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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Nexerelin v0.11.3c "Planet Tales" (fixes 2025-01-26)  (Read 3606147 times)


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Re: [0.96a] Nexerelin v0.11.0b "Dark Tower" (fixes 2023-06-17)
« Reply #5730 on: January 09, 2024, 07:53:54 PM »

Completely unrelated: Is hegemony supposed to dominate the core sector? I added some extra ship packs, one for each faction, but hegemony always beat them black and blue.

That's the general trend. Winning in relatively vanilla Nex tends to involve spending early game making life difficult for the Hegemony - taking and raiding their less-defended worlds, using operatives to give them more enemies, thwarting their invasions, and so on.

On an unrelated note, do NPC factions have a "budget" of some sort, where the amount of fleets they can send is based on how much income they're making? I've noticed them building mining, refining, and soforth on their colonies. Does this help them at all, aside from their largest individual industries preventing shortages at the military bases and heavy industries, or it essentially just flavor and a way to make taking over their colonies monetarily worthwhile? I know there's an advanced AI now, I'm trying to figure out what its priorities are, relative to the random invasion mechanic it improves over.


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Re: [0.96a] Nexerelin v0.11.0b "Dark Tower" (fixes 2023-06-17)
« Reply #5731 on: January 12, 2024, 11:06:50 AM »

I have selected the option "player faction conducts operative factions" in the settings, and had an operative instigate a rebellion... on my own space station due to "low ship quality concerns". Not sure if it supposed to work like that.


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Re: [0.96a] Nexerelin v0.11.1 "Clausewitz Protocol" (update 2024-01-13)
« Reply #5732 on: January 12, 2024, 08:13:55 PM »

"Release the damn update instead of binging on other games all day"

Right, so here's the belated v0.11.1 update for Nex. For those who haven't been using the Discord betas, the big selling point in this one is that the strategy AI option (which has been in the game for a while now, but was dysfunctional) actually works largely as intended now. It's meant to make factions act in a more goal-directed manner, in particular one that's visible to the player. Not enabled by default, but feel free to turn it on and tell me what you think.

Note: As of the time of writing, the Red/Oculian mod (current version 0.10.0) is not compatible with strategy AI. Workaround: open Oculian Armada\data\config\exerelin\industryClassDefs.csv and remove or #comment out the ocua_orbital_matrix line.

Nexerelin v0.11.1

## v0.11.1 "Clausewitz Protocol" ##
### Changes from beta 0.11.0x ###
* Strategy AI fixes/adjustments
    * Don't start wars with negative diplomacy actions if war weariness too high
    * Try to fix offensive fleet actions being used against non-hostile markets sometimes
    * Add a setting for hiding strategic AI of other factions from intel
    * Strategy AI doesn't try to build stuff on player-governed markets (unless AI faction is player)
* Rework ceasefire prevention check, should be more reliable now
    * Factions should not ceasefire if military action between the two sides is ongoing, counting allies
    * Invasions, raids etc. will not block ceasefire if still in the initial planning stage
* Silverlight DP 80 -> 75 (make it a little easier to use without neural link)
* Academy stipend can be disabled in new game settings
* Personal intel tracks planets surveyed, and shows officer deaths if Price of Command mod is running
* Officer death setting: survival chance also uses crew loss mult modifier
    * Destroyed ships still have an officer survival chance if crewLossMult < 1
* Raids no longer attack hidden markets in the target system
* Fixes
    * Fix custom starts being broken by new backgrounds feature
    * Fix non-transponder cargo scan still checking for heavy arms while commissioned/allied
    * Random sector/own faction doesn't put markets on NOT_RANDOM_MISSION_TARGET entities (like Sentinel)
    * Fix error from merc fleet gen plugin not being restored on game load
    * Fix transmitting update when a rebellion suppression fleet is defeated
    * Fix 'alliance offer to own commissionee' bug
    * Fix logic for when lower relations action chooses to show min relations
   * Fix a rare crash with strategic AI raids
   * Try to prevent cases of covert actions targeting self or friendly
* Salvation mission points player more directly to Arroyo
* Wiping out independents no longer removes them from market transfer list
* Show daily invasion point increments in diplomacy profile and strategic AI intel
* [Modding] Reduce priority of our reputation action response plugin, and don't run it unless the action is one we care about
* [Modding] Ground battle features, fixes
    * Delegate some GroundUnit functionality to a new, customizable GroundUnitPlugin
    * Buttons to create ground unit types can be tied to a player memory key, will be hidden if not present
        * This also applies to the commodity amount display for the commodities those units use
    * Fix ground units using a bunch of hardcoded stats instead of reading from config

