EDIT: Life has gotten really quite busy for me so I can't really do commission stuff anymore, sorry. Leaving this up just for posterity.
Since I've been recently asked on multiple occasions about this, I'll make a proper forum post for it. I also asked Alex if it'd be fine and he agreed as long as this remains strictly a service for commission.
I'm primarily offering a service to do custom paintjobs for Starsector ships on commission. This includes all vanilla ships and any ships from my own mods.
Should you wish for a custom paintjob on another modder's ship, please get permission from them first. I won't work on ships from other mods without express permission and other modders should be capable of handling similar commissions for their own ships.
This is also strictly offered as a service and what you do with the finished sprites is purely up for you.
Any finished sprites also retain their copyright, so the same license restrictions apply as for the original sprite.I also reserve the right to decline commission requests as I see fit.
What I'm offering is (roughly as it ultimately depends on individual effort):
Frigates/Destroyers - 10€
Cruisers/Capitals - 15€
Overly complex ships/designs and supercapitals - 20€+ (depending on base ship)
Here's a gallery of examples for some ship skins I made:
If you are interested in this service, feel free to reply here, via PM or on discord under Nia#6230
Additionally, I am also available for commissioned sprite work on a limited scale (one ship at a time, whenever I have the time to spare for it). Feel free to inquire about it. No fixed prices. Can really be anything from a frigate to a capital ship sprite. Only real restriction is how much time I have available for it and if I feel confident I can deliver on a request. Just please no supercapitals. That stuff would take many many hours to make and you probably aren't willing to pay me upwards of 300€ for something like that, even if I had the time for something on that scale.
If you are looking for a custom paintjob for one of Tartiflette's mods, please go to him directly. He will take commissions at the same rate, but with the stipulation that any finished skins will be bundled with future updates of his mods for everyone to use.