### Changes from beta 0.11.2x ###
* Blockades will end if no markets of the target faction remain in system; capturing a blockaded market will remove the blockade condition
* Player-requested invasion fleets will make the captured markets autonomous if player has no free admins or governing capacity left
* Revoking this autonomy will not cause unrest (once per market)
* Autonomous colony default income mult 0.2 -> 0.25
* Factions don't send suppression fleets if allied with the rebels' sponsor faction
* Player faction (and governed colonies) also don't send any suppression fleets
* Player's autonomous and governed colonies can get Luddic Majority on upsize
* Random sector Kanta's Den is no longer a free port; actually gets its admin
* Contact-buys-ship mission a bit less frequent
* Random sector max planets slider 80 -> 120
* Fix NPE in mission "Salvation" if Eochu Bres is decivilized
* Fix CTD when using story skip with random sector
* Fix excessive rep gain from transferring a rebelling colony to rebel faction
* Fix special task groups not picking new tasks properly
* Attack fleet in mission "Fragments" won't spawn more than 2000 units away
* NPC factions try to avoid colonizing targets of an ongoing mission
* Fix wrong description texts for Mairaath under a different faction
* Add `nex_enableMiningFleets` field to settings.json
* Mining output .csv supports adding new commodities
### Gameplay ###
* Expand the 'skip story' option to support specific amounts of progress, and multiple vanilla/mod quest chains
* Rebellions from low stability should obey some invasion config options
* Specifically the 'no invasions until player colony' and 'no invasions of core worlds' rules
* Strategic AI can act to help allies against a faction not currently hostile to the AI faction
* Adjust some alliance war/peace vote behavior
* On war declaration, add -5 relations padding so random rep gains won't push the faction back over the peace threshold
* Factions that are not at war with each other following a vote should avoid deliberately going to war for some time after
* Add a config option for player special task group maintenance costs
* Player special task groups can use wormholes
* Starlight Cabal from Underworld is now a pickable faction at start
* Marine XP gain from ground battles now based on share of damage dealt
* Change some handling of invasion points to avoid large overdrafts
* Fighting in a system with player outpost doesn't reduce colony crisis points any more
* Added config option for price multiplier in NPC 'buy ships' mission
* Add a settings.json option for pirate/Pather bases to spawn even when their factions are dead
### GUI ###
* Blueprint swap at Prism Freeport gives ship/fighter preview
* Invasion point counter in diplomacy profile and strategic AI page has a breakdown tooltip
### Bugfixes ###
* Fix for AI core drops being reduced by Automated Ships skill (vanilla bug), by Lukas04
* Abyss gate in RAT shouldn't mess with player special task group behavior anymore
* Fix sat bomb events not taking place if invasions are disabled
* Fix a potential crash with IndEvo ambassadors
* Ground battle fixes
* Can no longer join ground battles from the right place in another star system
* Defending ground units with an associated fleet don't lose planet-side bonuses if their fleet is within support range
* IndEvo artillery stations get their faction set correctly on market capture
* Fix intimidate option not working in File Drawer Problem
* Fix Illustrated.Entities incompatibility on captured markets
* Fix some likely mod incompatibilities when modifying NPC fleet join battle behavior
* Fix improper behavior of AI admins when market is captured
* Fix memory leak with custom start fleet
* Remnant dead drop complication fleets are low rep impact, like vanilla
* Some operative actions will auto-abort if target faction is now an ally (unless action is by player)
* Autonomous colonies: Fix temporary control menu breaking in certain cases with multiple pages
* Remove EMP that doesn't actually work from Silverlight's Alicorn
### Misc. ###
* Add projectile trails to Silverlight's Alicorn
* Typo fixes by nissa
### Modding ###
* Various bits of Second in Command compatibility
* Some Strategic AI refactors
* In particular, `reapplyPriorityModifiers` is called from AI module after generation, instead of the concern always having to do it
* Executive module has getters for the number of actions a faction can take per meeting, and the `StatBonus` required to change this
* Reduce the number of libraries needed at compile time
* Removed: ApproLight, Knights Templar, Underworld
* Added: Second in Command
* Custom starts can hide or disable themselves in their script