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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

Author Topic: [0.9.1a] The Persean Navy 1.2  (Read 5028 times)


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[0.9.1a] The Persean Navy 1.2
« on: January 10, 2021, 04:18:40 AM »

The Persean Navy

This is a small Ship pack for our favorite space ancaps. The Hegemony has their fancy battlegroup, the sindrianĀ“s have their lions guard, tritech has its cool high tech designs and the luddic boys/pirates have their DIY hullmods leaving only the poor space small-government-is-best-government without anything of note. Well not anymore, now the mighty Persean League has some own modifications based on existing midline ships modified in different ways and made more interesting with the addition of flags and a blue/yellow paint job. All ships naturally feature shielded cargo holds as sovereign citizens of the sector don't answer to customs officials. Enjoy.

The Conquest (PLN): Sporting 4 large missile turrets and additions like integrated ECCM/ECM, this design plays rather differently from the regular old conquest.


The Heron (PLN): Comes with an additional fighter wing and increased cost to become the dominant carrier on the battlefield.


The Eagle (PLN): No more hardpoints, instead more Armor and medium composite mounts but slower with higher cost.


The Falcon (PLN): A very fast torpedo boat with a fearsome large missile hardpoint and extra thrusters but more vulnerable that its original counterpart.


The Hammerhead (PLN): Composite mounts along with more hull points and armor, more cumbersome and expensive.


The Sunder (PLN): Turned into a tough to kill torpedo boat with all energy based weapons replaced by missiles or ballistics.


Changelog (save game compatible unless specified otherwise):
1.1 = fixed scuffed icon of the blueprint package
1.2 = uploaded wrong ship data with old and waaaaayy to bright engines (only graphical change), fixed

Special thanks to all the people providing modding help/resources, I've done kit bashing with lots and lots of sprites so much that I could not tell anymore what pixel belongs to what original sprite resource or was painted by me/ sourced from the original ship hulls. If anyone sees something from himself that I spliced in here, please give a ring, so I can update this (or take down if you so wish).

« Last Edit: January 11, 2021, 01:58:24 AM by Gammler123 »


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Persean Navy
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2021, 04:58:08 AM »

Personally, I'd remove the flag (feels like a sticker) and gave the hulls a slight blueish tint (to make them less similar to "mid-tech + stripe"). Or perhaps a blue tint + overlay a flag over a section of hull (with transparency, just like your stripe right now)?

Same stats are normal variants? If yes, perhaps play a bit with them and/or hardpoints?

Anyway, I always love to have more vanilla variants / skins :)


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Persean Navy
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2021, 05:05:50 AM »

Yea i know what you mean with the flag, but you are right, ive always felt like midline looks the most sterile of them all but to i wanted to make something different, instead of giving something just a recolor i wanted something more like a "actual stripe of paint someone painted on the hull at dock"-look. The ships all have pretty different weapon mounts with the conquest for example having no large ballistics at all and no front facing missiles either and the stats are indeed close to the original counterparts but still altered according to their new design.


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Persean Navy
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2021, 06:41:04 AM »

Is there any official statement about the Persean league's technology level? The Heg & Ludds are low tech. TT is high tech but aren't Persean League & Sindrian basically Midline?

Do the PL prefer line ships? Carriers? Missile boats?


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Persean Navy
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2021, 07:55:00 AM »

Is there any official statement about the Persean league's technology level? The Heg & Ludds are low tech. TT is high tech but aren't Persean League & Sindrian basically Midline?

Do the PL prefer line ships? Carriers? Missile boats?

I looked at the lore that exists to get some ideas but its rather thin atleast as far as i can tell. Well in the game they have somewhat of a carrier focus that kinda goes down with the liberal application of conquest cruisers. So i decided to give them a missle focus with the same reasoning that missiles (or composite) are kinda midline i guess


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Persean Navy
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2021, 08:04:20 AM »

!updated link!


