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Author Topic: [0.97a] Nexerelin v0.11.2c "Concert of Persea" (update 2024-06-15)  (Read 3203456 times)


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Re: [0.95a] Nexerelin v0.10.3c "SpaceLand Battle" (update 2021-09-18)
« Reply #4200 on: November 13, 2021, 05:45:15 PM »

What is the chance of releasing the next version of Nexerelin before 0.95.1?
I was going to make a release this current weekend, but there's still a feature I haven't tested yet and may not for a while, and there's one more small thing I might sneak in too. So it'll have to wait.
No idea when 0.95.1 is coming out, although based on precedent I expect to release before it does anyway!

Regarding further suggestions, can the Negotiator get either a "negotiate ceasefire" or "negotiate peace" option?  I hesitate to suggest this since some sort of political system will prolly eventually be either added to the vanilla game or the mod, but seems kinda odd that my negotiator can't stop a war from being declared (silly me, that'll teach me to have a slightly negative rep).  Balance could be achieved by giving saboteurs a special option for during war to do extra operations/damages (like sabotaging all sensor arrays simultaneously in a faction or something equally useful), while hybrids get the penalty of being a jack of all trades, master of none...
Well there's already the raise relations action, though it's not quite the same thing.
I'll probably put ceasefire offers (like the ones NPC factions make to the player) in the proposed diplomacy update, although they might go into negotiators as an interim measure (not in the immediately coming update, but maybe the one after).


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Re: [0.95a] Nexerelin v0.10.3c "SpaceLand Battle" (update 2021-09-18)
« Reply #4201 on: November 14, 2021, 10:12:52 AM »

VIC satbombing still causes viral contamination even if nex_vicVirusBombChance is set to 0. I'm guessing the VIC mod is checking if Cresil-class is present in the fleet and nex can't really stop that check from happening or something.

JUDGE! slowpersun

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Re: [0.95a] Nexerelin v0.10.3c "SpaceLand Battle" (update 2021-09-18)
« Reply #4202 on: November 14, 2021, 01:29:20 PM »

Regarding further suggestions, can the Negotiator get either a "negotiate ceasefire" or "negotiate peace" option?  I hesitate to suggest this since some sort of political system will prolly eventually be either added to the vanilla game or the mod, but seems kinda odd that my negotiator can't stop a war from being declared (silly me, that'll teach me to have a slightly negative rep).  Balance could be achieved by giving saboteurs a special option for during war to do extra operations/damages (like sabotaging all sensor arrays simultaneously in a faction or something equally useful), while hybrids get the penalty of being a jack of all trades, master of none...
Well there's already the raise relations action, though it's not quite the same thing.
I'll probably put ceasefire offers (like the ones NPC factions make to the player) in the proposed diplomacy update, although they might go into negotiators as an interim measure (not in the immediately coming update, but maybe the one after).

Cool cool.  The war declaration itself likely only occurred because Heg and Persean League were allied at the time, so having such a large alliance prolly triggered the war declaration parameter.  But the war itself was pointless, basically nothing happened and eventually a ceasefire offer was sent while the invasion fleet was en route.  Some Andrew Jackson level nonsense.  And of course the lower relations option can always be used to break up an alliance (which I did), although it does beg a question.  Is it intentional that only one operative works per faction (ie, can't have two operatives running missions against same faction), or is this due some code limitation?  Not that it matters, since at least for breaking up alliances a player can still "double dip" by having an operative do a "lower relations" mission from the side of each faction, but seems odd that multiple operatives can't work on a single faction at once.  Perhaps you already answered this earlier, I vaguely remember something about this on this thread like 40 pages back, but faster to just re-ask...

And finally, although likely again this would end up only being added whenever diplomacy gets added/expanded, but could you add a current war screen option in the intel screen?  Seems the only way to verify who is currently at war with whom is by using the faction options in the intel screen (and just normal intel faction screen, but that only seems to inform a player which factions are hostile with each other, although not literally who is also at war with each other), although dunno whether those are added by vanilla, this mod, or another mod.  Not that it really seems to matter since whoever is at war with whoever right now doesn't matter much (mostly just seems to generate invasion request missions and sector wide bounties offered by some faction), but seems like the main source of info for a player regarding the war and peace declarations are just the normal intel updates that quickly disappear, and also go away after checking recents options in intel screen.  Hopefully easily doable, since the Stellar Networks mod author had to add a bunch of custom code for generating and parsing additional buttons and stuff on intel screen.