### Gameplay ###
* Develop strategic AI to a releasable state
    * This is a "new" gameplay feature that seeks to make NPC factions act in a more goal-directed manner
    * Can be enabled in settings (default off)
    * Mods can modify or add their own strategic 'concerns' and 'actions' to the system
* Add a new personal background system in new game dialog, by Lukas04
* Add a new Remnant story mission, "File Drawer Problem"
* Rearrange order of Remnant story missions
    * Fragments and File Drawer Problem require Welcoming reputation
    * Showdown requires Friendly reputation and completing either of the two previous missions
    * Salvation requires Cooperative reputation and completing Showdown, will also disable File Drawer Problem once completed
* Gameplay improvements to some Remnant missions
    * Notably, Showdown will have strength scaling on both sides to account for variability in the size and number of patrols each nexus has
    * Also try to fix janky behavior by the ally fleet in Salvation
* Invasion points are still generated in peacetime, at 25% the base rate
* Invasion point stockpile capped at about 180 days' worth of output for that faction (but will not be less than the points needed to trigger an invasion/raid event)
    * Pending a potential broader overhaul of resources available to NPC factions
* Lower ground battledrop cost mults for ground defenses
    * Ground def 1.5 -> 1.25
    * Heavy batteries and planetary shield 2 -> 1.5
* Prism checks no-sell tag for weapons as well
* Enhanced vanilla systems adjustments
    * Tigra City has sparse ore and poor farmland instead of moderate ore
    * Eventide has midline instead of high tech battlestation
* Pirate/Pather commissions will mitigate the Hostile Activity contributions from their respective factions
* Player special task groups get a 20% discount on operating expenses
    * Revive costs unchanged
* Selling survey data to a faction will increase its chances of being picked for colony expedition
    * Faction loses its bonus after being successfully picked
* Add a new game setting to disable having neighbors in own faction start (non-random sector only)
* `invasionPointsPerPlayerLevel` default set to 1 (was previously 1.5, or 2 after being rounded by LunaLib ingame menu config)
    * Also fixed value not being read from config file
* Buy ship offer shouldn't pick a Sierra ship
* Pirate activity on NPC markets won't target non-hostile markets
* Remove Luddic Path's factional market condition (+10% accessibility)
* Factions vote yes on alliance vote if their current relationship is the same as the target one
* Can offer RAT abyss cores to the hypershunt discovery encounter

### UI ###
* Invasion point stockpiles are shown in diplomacy profiles and strategy AI intel items
* Faction directory can also print all markets with revanchist claims
* Player auto-move in ground battles has option to allow deploying new units from orbit
* Counter-invasion intel also appears in colony threats
* Ground battle defender strength estimate accounts for modifiers
* Lower sound effect volumes for ground battle outcomes

### Text ###
* Add a bit of gameplay info to "Showdown" and "Salvation" briefing dialogs
* Fix a diplomacy setting description being under the wrong setting
* Fix ceasefire offer intel missing its title

### Bugfixes ###
* Fix crash if have active patrol package but no hostile activity intel
* Fix a brawl mode crash
* Fix ceasefire offer crash if relations are already at max
* Fix a crash that could happen when checking a market's original owner
* Fix crash when using military base starting bonus with own faction start
* Maybe fix fleet event crashes if star system has no jump points
* Crash safety for special task group generation
* Fully fix the issue with special task group ships sometimes losing their variant and requiring a restore
* Fix ground defenses being disabled by ground combat sometimes
* Fix some bugs/exploits with AIM merc companies
* Try to fix recruit operative action sometimes failing
* Fix repeat relations setting not working with lower relations action
* Fix own faction start potentially having both patrol HQ and military base if starting on a moon
* Make random sector's Kanta's Den get appropriate memory flags
* Fix admins disappearing from comm board in faction ruler mode
* Fix heavy industry transfer-and-raid exploit when time isn't advanced
* Fix The Usurpers quest still trying to start in random sector
* When playing music in personal info intel, try to make it go away when done
* Can't loot an industry in ground battle more than once (fixes defender infinite sell–loot exploit)
* Fix AIM anti-piracy package being purchasable when it shouldn't be, if viewing T&C first
* Remove relationship syncing from Derelicts