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Persean Navy
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2021, 01:21:07 PM »

I looked at the lore that exists to get some ideas but its rather thin atleast as far as i can tell. Well in the game they have somewhat of a carrier focus that kinda goes down with the liberal application of conquest cruisers capitals. So i decided to give them a missle focus with the same reasoning that missiles (or composite) are kinda midline i guess

I looked through the forum at the first 100 hits searching for "Persean League". Here are some things that I found relevant:


... Persian league are the carrier faction, with fleets formed primarily around Herons and Drovers.  Fighting them is a very different experience from fighting any other faction. Other factions use carriers too, but none nearly to the extent of the Persian League.

Midline seems to be the most common across factions that are not Pirates and some form of Ludd. ... Diktat, League, and Independents are very similar, although Diktat and League have some blueprints Independents do not have.

Now that's an easy round of "Spot the guy who met a Persean League Expedition Taskforce made up of two fleets worth of carriers!".

@ Alex:  Not sure if this is a bug, but I noticed (after poking through game files) Persean League fleet commanders only have Officer Management skill like Pirates and Pathers, and not all four skills the other major factions have.  I am not sure if this is a cut-and-paste error or deliberate design decision.

SWP adds it. In vanilla, PL just doesn't know Odysseys and can't spawn them.
Ah. I did think it was a bit odd that the mostly-mid-line (/w high-tech frigates) faction had so many high-tech capital ships.

Mayasuran Navy: I have not had a chance to play or interact with a lot of their ships outside the missions yet so I have no comments on balance. It adds a bunch of neat looking midline ships to the Persean League.

Also, the Commissioned Crews mod has this for PL:
Fighter Supremacy : Ship's nanoforges have been improved using pre-Collapse data, lowering the replacement time by (variable), depending on hull size. These nanoforges require less crew to operate, lowering skeleton crew requirement by (variable). Improves fighter replacement rate.

Altogether it seems that the "groupthink" wants the PL to be {carrier oriented discipline} & {midline majority with high tech minority}

You are wanting to add in ships that will bring even more missiles to bear, am I right? I would suggest those missiles be PD missiles like Swarmer (small) and Locust (large). The extra air superiority would allow the actual wings to get past the enemy fighters. You seem to be converting a lot of medium turrets to composite but there isn't any PD missile there. (unless you are planning to make one for this mod)

What the heck with all the Shielded Cargo holds?! I wouldn't do that, its unnecessary for a faction mod.

The Sunder isn't even a Sunder anymore, changing the Tech down to Midline & removing the system like that. It'd be better with the Hammerhead back to Accelerated Ammo Feeder and let your Sunder have Plasma Jets while returning it to High Tech.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2021, 04:41:00 PM by IonDragonX »


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Persean Navy
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2021, 03:21:45 PM »

These look really nice ; the stripes are especially cool and thematic in my opinion.

Can't wait to try them out in my new playthrough.


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Persean Navy
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2021, 07:11:13 PM »

You are wanting to add in ships that will bring even more missiles to bear, am I right? I would suggest those missiles be PD missiles like Swarmer (small) and Locust (large). The extra air superiority would allow the actual wings to get past the enemy fighters. You seem to be converting a lot of medium turrets to composite but there isn't any PD missile there. (unless you are planning to make one for this mod)
Swarmer and Locust are both anti-fighter missiles, not point-defense missiles.  In fact, the only missile with the PD tag is the Proximity Charge launcher, a medium missile weapon.  Granted, it's not good...
The Sunder isn't even a Sunder anymore, changing the Tech down to Midline & removing the system like that. It'd be better with the Hammerhead back to Accelerated Ammo Feeder and let your Sunder have Plasma Jets while returning it to High Tech.
Hmm?  Vanilla Sunder is a Midline design.

Otherwise agreed, the Sunder (PLN) and Hammerhead (PLN) have changed enough to be nearly unrecognizable (as in, I didn't realize they were supposed to be variants until I saw them labeled as such).  They would probably pass off for new ship classes more easily than they pass for variants of those existing Destroyers.


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Persean Navy
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2021, 08:04:29 PM »

Swarmer and Locust are both anti-fighter missiles, not point-defense missiles.  In fact, the only missile with the PD tag is the Proximity Charge launcher, a medium missile weapon.  Granted, it's not good...
Yes, Anti Small Craft is what I meant. Those kinds of missiles clear the way of enemy fighters, allowing PL bombers to engage faster. I never meant Proximity Charge.
Hmm?  Vanilla Sunder is a Midline design.
Wow.  :o I've always assumed it was HT. Its ship system & lg Energy seems like it was straight out of TT.