Alternatively, I guess would be cool to use the new API stuff being added to allows screens within screens ( to add TVs and a TV news service to the bars, but pretty sure that was already suggested.  Even funnier if you can yell at the bartender to change the channel, but that might not be worth adding directly to this mod (ie, maybe better as separate mod, or a sub-mod).  At least the news service code would basically just restate whatever recent intel exists anyways, other TV channels may vary.  But, seems little point in coding beyond entertainment purposes if a player can check their intel screen anyway (ie, only would be useful if intel update has to come from hearing news story in a bar, but just like with contacts currently, it would become very tedious to have to check bars and hopefully get lucky; just less tedious than having to fly to a specific planet for a contact, but one gets the idea).
I wasn't always a Judge...


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Re: [0.95a] Nexerelin v0.10.3c "SpaceLand Battle" (update 2021-09-18)
« Reply #4203 on: November 14, 2021, 01:46:11 PM »

Thanks, @Histidine for your answer!

I think I have a suggestion, you might find interesting.
It's not a big deal, only builds on a mechanic already part of the game.

Currently, when you explore a planet with decivilized subpopulation there is a chance, that they hail you asking for help, stating that if you give them some stuff they can form a government and rejoin the interstellar community.

I've always felt, that this is a very underused mechanic. Currently, if we lose a planet due to decivilization, we have basically no means to interact with or influence them, not counting the first hail events. Similarly, these planets are permanently absent for the rest of the playthrough, portrayed as actors not having any interest in "re-civilizing".

I would like to think, that IRL any such planet would likely have groups striving to establish a government and reconnect with the interstellar community.

So it would be a nice addition if a planet with decivilized subpopulation (I don't know whether this should work with any such planet or just with player explored ones.) had the chance of reemerging as a new colony after a while. This chance could be slim enough not to occur too often, yet robust enough to make the sector feel more alive.

Colonies re-establishing themselves could be pirate and pather worlds, not just independents, representing the fact that a potential unifier could be (and often should be) a warlord and/or a main driving force behind reemergence is the desire to loot and seize the property of others.


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Re: [0.95a] Nexerelin v0.10.3c "SpaceLand Battle" (update 2021-09-18)
« Reply #4204 on: November 18, 2021, 12:46:02 PM »

I had some thoughts on NPC invasions that I wanted to share, although if there is already a roadmap for changing NPC invasions then perhaps this isn't super relevant:

I quite like the new invasion mini-game, as I feel like invasions taking time feels much better than the legacy instant invasion resolution.

As an example, I was playing the other day and I had just finished an invasion liberating Maraith when a pair of large Hegemony special forces fleets arrived and forced me to retreat. This made me think about what might've happened if they had appeared earlier, perhaps forcing me away during the invasion itself.

From there, I started thinking about NPC invasions and how it would be neat if they also took some time to complete, rather than being resolved instantly.

This would provide an opportunity for other fleets in the system that had initially been out of position, or the player, to disrupt an invasion even after the invasion fleets had arrived and defeated any initial defenders.

Rather than have the NPC invasions use some form of the new mini-game, simply putting the invasion resolution on a timer based on a calculation involving market size, the defensive forces, and the attacking force, might be sufficient.

For example, invading a size 3 market with 100 defence might only take a day, but invading a size 6 market with 3000 defence could take weeks, unless the attacker had a an overwhelming force advantage.

This could be expanded by granting an advantage to the defenders if the invasion fleet(s) were destroyed or forced to retreat during the invasion timer, with an increased advantage based on quickly the invasion was disrupted.

For example, if the invasion will take 10 days and the invasion fleet is forced to retreat on day 9, then the defender would only get a minimal advantage. However, if the invasion fleet was destroyed on day 1 then the defender would get a significant advantage, enough to turn a closely contested invasion into a defensive victory.