### User config ###
* Add setting for 'skip story' default to LunaSettings
* Add settings.json option to have no rep penalty with third parties for sat bomb
* Enable indirectly changing the min/max value of LunaConfig settings
    * If the value in settings file is lower than min or higher than max defined in code, settings value becomes the new min/max

### Modding ###
* Music tracks not specified in a faction file can be added to music picker in data/config/modSettings.json
* Custom start defs can be added and modified via code
* Arbitrary ground battle plugins can be defined, plugins can execute code on battle generation
* Mods should now be able to add their own operative actions (previously there was no way to add them to the orders dialog)
* Fix Nex_TransferMarket.NO_TRANSFER_FACTIONS being non-mutable
* Fix SectorManager's present factions list never actually losing elements

### Misc ###
* Add GraphicsLib maps for boss ship, by Himemi/Cieve-san

I have selected the option "player faction conducts operative factions" in the settings, and had an operative instigate a rebellion... on my own space station due to "low ship quality concerns". Not sure if it supposed to work like that.
Oh dear. I think I fixed it in the update, at least.

On an unrelated note, do NPC factions have a "budget" of some sort, where the amount of fleets they can send is based on how much income they're making? I've noticed them building mining, refining, and soforth on their colonies. Does this help them at all, aside from their largest individual industries preventing shortages at the military bases and heavy industries, or it essentially just flavor and a way to make taking over their colonies monetarily worthwhile? I know there's an advanced AI now, I'm trying to figure out what its priorities are, relative to the random invasion mechanic it improves over.
There's a budget in one respect: invasion points (and a couple of other things that involve fleet spawning) are generated based on colonies' availability and source (import, in-faction, or onsite production) of commodities. Supplies, fuel, marines, heavy armaments, ship parts. There's no budget for industry construction however, nor for other things like operative actions.

With the strategy AI (in v0.11.1 or the preceding betas) invasions and industry construction will have a defined goal which can be seen in the strategy AI intel, or the action's own intel item if applicable.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2024, 05:59:22 PM by Histidine »


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Re: [0.96a] Nexerelin v0.11.1 "Clausewitz Protocol" (update 2024-01-13)
« Reply #5733 on: January 12, 2024, 09:18:28 PM »

I've been using the beta for awhile now. Is it safe to install over in a running save using the beta? And does Strategic AI need a new game to to enable?
Wort wort wort


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Re: [0.96a] Nexerelin v0.11.1 "Clausewitz Protocol" (update 2024-01-13)
« Reply #5734 on: January 12, 2024, 10:38:28 PM »

It's compatible with the beta and (mostly) with 0.11.0b yeah. Strategic AI can be turned on and off midgame (but will require saving and reloading to take effect).


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Re: [0.96a] Nexerelin v0.11.1 "Clausewitz Protocol" (update 2024-01-13)
« Reply #5735 on: January 12, 2024, 10:38:39 PM »

I believe (I hope!) that there is a bug with outposts productivity. I made one something like one year ago, and it has been filled to the brim with Supply (+7500), Fuel (+10000), Transplutonics (+1000), Volatiles (+1000) !
I would say at most 10% of that per year would be enough ...
Edit: I was running the version before Clausewitz.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2024, 10:48:19 PM by vorpal+5 »


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Re: [0.96a] Nexerelin v0.11.1 "Clausewitz Protocol" (update 2024-01-13)
« Reply #5736 on: January 12, 2024, 10:54:02 PM »

Precisions, I checked and my outpost produces 28 supply per day! As for transplutonics, it seems to be between 3 and 10 units per day...

If you can point me in your mod where are the coefficients, I think I'll tweak it down to 10% of the current rate, for my run. I prefer not to install Clausewitz now (and anyway IDK if it fixed the issue).


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Re: [0.96a] Nexerelin v0.11.1 "Clausewitz Protocol" (update 2024-01-13)
« Reply #5737 on: January 13, 2024, 12:43:54 AM »

That's the vanilla behavior of a (player) market with a Waystation. But it'll cost credits to take stuff out of the stockpile, same as with a player colony.

