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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Messages - Kix

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General Discussion / Re: Tempest class pirate-slayer loadout
« on: September 01, 2020, 09:47:32 PM »
Its not needed, i just like it once I max vents.

Flux Distributor? Resistant Flux Conduits?

Also, if you focus on double phase lance, why not Advanced Optics?

Flux distributor is probably the better choice. On tempest it has the same 75% efficiency compared to vents as stabilized shields, but obviously is still in effect when the shields are down.

I just tried Advanced optics, the turret traverse penalty isnt as bad as I thought. Could be useful, but at the same time im not sure it out ranges anything important.

The mods are definitely not the core to this build. The double phase lance plus HEF is.

General Discussion / Re: Tempest class pirate-slayer loadout
« on: September 01, 2020, 09:17:58 PM »
Stabilized shields? In hit-and-run loadout? Seriously? And if you really need it's effect, why not shield conversion-front? Will do the same as stabilized shield + accelerated shields + extended shield at the cost of being only frontal. Doubtful, you really need it anyway.

Also, using a player Tempest to hunt junky ships is a waste of it potential. Player-controlled Tempest is able to compete with AI controlled cruisers.

Its not needed, i just like it once I max vents. Front shield therefore probably not worth it.

hunting down "junk" ships isnt a waste. I spawn lone tempest to whittle down the enemy before spawning my main fleet. The phase-lance + HEF just makes it incredibly efficient per peak operation time.

General Discussion / Tempest class pirate-slayer loadout
« on: September 01, 2020, 08:42:23 PM »
I found a tempest class load out which can annihilate any pirate frigate + buffalo mk2s in one salvo. Can be a threat to most other converted hulls as well. Not very useful against anything else on its own. It is vulnerable to fighters if they overwhelm your drones.

I. manual control on missiles weapons group

1. vent flux to zero
2. press x to disable autofire
3. press r on your target and approach
4. when energy turrets turn towards your target, press f to enable high energy focus, and then press x to enable autofire
5. watch your target explode

rinse and repeat


Suggestions / Re: Terminator drone and doom class cruiser mine interaction
« on: December 06, 2018, 03:12:04 PM »
The power of the doom class is fine. Im not complaining about the mine laying mechanic or its ability to one hit frigates. The problem is that the player, if they choose to play a tempest (or any carrier for that matter) is punished for things that they have no control over.

You need to experience this to know what im talking about. The first few times i just though the mines exploded in close proximity for no reason and I was not aware of some mechanic.

Suggestions / Terminator drone and doom class cruiser mine interaction
« on: December 06, 2018, 02:01:38 PM »
I have had the unfortunate experience of fighting a doom class in a tempest with the latest update. Its very frustrating when your drones fly into a mine and kills you. The player has no control over the drones, and because of the mine mechanic it is very easy to lose a high value tempest class before you even notice what has happened.

Possible fixes:
allow drones to be recalled (decked)
Allow drones to fly through mines

Blog Posts / Re: Planetary Surveys
« on: July 09, 2016, 10:23:24 PM »
Instead of making surveying dangerous planets a complete non-option for low-level surveyors, would one consider the possibility of simply making it prohibitively expensive to do so?

Like, what if i've got everything set up pretty nice and dandy and i'm just missing this ONE planet to make it all complete, but theres no option other than to max out surveying in order to actually get it?

There should be a way to select any ship in the game and refit it anyway you like, much like the refit option from random battles but allows you to choose any ship in the game. Similar to the garage from the nfs series.

Suggestions / Hyperspace
« on: November 08, 2014, 10:43:50 AM »
So right now hyperspace is just a means of travelling to different star systems. All it is is just a different 'layer' of the map. Everything in hyperspace is the same, save for different background and the consumption of fuel.

It baffles me that all the ship weapons, systems, flux stats, crew survivability rates are the same in hyperspace as they are in normal space. I feel that it would make sense and add further depth to the gameplay if aspects of the combat were to be different; let's say theres no such thing as hardflux in hyperspace- that would give shield-heavy ships huge advantage fighting in hyperspace and make ballistic weapons only as potent as beam weapons in breaking shields.

I'm not saying that that is specifically the change to implemend, but some things should be different. It could and should make certain ships more potent in hyperspace than in normal space and could mean new ship designs that are optimized for either one.

Maybe this is something that is already on the minds of the devs.

Suggestions / Standard inventory/sell all
« on: June 29, 2014, 11:48:55 PM »
I believe this game lacks a 'sell all' button.

however if implemented at the most basic level it will certainly never be used, due to supplies/fuel.