I feel that a system similar to what I've described here could improve the verisimilitude of NPC invasions and also provide more opportunities for cool space battles around NPC invasions.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2021, 12:47:49 PM by SoSD »


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Re: [0.95a] Nexerelin v0.10.3c "SpaceLand Battle" (update 2021-09-18)
« Reply #4205 on: November 19, 2021, 12:00:35 AM »

I had some thoughts on NPC invasions that I wanted to share, although if there is already a roadmap for changing NPC invasions then perhaps this isn't super relevant:

I quite like the new invasion mini-game, as I feel like invasions taking time feels much better than the legacy instant invasion resolution.

As an example, I was playing the other day and I had just finished an invasion liberating Maraith when a pair of large Hegemony special forces fleets arrived and forced me to retreat. This made me think about what might've happened if they had appeared earlier, perhaps forcing me away during the invasion itself.

From there, I started thinking about NPC invasions and how it would be neat if they also took some time to complete, rather than being resolved instantly.

This would provide an opportunity for other fleets in the system that had initially been out of position, or the player, to disrupt an invasion even after the invasion fleets had arrived and defeated any initial defenders.

Rather than have the NPC invasions use some form of the new mini-game, simply putting the invasion resolution on a timer based on a calculation involving market size, the defensive forces, and the attacking force, might be sufficient.

For example, invading a size 3 market with 100 defence might only take a day, but invading a size 6 market with 3000 defence could take weeks, unless the attacker had a an overwhelming force advantage.

This could be expanded by granting an advantage to the defenders if the invasion fleet(s) were destroyed or forced to retreat during the invasion timer, with an increased advantage based on quickly the invasion was disrupted.

For example, if the invasion will take 10 days and the invasion fleet is forced to retreat on day 9, then the defender would only get a minimal advantage. However, if the invasion fleet was destroyed on day 1 then the defender would get a significant advantage, enough to turn a closely contested invasion into a defensive victory.

I feel that a system similar to what I've described here could improve the verisimilitude of NPC invasions and also provide more opportunities for cool space battles around NPC invasions.



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Re: [0.95a] Nexerelin v0.10.3d "SpaceLand Battle" (update 2021-11-20)
« Reply #4206 on: November 19, 2021, 10:30:55 PM »

Finally got around to releasing the update. The main feature in this one is that NPCs now also use the new ground battle system (and you can join their battles under the right circumstances).

I like the ideas of having decivilized planets rebuild on their own (maybe not the ones that were already that way at the start of the game, though) and a better GUI for displaying ongoing wars. That'll have to wait till after my break from Starsector, though!

Nexerelin v0.10.3d

### Gameplay ###
* Ground battles
    * Implement ground battles for NPC invasions
        * These will obey the legacyInvasions setting as well
        * Also change invasion marine counts to use a total figure (across all fleets) instead of per-fleet
            * This also affects legacy mode; please inform me if invasion success rate changes significantly
    * Add a sneak attack bonus if player reached the target undetected and without combat
    * Reduce defence bonus of most military structures slightly
    * EW ability reduces effect of ground defenses/heavy batteries by 30% (was 25%)
    * AI adjustments
    * Add a tutorial/story mission
* New game stuff
    * Start with a contact on starting planet
    * Non-random sector: Hegemony starts hostile to League, and Tri-Tachyon to Luddic Church (to mimic vanilla starting hostility events)
    * Random sector/own faction start: Optimize core system finder a bit, don't pick systems with plaguebearer
    * Use a couple more station images in random sector
    * Skip story option starts with the three potential story contacts available
        * Also sets up academy properly, if player should choose to visit
    * "Solo frigate" start renamed to "Frigate (classic)", now includes vanilla tutorial starting frigate pairs
* Rebellion improvements
    * Increase initial strength of rebellions (except those caused by successful invasion)
    * Reduce and cap effect + heavy arms cargo of suppression fleets
    * Instigate rebellion action gets bonus chance of success in 'liberation' cases
        * Initial rebel strength mult for rebellions by market's original faction also applied (with smaller mult) when current faction is not original faction, and rebel faction is a third party
    * Reduce total agent level required for information by 1 for each detail level
        * Now sponsor faction is known at level 1, strength colors at level 2, strength values at level 4
* Add a station construction mission for pirates and Remnants
* Bounties no longer a priority mission for Remnant contact
* Operatives' destroy commodity action stacks between multiple operatives
* Deciv colony 'revival' event is now permanent until accepted; adds an intel event for player to find it again
* Player-requested colony fleets are always from player faction, even if launched from commissioning faction's market
* Get story point refund if officers (mentored and/or with elite skills) are lost
* Add handling for special task groups that have lost their faction
* Hypershunt special encounter has Remnant faction, to avoid some weirdness
* If not killed, hypershunt special encounter will try to hang around the shunt instead of despawning

