Right I have a Write up for new players and also a bug
First off this is not a how to Nexerelin guide but just a guide on the build as it is right now and what set up you need to do to get it working.
Because if you like me read the write up and saw mentions of followers and alliances and other things like it and then when you went to play they didn't show up you may also have been confused as hell so here is the run down
First off were going to edit some config files
if you want to see your own faction in the Intel screen as in the one you made when you colonized a planet (note this is the faction you control "the followers" are part of a different function). Go to the file path \Starsector\starsector-core\data\world\factions where ever you have the game installed and find the player.faction file. Find the line in the file "showInIntelTab":false, and set it to "showInIntelTab":true, they should mirror you own relations but it can help to know who dose and doesn't like you in a simple split list.
Next up go to \Starsector\mods\Nexerelin
and find exerelin_config.json
I would recommend you have a read of this file as it is well documented intently and lets you control lots of things about the world of the game you are now playing but there are some critical settings you will want to look at first off
"followersDiplomacy": true,
I trust the AI so long as I can see them and I can't see the shady deal they did to get me in to this *** alliance so that *** is out
"followersDiplomacy": false,
That being said I would be nice to have some allies so
"factionRuler": false
with this true you can go to the port of a faction who likes you and ask for an alliance under the special functions tab I have been informed it must be a military planet but any how set that to
"factionRuler": true
Right with that out of the way the question still stands what was that part about a different function for "the followers". Well if you use the follow me command or get a fleet to invade somewhere they will be part of the faction "the followers". You can use them in fights to help out just like a normal ally who is in a fight they will deploy first if you attack something when they are following you just make sure they are close enough when you go to fight.
Big thanks to Techpriest over on the starsector discord for helping me find all this stuff and to Histidine for the amazing mod.