So i'm making the suggestion to allow the player to set a 'standard inventory' of sorts. This would be to limit what the sell all button sells. for example, if a player sets his standard inventory to 250 supplies and 100 fuel, clicking the sell all button would sell everything in the players cargo bays until there is only 250 supplies and 100 fuel left.

perhaps even prompt the player to change the standard inventory whenever the fleet composition changes. (obviously allow the player to disable these prompts if s/he wills it)

just a little something that might save a lotta time.

General Discussion / Re: paragon loadouts
« on: August 23, 2012, 06:15:34 PM »
This one is my favorite.
Flux consumption is high but controllable, knowing when not to fire your main weapons is key. Dual Plasma Cannons do 750x6 energy damage in one volley - even the heaviest armor melts away quickly. Its certainly not an ideal in every situation type of variant but its not bad and it fits my playstyle very well.

And yes, you could add a useless harpoon/sabot with the remaining 1 OP.

went into simulation with this variant, beat a onslaught without breaking a sweat. flux consumption was too low (good thing, lol) for my likings.

(coulnt resist the 0 next to the shield upkeep and since im fitting it to slug it against a single other ship why not)
my own version with more pew pew, no armor dmg against onslaught yay
admittedly it was harder (and more time consuming, maby) to kill the onslaught with this. kinda hard to see through all the pew pew with this loadout, lol.

Faiter's Elite ii wassent as impressive against the onslaught but it seemed like a more versatile model. i actually like this better since its got more pew pew, haha.

General Discussion / Re: paragon loadouts
« on: August 23, 2012, 05:05:26 PM »
sabots have actually been alot of help to me taking down some tougher shields. i havent really played the paragon outside of forlorn hope, so its pretty much based on experience around that. its too hard to get the same arsenal of weapons in campaign atm.

i strongly disagree that the marauder should have weapons in its large hardpoints. outside of the tach lance and maby the HIL, it would be too hard to hit anything smaller than a cruiser with any weapon placed in it, so i just left it empty and slammed it into other things.

i found the pd turrets to be decently helpful. despite the goodness of the paragon's shield it doessent get activated in an instant, so i may be quick enough to block a barrage from one side but i may not be able to turn it around in time to block the opposite side (even by deactivating it and re-activating it on the other side). i suppose this woulnt normally happen if it was the campaign, but i'd probably end up fielding a single paragon for the thrill.

someone care to explain in detail soft/hard flux? i know hard flux gets generated by taking hits with your shield and cannot vent while your shield is up. but i thought all weapons gave soft flux?

General Discussion / paragon loadouts
« on: August 22, 2012, 11:29:12 PM »
so after i discovered that you could even refit your ships for the missions, i had some fun coming up with a few loadouts and i thought i'd share them...

Dreadnought- to go head to head with another ship

Marauder- to stand alone against many weaker and more mobile ships.

Vanquisher- long range support

with full damage i was able to beat a standard onslaught 1v1 with the marauder and dreadnought with no hull damage. (while i was able to beat a std onslaught with some hull dmg with the stock elite variant). vanquisher was able to take down about 25-30% of onslaught hull before going down, tho its worth noting that i didnt load the vanquisher to go against a onslaught head to head. sabots in place of the swarmers could have potentially made the vanquisher a closer match.

Suggestions / Re: combat control option- lock player ship
« on: August 22, 2012, 10:57:22 AM »
aw, and thanks

Suggestions / combat control option- lock player ship
« on: August 22, 2012, 10:36:50 AM »
im suggesting that an option be added in the settings menu that the player ship can be "locked" in combat scenes.

the idea is that the player ship will always be facing 'up' on your monitor, while the world roatates around it with this option enabled. im not so sure as to how well this would work for a 2d face-down game, but it will hopefully solve the issue i had early game where i would lose control of a my ship when it was facing a different direction than 'up' that other people may also be having.

General Discussion / Re: Mjolnir Cannon: Anyone Use It?
« on: August 21, 2012, 11:49:05 AM »
What would balance the Mjolnir with other ballistic weapons of its category? Maybe make the Mjolnir benefit from higher flux?

I'd say that a small buff in flux/DPS would be nice, as it currently has Energy damage, but uses ammo, and it's flux/DPS is terrible. perhaps a small buff in it's ammo storage capacity too, but then that'd need a small nerf in OP too, perhaps 5 points?

i think for an energy weapon, which is equally effective against everything, and therefore a jack-of-all trades, master of none, should have flux efficiency better than most weapons of its type. tho i dont think this would be a good idea for the mjolnir without changing its damage output, as i think it would suddenly turn it into the ultimate weapon of choice.

my opinion is that the mjolnir rof should be nerfed to hell, with a significant increase in alpha damage and EMP. flux efficiency can remain as it is or even be nerfed, making it a large weapon emplacement AM blaster.

i think this fits in better with the concept of "firing black holes" (i cant imagine throwing them at the rate of 80/m), with the increased dmg, and i cant imagine firing singularities to be "efficient" at the least either.

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