### GUI ###
* New, improved faction directory
    * Can search for planets with certain industries (heavy industry, fuel production, military base, and IndEvo's academy and restoration docks)
* Ground battle
    * Defence modifiers are shown on unit card
    * Add a settings.json option to include estimated fleet support effect in unit strength display (default off)
    * Operatives can show enemy morale levels
    * Fix text wrapping for some really big numbers
* Rebellions: don't report disruption failure unless event is important to player in some way
* Some image+text elements that had a tooltip for the text now have it applied to the image as well
* Add a continue/leave screen after confirming fleet request, to make it clearer and avoid accidental request stacking
* Put victory intel in story tab instead of its own intel tab

### Text ###
* Fix broken string in agent garrison estimate
* Adjust/fix various bits of dialog
* Remove some bits of debug logging
* Don't print credit loss text on buying governorship, if price is zero
* Fix chance of using predefined alliance name (it claims to be 1 in config but was actually functionally hardcoded to 0.5)
* Dead officer lists are sorted by date of death

### Bugfixes ###
* Ground battles
    * Fix morale effects of hazard rating breaking if any units were undeployed
    * Fix a crash experienced by some users with ground battles on Luddic Church market
    * Fix NPC abilities sometimes breaking
* Fix colonies from colony expedition fleets becoming huge instantly
* Fix VIC using virus bomb when event claims to be a regular sat bomb
* Fix Derelict Empire crash on startup due to heavy industry raiding anti-exploit
* Fix Pather cell infiltrations from internal security mode not actually costing any credits
* Remnant surplus ship offer won't pick non-recoverable ships (e.g. Timeless)
* Alliance sharing of array/buoy effects also applies to player commissioned with an alliance member
* Can't abandon story-critical markets (can cause missions to silently fail to generate)
    * Can be overriden with the `allowInvadeStoryCritical` setting
* Fix the A-Team milestone not being awarded if any player officers are below max level
* Civilian capitals don't count for the 'kill a capital' milestone
* Fix player getting free industries due to queued NPC construction
* Fix CreateAlliance console command not working on player faction

### Modding ###
* Add a `noStartingContacts` setting to faction configs
* New method for how ground battle plugins read defence bonuses (old one is deprecated)
* Prism Freeport checking for HVB completion with Bounties Expanded
* Fix faction config data being duplicated if another mod (i.e. Vayra's Sector) reloads it

Is it intentional that only one operative works per faction (ie, can't have two operatives running missions against same faction), or is this due some code limitation?  Not that it matters, since at least for breaking up alliances a player can still "double dip" by having an operative do a "lower relations" mission from the side of each faction, but seems odd that multiple operatives can't work on a single faction at once.  Perhaps you already answered this earlier, I vaguely remember something about this on this thread like 40 pages back, but faster to just re-ask...
IIRC this was a balance measure to keep player from too freely jacking up their relations with a faction by spamming raise relation actions.


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Re: [0.95a] Nexerelin v0.10.3d "SpaceLand Battle" (update 2021-11-20)
« Reply #4207 on: November 20, 2021, 07:27:59 AM »

As a new modder on the scene I have some small idea and a huge amount of appreciation of the amount of work that was put into this and I just wanted to thank you.


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Re: [0.95a] Nexerelin v0.10.3d "SpaceLand Battle" (update 2021-11-20)
« Reply #4208 on: November 20, 2021, 09:17:38 AM »

Thank you for the update! :)

I like the ideas of having decivilized planets rebuild on their own (maybe not the ones that were already that way at the start of the game, though) and a better GUI for displaying ongoing wars. That'll have to wait till after my break from Starsector, though!
I think that you should let the core worlds re-civilize but make it a Setting so the player can choose how many cycles it takes to even get started.


