
   - Added generic frame hulls - convert any ship to a Roider ship!
 - Externalized all strings for translators
 - Maybe other stuff not covered in Changes section
 - Reworked Argos mothership
   - Replaced some weapon mounts with drone wings
   - Added Drone Reserves hullmod - 100% replacement rate and replaces whole wing at a time
 - Reworked Ranch carrier into heavy carrier
   - Armor! Guns! Still lots of fighters!
 - Reworked Gambit fast cruiser
   - Added pirate Gambit
 - Gave Bombard destroyer the LIDAR Array system
   - Removed DTC hullmod
 - Blasting Laser is now a Hybrid (Energy) weapon
 - Rotary Hammer Launcher is now a premium 12 OP missile weapon
   - Triple shot with select-fire
 - Added Holistic Gyro-Stabilizer hullmod to Cyclops
   - Reduced recoil, faster turret rotation, increased medium ballistic/hybrid range
 - Added an escape burn system to Hopskip Mk.II bomber
   - Reduced cruise speed
 - Renamed Onager destroyer to Aurochs destroyer
   - Removed old Aurochs
 - Renamed Cowboy light carrier to Trailboss light carrier
   - Changed built-in drones to open slot
   - Added Outrider hullmod - blocks bombers
   - Changed medium ballistic turret to energy
 - Renamed Sheriff frigate to Desperado frigate
   - Removed drone wing and reworked weapon mounts
 - Reworked Rocksaw heavy fighter
   - Now has Doldrums Chaingun as main armament
 - Renamed Armature strike drone to Tracker strike drone
   - Removed old Tracker
   - If carrier has MIDAS, provides a speed boost to carrier's other fighters
 - SP-improved a couple Roider Union industries
 - Removed Ogrov, Dragline, Nolasher
 - Removed ability to build in Tracker Swap
 - Reduced number of particles in Pile Driver's onFire effects
 - Other changes I've lost track of
 Bug Fixes
 - Removed a lot of possible NPEs
 - Fixed some issues with Phasenet pull speed

See changelog.txt for older changes.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2024, 10:46:45 AM by SafariJohn »


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Re: [0.65.2a] Roider Union 0.5.1 Alpha
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2015, 06:39:38 PM »

Tiny update to make "The Hammer" a bit easier. You are no longer limited to three command points. Or any number of command points. ;)


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Re: [0.65.2a] Roider Union 0.5.1 Alpha
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2015, 01:27:02 PM »

Ho boy, "The Hammer" is one tough nut. Did you beat it yourself at normal fleet size (200)? Any tips?
The game was completed 8 years ago and we get a free expansion every year.

Arranging holidays in an embrace with the Starsector is priceless.


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Re: [0.65.2a] Roider Union 0.5.1 Alpha
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2015, 02:19:11 PM »

I've only tried it twice, almost beat it the first time (I think the pirates had everything deployed or destroyed), but the second time I got my butt handed to me. I was doing it with battle size 400. I haven't really done any sort of balancing on it, to be honest.

My strategy was to deploy cruisers, Enforcers, mining pods, and some Tarsi first, then deploy all the Buffalo (make sure you have enough DP to do so). I put down two defend points, one close to the middle of the map and one towards the rear. The Buffalo were assigned to the rear point and the rest to the front, then I just stayed near the front in the Eagle and tried to grind down the pirates.

Keep your shields down except when blocking missiles/asteroids and don't be afraid to take a quick vent, because you have to keep firing.

I was trying it with only 3 command points, so maybe ordering the Ventures to escort you with the defend points for everyone else would work better.

The Lashers have more firepower than the Tarsi, but they're more likely to overextend and die.

Warthogs are scary when you haven't got all of the pirate's (2) carriers.

Like I said, I haven't tried it much. I'll probably try again over the weekend once or twice. Any specific feedback on how unbalanced it is would be great. :)

Edit: For giggles I turned battle size up to 800 and played it. There were only 21 out of ~68 pirate ships left when I died. So bitterly-contested defeat for me. There were so many wrecks... I think a wreck hitting my engines is what killed me.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2015, 02:34:43 PM by HartLord »


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Re: [0.65.2a] Roider Union 0.5.1 Alpha
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2015, 02:28:11 AM »

Any specific feedback on how unbalanced it is would be great. :)

Mh, yeah, first of all I don't think it's a good idea to use non-standard battle size for balancing. It feels too much like cheating if you expect players to do that.