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Persean Navy
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2021, 11:48:25 PM »

I looked at the lore that exists to get some ideas but its rather thin atleast as far as i can tell. Well in the game they have somewhat of a carrier focus that kinda goes down with the liberal application of conquest cruisers capitals. So i decided to give them a missle focus with the same reasoning that missiles (or composite) are kinda midline i guess

I looked through the forum at the first 100 hits searching for "Persean League". Here are some things that I found relevant:


... Persian league are the carrier faction, with fleets formed primarily around Herons and Drovers.  Fighting them is a very different experience from fighting any other faction. Other factions use carriers too, but none nearly to the extent of the Persian League.

Midline seems to be the most common across factions that are not Pirates and some form of Ludd. ... Diktat, League, and Independents are very similar, although Diktat and League have some blueprints Independents do not have.

Now that's an easy round of "Spot the guy who met a Persean League Expedition Taskforce made up of two fleets worth of carriers!".

@ Alex:  Not sure if this is a bug, but I noticed (after poking through game files) Persean League fleet commanders only have Officer Management skill like Pirates and Pathers, and not all four skills the other major factions have.  I am not sure if this is a cut-and-paste error or deliberate design decision.

SWP adds it. In vanilla, PL just doesn't know Odysseys and can't spawn them.
Ah. I did think it was a bit odd that the mostly-mid-line (/w high-tech frigates) faction had so many high-tech capital ships.

Mayasuran Navy: I have not had a chance to play or interact with a lot of their ships outside the missions yet so I have no comments on balance. It adds a bunch of neat looking midline ships to the Persean League.

Also, the Commissioned Crews mod has this for PL:
Fighter Supremacy : Ship's nanoforges have been improved using pre-Collapse data, lowering the replacement time by (variable), depending on hull size. These nanoforges require less crew to operate, lowering skeleton crew requirement by (variable). Improves fighter replacement rate.

Altogether it seems that the "groupthink" wants the PL to be {carrier oriented discipline} & {midline majority with high tech minority}

You are wanting to add in ships that will bring even more missiles to bear, am I right? I would suggest those missiles be PD missiles like Swarmer (small) and Locust (large). The extra air superiority would allow the actual wings to get past the enemy fighters. You seem to be converting a lot of medium turrets to composite but there isn't any PD missile there. (unless you are planning to make one for this mod)

What the heck with all the Shielded Cargo holds?! I wouldn't do that, its unnecessary for a faction mod.

The Sunder isn't even a Sunder anymore, changing the Tech down to Midline & removing the system like that. It'd be better with the Hammerhead back to Accelerated Ammo Feeder and let your Sunder have Plasma Jets while returning it to High Tech.

yeah the shielded cargo holds are meme-tier until i sit down and learn how to do my own hullmods to make something cool and unique.

And i think the carrier focus is kinda there but again i wouldnt call midline=carrier as midline is the only tech group without a capital-class carrier. I personally really enjoy lots of missiles on ships and as ballistic=lowtech and energy=hightech it kinda fits besides if you look at the regular old conquest it has quite a big missile armament as well, 2 Large hardpoints and 2 medium ones along with its signiture 4 big ballistic guns. Oh and midline has the only designated "missle-cruiser".

« Last Edit: January 11, 2021, 01:57:21 AM by Gammler123 »


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Persean Navy
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2021, 07:44:41 PM »

Wow.  :o I've always assumed it was HT. Its ship system & lg Energy seems like it was straight out of TT.

FWIW, according to the codex the sunder and tempest were made in the same period, but its hard to say how long or how far apart development between the two was. If anything, imo, it straddles the line between high-tech and midline, in terms of armament and  appearance


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Persean Navy 1.2
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2023, 09:27:34 AM »

These ships look absolutely fantastic.

Do you know if these ships will work on the latest version if I updated the mod version json? I don't know if there have been any significant changes in Starsector from now since the 0.9.1 release.