Features- 4X game features in Starsector
- Factions will wage war against each other and try to conquer their enemies
- Diplomacy events see faction relationships changing over time
- Join a faction to gain useful support and represent them in war and peace, or start your own
- Alliances offer mutual assistance in times of war
- Planet descriptions can change as territory is won and lost (in development)
- More things to do
- Mine planets and asteroids for useful resources for trade, or some treasure
- Use operatives to subvert other factions to your own ends
- Requisition fleets from your colonies to carry out tasks
- Pay tribute for the right to infringe on factions' territory
- Bring aid to troubled worlds to keep them from decivilization
- Turn in prisoners for reputation or cash
- Browse the Prism Freeport for rare and pricey ships
- Construct remote outposts to aid exploration
- More events
- Remnant raids
- Relief fleets
- Vengeance fleets
- New starting options
- Play in a randomly generated Sector, or travel the star systems seen in vanilla and other mods
- Begin your journey with a range of starting factions and ships
- Gameplay tweaks
- Befriend pirates to lower the effects of their activity on your colonies
- Lower tariffs on trade
- ...and more enhancements
Report issues on GitHubQuick helpAlliancesMiningFaction config filesFAQChangelogSpoiler
## v0.11.3c (2025-01-26) ##
* Fix skip story memory keys and person unhides applying even when that quest not skipped
* Fix crash with Silverlight obtained from Remnant quest skip
* Fix player sometimes starting with colony on free start
* This was caused by having non-core starting worlds enabled in random sector
* Fix alpha core on Ground Defenses/Heavy Batteries reducing garrison size instead of increasing it
* Fix special task groups ignoring their current order to patrol local system
* This was caused by the vanilla 'military response' script when a local raid or similar event was ongoing
* Now only STGs with specific tasks are allowed to join the response
* Fix unrestricted min/max values for NPC buy ship price mult setting
* Follow Me order only lasts 7 days instead of 15 but can be refreshed
* Non-invadable markets show a greyed-out option instead of no option
## v0.11.3b (2024-12-25) ##
* Random sector new game setup fixes
* Make sure gate memflags and transverse jump + neutrino detector are added properly
* Don't apply quest skip memory keys to random sector if inappropriate
* Fix + log recent crashes from operative actions on null market
* Fix AI admin handling on market transfer or granting autonomy
* Fix `invasionOnlyRetake` factions sometimes never launching raids
* Display refund amount if a player fleet request is cancelled
* Final Remnant mission: Un-disrupt Gilead station if needed for final battle
## v0.11.3 "Planet Tales" (2024-11-30) ##
### Changes from beta 0.11.2x ###
* Blockades will end if no markets of the target faction remain in system; capturing a blockaded market will remove the blockade condition
* Player-requested invasion fleets will make the captured markets autonomous if player has no free admins or governing capacity left
* Revoking this autonomy will not cause unrest (once per market)
* Autonomous colony default income mult 0.2 -> 0.25
* Factions don't send suppression fleets if allied with the rebels' sponsor faction
* Player faction (and governed colonies) also don't send any suppression fleets
* Player's autonomous and governed colonies can get Luddic Majority on upsize
* Random sector Kanta's Den is no longer a free port; actually gets its admin
* Contact-buys-ship mission a bit less frequent
* Random sector max planets slider 80 -> 120
* Fix NPE in mission "Salvation" if Eochu Bres is decivilized
* Fix CTD when using story skip with random sector
* Fix excessive rep gain from transferring a rebelling colony to rebel faction
* Fix special task groups not picking new tasks properly
* Attack fleet in mission "Fragments" won't spawn more than 2000 units away
* NPC factions try to avoid colonizing targets of an ongoing mission
* Fix wrong description texts for Mairaath under a different faction
* Add `nex_enableMiningFleets` field to settings.json
* Mining output .csv supports adding new commodities
### Gameplay ###
* Expand the 'skip story' option to support specific amounts of progress, and multiple vanilla/mod quest chains
* Rebellions from low stability should obey some invasion config options
* Specifically the 'no invasions until player colony' and 'no invasions of core worlds' rules
* Strategic AI can act to help allies against a faction not currently hostile to the AI faction
* Adjust some alliance war/peace vote behavior
* On war declaration, add -5 relations padding so random rep gains won't push the faction back over the peace threshold
* Factions that are not at war with each other following a vote should avoid deliberately going to war for some time after
* Add a config option for player special task group maintenance costs
* Player special task groups can use wormholes
* Starlight Cabal from Underworld is now a pickable faction at start
* Marine XP gain from ground battles now based on share of damage dealt
* Change some handling of invasion points to avoid large overdrafts
* Fighting in a system with player outpost doesn't reduce colony crisis points any more
* Added config option for price multiplier in NPC 'buy ships' mission
* Add a settings.json option for pirate/Pather bases to spawn even when their factions are dead
### GUI ###
* Blueprint swap at Prism Freeport gives ship/fighter preview
* Invasion point counter in diplomacy profile and strategic AI page has a breakdown tooltip
### Bugfixes ###
* Fix for AI core drops being reduced by Automated Ships skill (vanilla bug), by Lukas04
* Abyss gate in RAT shouldn't mess with player special task group behavior anymore
* Fix sat bomb events not taking place if invasions are disabled
* Fix a potential crash with IndEvo ambassadors
* Ground battle fixes
* Can no longer join ground battles from the right place in another star system
* Defending ground units with an associated fleet don't lose planet-side bonuses if their fleet is within support range
* IndEvo artillery stations get their faction set correctly on market capture
* Fix intimidate option not working in File Drawer Problem
* Fix Illustrated.Entities incompatibility on captured markets
* Fix some likely mod incompatibilities when modifying NPC fleet join battle behavior
* Fix improper behavior of AI admins when market is captured
* Fix memory leak with custom start fleet
* Remnant dead drop complication fleets are low rep impact, like vanilla
* Some operative actions will auto-abort if target faction is now an ally (unless action is by player)
* Autonomous colonies: Fix temporary control menu breaking in certain cases with multiple pages
* Remove EMP that doesn't actually work from Silverlight's Alicorn
### Misc. ###
* Add projectile trails to Silverlight's Alicorn
* Typo fixes by nissa
### Modding ###
* Various bits of Second in Command compatibility
* Some Strategic AI refactors
* In particular, `reapplyPriorityModifiers` is called from AI module after generation, instead of the concern always having to do it
* Executive module has getters for the number of actions a faction can take per meeting, and the `StatBonus` required to change this
* Reduce the number of libraries needed at compile time
* Removed: ApproLight, Knights Templar, Underworld
* Added: Second in Command
* Custom starts can hide or disable themselves in their script
Note on using Save Transfer (and other console commands)You may want to use the
ResetRelationships command to start with fresh faction relationships (particularly if some factions died in the last run).
SetMarketOwner <market_or_location_name> <faction> command can be used to give a market to another faction (including one not currently alive in the sector).
CreditsZaphide: the original Exerelin
Dark.Revenant: much coding help; SS+ and descendant mod compatibility
LazyWizard: Version Checker, Console Commands, other code
Soren: Player flags
Tartiflette: Prism Freeport
Weezer, Mace: Captured planet descriptions
The SS mod community: various content contributions, tips, pointers and feedback
Zeke "MesoTroniK" W.: Starsector team assistance
Alex, David, Ivaylo, StianStark: Starsector, what keeps us here
And lastly you, for playing this