Well, and it is too hard at battle size 200, I'm not sure if it can be beaten at all.

What is really fun about the mission is the asteroid storm. It is really cool if enemies die because you kept them distracted and unable to defend against it. Indirect kills.

What you might try to do is emphasize that more, e.g. by giving your side more fightercraft and the enemy more slow ships with a vulnerable behind. Maybe exchange the missile support Mk.IIs (at a "safe distance" they can only fire their Pillums anyway) for Pillum Condors.

The game was completed 8 years ago and we get a free expansion every year.

Arranging holidays in an embrace with the Starsector is priceless.


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Re: [0.65.2a] Roider Union 0.5.1 Alpha
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2015, 07:55:02 AM »

Mh, yeah, first of all I don't think it's a good idea to use non-standard battle size for balancing. It feels too much like cheating if you expect players to do that.

Well, and it is too hard at battle size 200, I'm not sure if it can be beaten at all.

Ah, sorry about that. I play with 400+ battle size so much I'd forgotten what the default was. From now on I'll always test at 200 first.

What is really fun about the mission is the asteroid storm. It is really cool if enemies die because you kept them distracted and unable to defend against it. Indirect kills.

What you might try to do is emphasize that more, e.g. by giving your side more fightercraft and the enemy more slow ships with a vulnerable behind. Maybe exchange the missile support Mk.IIs (at a "safe distance" they can only fire their Pillums anyway) for Pillum Condors.

I was a little hesitant about emphasizing the asteroids since the AI can't see them, but the high speed asteroid impacts are really cool.

Going more strikecraft for the player's fleet is what I should have done from the beginning. Especially since I've stated that the Roider's focus is on carriers and ballistics. I'll put in the Roider strikecraft, even though that will take some lore reworking (for what that's worth at this early stage ::)).

Good ideas.

I don't normally release anything this unpolished, but I wanted more than one real mission. And a big mission like The Hammer is hard to balance, so the outside input is wonderful.


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Re: [0.65.2a] Roider Union 0.5.1 Alpha
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2015, 12:30:49 PM »

I downloaded this, and I can say I'm still having some trouble beating "The Hammer" Mission. It's a ton of fun, and I almost pulled it off on my sixth(Latest) attempt. I ended up destroying everything but a bunch of talons, a condor, and two enforcers. I lost, because my heavily damaged ship took an asteroid to the face when i wasn't looking. I've been playing on battle size 200, by the way.

It might just be me, but with the way the eagle is, I believe it's worth it to simply strip off the ballestic weaponry on front, and toss the OP into capacitors and vents. Your phase lances already make mince-meat of everything, litterally one-shotting (D) frigates. The extra capacity and vents let you fire more times before having to back off to vent.

As for the first mission... kind of sad, but I still haven't beaten it yet. Over-all I have to say I like the mod quite a bit. Especially the fact the asteroids flying by in "The hammer".
"Yes... Yes I -am- sending you, alone, unarmed, against the might of the Hegemony defense fleet.  Not to worry - watching how they obliterate your puny frigate will be most... enlightening.  I shall dissect their tactics and emerge victorious!  Any questions? Then get to your ship, you launch in 5."


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Re: [0.65.2a] Roider Union 0.5.1 Alpha
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2015, 07:38:24 AM »

I downloaded this, and I can say I'm still having some trouble beating "The Hammer" Mission. It's a ton of fun, and I almost pulled it off on my sixth(Latest) attempt. I ended up destroying everything but a bunch of talons, a condor, and two enforcers. I lost, because my heavily damaged ship took an asteroid to the face when i wasn't looking. I've been playing on battle size 200, by the way.

Glad you're having fun! :)

It might just be me, but with the way the eagle is, I believe it's worth it to simply strip off the ballestic weaponry on front, and toss the OP into capacitors and vents. Your phase lances already make mince-meat of everything, litterally one-shotting (D) frigates. The extra capacity and vents let you fire more times before having to back off to vent.

