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Author Topic: Add more energy weapons to open market.  (Read 4235 times)


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Add more energy weapons to open market.
« on: October 29, 2014, 09:00:33 AM »

While open market has a viable, if limited, selection of ballistics and missiles, the only energy weapon I have seen is mining laser, and even that is too rare (and too underpowered).

Mules are sold in open market, but without any energy medium weapons available (until player befriends a faction), player either needs to loot one from pirates or go to a black market.  Without a medium energy weapon, Mule is worse than other freighters.

Since mining laser is open market, I suggest adding mining blaster to the open market.  Where are miners getting their tools-of-the-trade?  Military?  Black Market?  Also, maybe add a few others like (red) PD and/or tactical lasers.

Lord Sputnik

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Re: Add more energy weapons to open market.
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2014, 11:44:26 AM »

The Black Market is the best place for those when you can't seem to get them in the open Market.  It does seem to spawn some weapons sparsely but considering how strong they can be I can understand it.

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Re: Add more energy weapons to open market.
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2014, 04:01:38 AM »

You dont' want medium weapons from pirate loot nor from black macket. I guess you decide to play the game in a "light path". But why do you need medium weapons and combat freighters (not pure freighter with PD)? You want to fight. At least when someone tries to rob you, you will fight back.

Then fight pirate fleet and take their weapons. You are still in the light path.


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Re: Add more energy weapons to open market.
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2014, 04:57:17 AM »

Mining blaster not being an open market weapon does seem strange.

Since PD lasers are a self-defence weapon they might also reasonably be open market.


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Re: Add more energy weapons to open market.
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2014, 06:13:55 AM »

The suggestion is for early game, for players who have not yet built up enough reputation at any faction to buy anything useful, and do not want to trade at the black market (because they want to roleplay an honest trader and not min-max the game, or not risk reputation hit when gaining it is paramount to unlock stuff).


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Re: Add more energy weapons to open market.
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2014, 10:38:29 AM »

I wouldn't mind having more types of energy weapons to be honest, there isn't a very broad selection currently.


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Re: Add more energy weapons to open market.
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2014, 12:33:12 PM »

I definitely think the markets need to have a larger stock, and cycle more frequently.

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Re: Add more energy weapons to open market.
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2014, 01:26:45 PM »

I definitely think the markets need to have a larger stock, and cycle more frequently.

Ditto to both. The present scarcity is in no way "fun" to me - doubly so concerning the lack of energy weapons (even the less-useful ones are hella hard to get).
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Re: Add more energy weapons to open market.
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2014, 05:33:02 AM »

I also prefer to see markets delineated by intended use rather than weapon type or size.

That way when the player manages to put together a servicable combat cruiser out of something that ought to be a freighter, armed with mining tools and a repurposed drone launcher and proceeds to defeat the hegemony defense fleet with it (it's probably Gothars or Megas doing this, at a guess), then they feel awesome and it makes the accomplishment feel a lot more impressive.


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Re: Add more energy weapons to open market.
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2014, 12:00:04 PM »

That way when the player manages to put together a servicable combat cruiser out of something that ought to be a freighter, armed with mining tools and a repurposed drone launcher and proceeds to defeat the hegemony defense fleet with it (it's probably Gothars or Megas doing this, at a guess), then they feel awesome and it makes the accomplishment feel a lot more impressive.
Oh, man, that brings back memories... totally not doable in this game, but I remember playing EVN and finding that, with enough effort, the completely unarmed Polaris medium freighter could be turned into a seriously powerful battlecruiser... that still had enough cargo space left to, in one freight run, pay for its entire ammunition supply.  Of course, it helped that even unarmed civilian polaris vessels had shield strength on par with military ships from other factions...

I wonder how hard it would be to get some of that feel for a ship in Starsector?  I'll have to think about that.
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Re: Add more energy weapons to open market.
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2014, 03:04:36 PM »

I also prefer to see markets delineated by intended use rather than weapon type or size.

That way when the player manages to put together a servicable combat cruiser out of something that ought to be a freighter, armed with mining tools and a repurposed drone launcher and proceeds to defeat the hegemony defense fleet with it (it's probably Gothars or Megas doing this, at a guess), then they feel awesome and it makes the accomplishment feel a lot more impressive.
I could get by to that. PD weapons (except burst PDs, which are mil-spec) should be available to the open market. Pilums, Salamanders, and Annihilators are still open market, since they are intended to keep pursuers at bay. Harpoons? That's mil-spec.


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Re: Add more energy weapons to open market.
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2014, 03:12:03 PM »

That way when the player manages to put together a servicable combat cruiser out of something that ought to be a freighter, armed with mining tools and a repurposed drone launcher and proceeds to defeat the hegemony defense fleet with it (it's probably Gothars or Megas doing this, at a guess), then they feel awesome and it makes the accomplishment feel a lot more impressive.
Oh, man, that brings back memories... totally not doable in this game, but I remember playing EVN and finding that, with enough effort, the completely unarmed Polaris medium freighter could be turned into a seriously powerful battlecruiser... that still had enough cargo space left to, in one freight run, pay for its entire ammunition supply.  Of course, it helped that even unarmed civilian polaris vessels had shield strength on par with military ships from other factions...

I wonder how hard it would be to get some of that feel for a ship in Starsector?  I'll have to think about that.
I don't think it'd be all that difficult to do it, if you can make hull mods require certain other hull mods before they can be mounted. What you'd want is a ship that has all the weapon mounts you want and which has a decent amount of cargo space, and does not have the ordnance points to fill its weapon mounts or the flux stats to use many of them effectively. You'd also have a built-in hull mod that allows the improvement hull mods (or, failing that, every hull that you don't want to be able to do this with has a built-in hull mod that prevents the improvement hull mods), and then a bunch of improvement hull mods that give you the ordnance points and flux stats to use the weapon mounts that the ship has.

Take, for example, the Atlas superfreighter. It has 45 ordnance points available, and kind of crappy flux stats. Let's say you gave it a large ballistic mount on the bow and on the stern with decent arcs, and put three medium ballistics down each side of the ship, and put a small mount between each larger mount (so 8 small ballistics). The Atlas doesn't have the stats to use basically any of this stuff. You'll also give it a built-in hull mod, say a Polaris Reactor, that enables the enhancement hull mods. Maybe one of them could trade a few hundred cargo capacity for a few hundred ordnance points, another could trade a bit of cargo capacity for a decent shield generator, another could trade a bit of cargo capacity for improved flux capacity and venting, and another could trade a bit more cargo capacity for a decent amount of speed and maneuverability. You'd be left with something like a poor man's Conquest (or a poor man's Odyssey, since it has a flight deck) that relies on its shields and its speed to be effective since the hull can't really take any hits.