## v0.11.1 "Clausewitz Protocol" ##
### Changes from beta 0.11.0x ###
* Strategy AI fixes/adjustments
* Don't start wars with negative diplomacy actions if war weariness too high
* Try to fix offensive fleet actions being used against non-hostile markets sometimes
* Add a setting for hiding strategic AI of other factions from intel
* Strategy AI doesn't try to build stuff on player-governed markets (unless AI faction is player)
* Rework ceasefire prevention check, should be more reliable now
* Factions should not ceasefire if military action between the two sides is ongoing, counting allies
* Invasions, raids etc. will not block ceasefire if still in the initial planning stage
* Silverlight DP 80 -> 75 (make it a little easier to use without neural link)
* Academy stipend can be disabled in new game settings
* Personal intel tracks planets surveyed, and shows officer deaths if Price of Command mod is running
* Officer death setting: survival chance also uses crew loss mult modifier
* Destroyed ships still have an officer survival chance if crewLossMult < 1
* Raids no longer attack hidden markets in the target system
* Fixes
* Fix custom starts being broken by new backgrounds feature
* Fix non-transponder cargo scan still checking for heavy arms while commissioned/allied
* Random sector/own faction doesn't put markets on NOT_RANDOM_MISSION_TARGET entities (like Sentinel)
* Fix error from merc fleet gen plugin not being restored on game load
* Fix transmitting update when a rebellion suppression fleet is defeated
* Fix 'alliance offer to own commissionee' bug
* Fix logic for when lower relations action chooses to show min relations
* Fix a rare crash with strategic AI raids
* Try to prevent cases of covert actions targeting self or friendly
* Salvation mission points player more directly to Arroyo
* Wiping out independents no longer removes them from market transfer list
* Show daily invasion point increments in diplomacy profile and strategic AI intel
* [Modding] Reduce priority of our reputation action response plugin, and don't run it unless the action is one we care about
* [Modding] Ground battle features, fixes
* Delegate some GroundUnit functionality to a new, customizable GroundUnitPlugin
* Buttons to create ground unit types can be tied to a player memory key, will be hidden if not present
* This also applies to the commodity amount display for the commodities those units use
* Fix ground units using a bunch of hardcoded stats instead of reading from config
### Gameplay ###
* Develop strategic AI to a releasable state
* This is a "new" gameplay feature that seeks to make NPC factions act in a more goal-directed manner
* Can be enabled in settings (default off)
* Mods can modify or add their own strategic 'concerns' and 'actions' to the system
* Add a new personal background system in new game dialog, by Lukas04
* Add a new Remnant story mission, "File Drawer Problem"
* Rearrange order of Remnant story missions
* Fragments and File Drawer Problem require Welcoming reputation
* Showdown requires Friendly reputation and completing either of the two previous missions
* Salvation requires Cooperative reputation and completing Showdown, will also disable File Drawer Problem once completed
* Gameplay improvements to some Remnant missions
* Notably, Showdown will have strength scaling on both sides to account for variability in the size and number of patrols each nexus has
* Also try to fix janky behavior by the ally fleet in Salvation
* Invasion points are still generated in peacetime, at 25% the base rate
* Invasion point stockpile capped at about 180 days' worth of output for that faction (but will not be less than the points needed to trigger an invasion/raid event)
* Pending a potential broader overhaul of resources available to NPC factions
* Lower ground battledrop cost mults for ground defenses
* Ground def 1.5 -> 1.25
* Heavy batteries and planetary shield 2 -> 1.5
* Prism checks no-sell tag for weapons as well
* Enhanced vanilla systems adjustments
* Tigra City has sparse ore and poor farmland instead of moderate ore
* Eventide has midline instead of high tech battlestation
* Pirate/Pather commissions will mitigate the Hostile Activity contributions from their respective factions
* Player special task groups get a 20% discount on operating expenses
* Revive costs unchanged
* Selling survey data to a faction will increase its chances of being picked for colony expedition
* Faction loses its bonus after being successfully picked
* Add a new game setting to disable having neighbors in own faction start (non-random sector only)
* `invasionPointsPerPlayerLevel` default set to 1 (was previously 1.5, or 2 after being rounded by LunaLib ingame menu config)
* Also fixed value not being read from config file
* Buy ship offer shouldn't pick a Sierra ship
* Pirate activity on NPC markets won't target non-hostile markets
* Remove Luddic Path's factional market condition (+10% accessibility)
* Factions vote yes on alliance vote if their current relationship is the same as the target one
* Can offer RAT abyss cores to the hypershunt discovery encounter
### UI ###
* Invasion point stockpiles are shown in diplomacy profiles and strategy AI intel items
* Faction directory can also print all markets with revanchist claims
* Player auto-move in ground battles has option to allow deploying new units from orbit
* Counter-invasion intel also appears in colony threats
* Ground battle defender strength estimate accounts for modifiers
* Lower sound effect volumes for ground battle outcomes
### Text ###
* Add a bit of gameplay info to "Showdown" and "Salvation" briefing dialogs
* Fix a diplomacy setting description being under the wrong setting
* Fix ceasefire offer intel missing its title
### Bugfixes ###
* Fix crash if have active patrol package but no hostile activity intel
* Fix a brawl mode crash
* Fix ceasefire offer crash if relations are already at max
* Fix a crash that could happen when checking a market's original owner
* Fix crash when using military base starting bonus with own faction start
* Maybe fix fleet event crashes if star system has no jump points
* Crash safety for special task group generation
* Fully fix the issue with special task group ships sometimes losing their variant and requiring a restore
* Fix ground defenses being disabled by ground combat sometimes
* Fix some bugs/exploits with AIM merc companies
* Try to fix recruit operative action sometimes failing
* Fix repeat relations setting not working with lower relations action
* Fix own faction start potentially having both patrol HQ and military base if starting on a moon
* Make random sector's Kanta's Den get appropriate memory flags
* Fix admins disappearing from comm board in faction ruler mode
* Fix heavy industry transfer-and-raid exploit when time isn't advanced
* Fix The Usurpers quest still trying to start in random sector
* When playing music in personal info intel, try to make it go away when done
* Can't loot an industry in ground battle more than once (fixes defender infinite sell–loot exploit)
* Fix AIM anti-piracy package being purchasable when it shouldn't be, if viewing T&C first
* Remove relationship syncing from Derelicts
### User config ###
* Add setting for 'skip story' default to LunaSettings
* Add settings.json option to have no rep penalty with third parties for sat bomb
* Enable indirectly changing the min/max value of LunaConfig settings
* If the value in settings file is lower than min or higher than max defined in code, settings value becomes the new min/max
### Modding ###
* Music tracks not specified in a faction file can be added to music picker in data/config/modSettings.json
* Custom start defs can be added and modified via code
* Arbitrary ground battle plugins can be defined, plugins can execute code on battle generation
* Mods should now be able to add their own operative actions (previously there was no way to add them to the orders dialog)
* Fix Nex_TransferMarket.NO_TRANSFER_FACTIONS being non-mutable
* Fix SectorManager's present factions list never actually losing elements
### Misc ###
* Add GraphicsLib maps for boss ship, by Himemi/Cieve-san