Altering the amounts stocked requires editing the mod code (could also override it from another mod, although this may not affect existing outposts in the save).
If you want to mess with it, it's in exerelin.campaign.submarkets.Nex_LocalResourcesSubmarketPlugin; add an override for getStockpilingAddRateMult, or insert a multiplier into the existing code for getStockpileLimit.


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Re: [0.96a] Nexerelin v0.11.1 "Clausewitz Protocol" (update 2024-01-13)
« Reply #5738 on: January 13, 2024, 01:45:06 AM »

The music that play through Personal tab no longer play indefinitely in v0.11.1. It is not that big of an issue but I usually use it to play something else while I'm sit in the market refitting my fleet (especially Indie market because their ost is so mindnumbling).


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Re: [0.96a] Nexerelin v0.11.1 "Clausewitz Protocol" (update 2024-01-13)
« Reply #5739 on: January 13, 2024, 02:04:00 AM »

That's the vanilla behavior of a (player) market with a Waystation. But it'll cost credits to take stuff out of the stockpile, same as with a player colony.

Altering the amounts stocked requires editing the mod code (could also override it from another mod, although this may not affect existing outposts in the save).
If you want to mess with it, it's in exerelin.campaign.submarkets.Nex_LocalResourcesSubmarketPlugin; add an override for getStockpilingAddRateMult, or insert a multiplier into the existing code for getStockpileLimit.

Oh ok ... The issue also is that they merged what I deposited as a last reserve (I play with Adjusted Sector and a greatly increased size, plus the mod where unprotected fuel is sucked away at 400%) and it seems it's now all pooled into the same reserve. I did not check if I would not pay for what I put and only pay for the extra I'll pull out though.

That's a bit insane to see 7500 supplies on a quite minor and very distant outpost, but if it's in vanilla ... I'll add house rules. Thanks.


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Re: [0.96a] Nexerelin v0.11.1 "Clausewitz Protocol" (update 2024-01-13)
« Reply #5740 on: January 13, 2024, 03:39:04 AM »

If it help easing your mind, it is no different than putting down a size 3 colony there and only build the Waystation on it. Outpost is a size 3 colony that can't do colony stuff after all.


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Re: [0.96a] Nexerelin v0.11.1 "Clausewitz Protocol" (update 2024-01-13)
« Reply #5741 on: January 13, 2024, 04:36:49 AM »

There is no possibility to dismantle a building once it is up? In my mind, outposts are storage locations, my sector map is very large (4x the surface of the normal one) so it kills a bit immersion (and defeat partially the exploration feeling I'm looking for), if I can drop an outpost and know a practically endless amount of supply and fuel is readily available.

Or perhaps I can find where in the code is added to this "pseudo" size 3 colony a waystation, and makes it more barebone?

At worst I'll only use and consider existing the storage tab!
« Last Edit: January 13, 2024, 05:35:34 AM by vorpal+5 »


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Re: [0.96a] Nexerelin v0.11.1 "Clausewitz Protocol" (update 2024-01-13)
« Reply #5742 on: January 13, 2024, 09:47:12 AM »

I did not check if I would not pay for what I put and only pay for the extra I'll pull out though.
That is exactly how that works, per vanilla. If you put stuff in, you can take it out again for free. (Of course, figuring out how much you put in is an annoying process of picking up some, seeing if that's free or not, possibly adjusting how much you're picking up, etc.)

(Unless it got consumed, which presumably won't happen for outposts, but can happen for colonies if you toggle on "use stockpiles during shortages".)
Wyvern is 100% correct about the math.

Simbach Vazo

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Re: [0.96a] Nexerelin v0.11.1 "Clausewitz Protocol" (update 2024-01-13)
« Reply #5743 on: January 13, 2024, 10:00:25 AM »

Nexerelin v0.11.0b

Update post for 11.1 says 11.0b, if that was unintentional
« Last Edit: January 13, 2024, 01:39:10 PM by Simbach Vazo »
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We moddin' up in dis 'oe.


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Re: [0.96a] Nexerelin v0.11.1 "Clausewitz Protocol" (update 2024-01-13)
« Reply #5744 on: January 13, 2024, 11:39:53 AM »

i am sure this has been asked a few times but i am trying to do a run as my own faction from the beginning but with modded factions added i want to start with a small fleet of specific ships from my mods how would i add them to the selection of available ships when doing a custom start fleet? i only show vanilla ships
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