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Re: [0.95a] Nexerelin v0.10.3d "SpaceLand Battle" (update 2021-11-20)
« Reply #4209 on: November 20, 2021, 10:02:13 AM »

Pretty sure this update broke Yunru's Hullmod expansion - which is unfortunate because built in mod benefits were great


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Re: [0.95a] Nexerelin v0.10.3d "SpaceLand Battle" (update 2021-11-20)
« Reply #4210 on: November 20, 2021, 10:39:07 AM »

You should probably remove the "Traded with enemy" penalty when the said enemy you traded with is your commissioning faction. Because that's just silly - you are supposed to be a member of said faction and your relation score is synched up with theirs. Why would a faction become angered by you and your superiours trading with each other?


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Re: [0.95a] Nexerelin v0.10.3d "SpaceLand Battle" (update 2021-11-20)
« Reply #4211 on: November 20, 2021, 03:02:46 PM »

Pretty sure this update broke Yunru's Hullmod expansion - which is unfortunate because built in mod benefits were great
That's surprising to hear. Is it a crash or just something not working?


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Re: [0.95a] Nexerelin v0.10.3d "SpaceLand Battle" (update 2021-11-20)
« Reply #4212 on: November 20, 2021, 04:59:24 PM »

Pretty sure this update broke Yunru's Hullmod expansion - which is unfortunate because built in mod benefits were great
That's surprising to hear. Is it a crash or just something not working?

I stand corrected, not this update - it's the new ship set mod Kyeltziv Technocracy.  Which is unfortunate because Yunru's Hullmods is pretty much mandatory for me since they ad a ton of depth to the hullmods.  Also, do you guys work with Yunru at all?  Can't locate his content on the forums here anymore, which is weird.

As for what it did, it didn't crash - but when I would load in, only the Navigation hull mod would have its built in bonuses.  All other Hullmods would just have their vanilla effect.  When I disable the faction pack and load the same save, those build in bonuses or maluses are back.  Quite odd given that some mods, such as HMI have their own hull mods which don't benefit from Yunru's build in effects, but the vanilla/supported mods still work fine.  Must be something that's getting over ridden.

Long story short, not ya'lls problem lol.


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Re: [0.95a] Nexerelin v0.10.3d "SpaceLand Battle" (update 2021-11-20)
« Reply #4213 on: November 20, 2021, 06:03:52 PM »

Hotfix for a freeze occurring in games started with previous Nex versions.

Nexerelin v0.10.3e

* Fix hang on generating fleet for an invasion intel that was started in previous version

You should probably remove the "Traded with enemy" penalty when the said enemy you traded with is your commissioning faction. Because that's just silly - you are supposed to be a member of said faction and your relation score is synched up with theirs. Why would a faction become angered by you and your superiours trading with each other?
IIRC, the last time I looked into it, it was too deep in vanilla code for me to want to change. Now I'm not even sure where the code is, though.
Will probably look into it, the rep penalty is indeed silly.


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Re: [0.95a] Nexerelin v0.10.3e "SpaceLand Battle" (hotfix 2021-11-21)
« Reply #4214 on: November 21, 2021, 12:32:20 PM »

I've noticed that compared to 0.10.3c, starting new games as your own faction in 0.10.3e is now much more likely (seemingly 100%) to have you start within the core worlds itself, rather than a random system in a constellation adjacent to the core worlds with a fairly hospitable starting planet. Given the severe lack of habitable but uncolonized core worlds left in the default map, this means you're now much more likely to start with your first colony on an extremely hazardous world, such as a toxic, cryovolcanic, or even gas giant planet. You can then add farmland to your deathly inhospitable world with your starting picks, which is weird.

I preferred the old method of spawning where you could roll the dice on system composition but was mostly guaranteed to start on a fairly decent planet, rather than this version where you're much more likely to start off somewhere harsh, already with hundreds of thousands or even millions of colonists present, while being locked into a small handful of starting systems with known layouts even if random starting location is picked. I'm not sure if this was intended behavior, but I'm hoping in the future, spawn distance from the central cluster might be made into a new game toggle.

Anyway I didn't want to sound too harsh since your mod overall is amazing. I'm really glad to see you working hard to update an awesome project ;D
« Last Edit: November 21, 2021, 12:45:56 PM by vicegrip »
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