I think you're right. The Eagle, being a "Custom" variant, is really intended to be as powerful as possible, whereas the other ships are intended to be trying to get by with open market weapons.

As for the first mission... kind of sad, but I still haven't beaten it yet. Over-all I have to say I like the mod quite a bit. Especially the fact the asteroids flying by in "The hammer".

The trick with the first mission is that the Tarsus can't deal damage and the fighters can't take hits. Try an escort order to reign in the fighters.


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Re: [0.65.2a] Roider Union 0.5.1 Alpha
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2015, 08:05:23 AM »

Beat it! The Hammer has fallen ;D

65%. Only with custom loadouts for all ships, though. Still don't think it's possible with a thematically fitting low-tech loadout.

Worked like this: First deployed a specialzed anti-armor wave that took care of the Hounds. I used three Mauler-Enforcers and Assault Cannon-Tarsuses. Then deployed my Eagle and further general purpose ships. Tarsuses got an extra rally point so they stayed in front to soak up damage and Reapers.

Eagle loadout was 3 Phase beams, 3 Mortars, Bulkheads and Conduits.

Was fun :)

The game was completed 8 years ago and we get a free expansion every year.

Arranging holidays in an embrace with the Starsector is priceless.


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Re: [0.65.2a] Roider Union 0.5.1 Alpha
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2015, 08:33:03 AM »

Beat it! The Hammer has fallen ;D


I probably would have done some work with the missions and released a version 0.5.2, but I've been wrestling with the Roider Frigate again. I'll give you a little teaser: the probably final name for the frigate is Cyclops.

And for reference, the way I rate my missions is:
Easy = Autopilot wins
Medium = I can beat it if I work at it (and I'm not a bad player)
Hard = I could beat it in theory if I tried a lot
Impossible = Buffalo Mk. 2 vs Onslaught


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Re: [0.65.2a] Roider Union 0.5.1 Alpha
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2015, 10:15:15 AM »

I beat it as well finally! 73%
I adjusted the eagle by removing it's ballestics, and tossing the spare OP into vents and capacitors.
I deployed everything but the mining drones and a buffalo Mk2. I split my forces between two defense points with buffalos behind. I also moved my eagle between the points in the center.
The really hard part of the mission is keeping your eagle alive as you take out the destroyers and frigates that swarm the center.
 Usually the cruisers fall from salamanders/asteroids flaming out there engines.
"Yes... Yes I -am- sending you, alone, unarmed, against the might of the Hegemony defense fleet.  Not to worry - watching how they obliterate your puny frigate will be most... enlightening.  I shall dissect their tactics and emerge victorious!  Any questions? Then get to your ship, you launch in 5."


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Re: [0.65.2a] Roider Union 0.5.1 Alpha
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2015, 06:17:36 AM »

I got some time to work on this mod yesterday, so the Cyclops Frigate is closer to done. It has excellent turret coverage, including a 360° medium turret, but lacks missile mounts.

Needs a lot of work still, but it's getting there.

Takion Kasukedo

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Re: [0.65.2a] Roider Union 0.5.1 Alpha
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2015, 06:19:51 AM »

o.O Cool

Can't wait to see it :)
If it ever seems like I'm not doing something you've asked/I said I'll get around to doing, it's because my time is occupied by other things that interest me in that current moment in time. Kindly be patient,  or don't ask at all. Thank you.


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Re: [0.65.2a] Roider Union 0.6 Alpha
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2015, 06:52:38 PM »

New version up!

Version 0.6
-Added Cyclops Frigate
-Added mission "Eye of the Storm"
-Added built-in hullmod "Roider AAA Software" - no function yet
-Changed Dozer Bomber loadout from 2x Harpoon MRM (Double) to 4x Harpoon MRM (Single) - slight buff
-Removed Harpoon MRM (Double)
-Removed mission "The Hammer" - still in "extras" folder
-Removed Roider Test Zones 2 and 3 (missions)



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Re: [0.65.2a] Roider Union 0.6 Alpha
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2015, 12:11:56 AM »

Steadily growing are we? I'm curious to see what this will turn in.
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