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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)


Increase OP on some frigates (counterparts of vanilla frigates)

Yes, please up the OP
- 87 (75%)
No, leave it as it is now
- 24 (20.7%)
No, other...
- 5 (4.3%)

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Author Topic: [0.8.1a] Tore Up Plenty - Vanilla Friendly Mod - Campaign+Nexerelin  (Read 417620 times)


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That's very strange.  I started a game with Nex in Corvus mode and no extra factions other than Scavengers, playing as Tri-Tachyon, and invaded the Scrapyard a couple of times.  The first time I gave myself a bunch of marines and allied fleets and conducted the invasion personally, the second time I requested an AI invasion fleet.  Neither a player-led nor AI invasion caused double markets.

I don't know if there's just a small chance that this can happen or if it's some bizarre interaction between TUP and another mod.  Although conducting this test showed me a different oddity: the shipbreaking facility still belongs to the Scavengers even if the rest of the market doesn't.  I suppose Tri-Tachyon and other possible conquering factions wouldn't really share the Scavengers' interest in scrapped ships though.

King Alfonzo

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Although conducting this test showed me a different oddity: the shipbreaking facility still belongs to the Scavengers even if the rest of the market doesn't.  I suppose Tri-Tachyon and other possible conquering factions wouldn't really share the Scavengers' interest in scrapped ships though.

Yeah, that can happen if you do the coding in a certain way; it's how CABAL and GMDA markets aren't affected by market take overs, and they remain CABAL and GMDA aligned.


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Phew, that took a while. Ok I finally spotted the mod that is creating this strange reaction with Tore Up Plenty! It is Neutrino Corp. It does not matter if the game is vanilla or Nexerelin.

It happens with

or without Nexerelin.
Ignorance is bliss..


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Good news Weltall, I figured it out.  When I looked at the station generation code for the original TUP months ago, I noticed that Neutrino's world gen code was the only mod code I could find that resembled it and ended up using it as a reference to get the old code working.  The problem is that I used the same name ("CorvusAddon") that Neutrino uses, so if both mods are running at the same time the TUP Corvus generation code will get run twice which creates two Scrapyards right on top of each other (and incidentally Neutrino's Corvus generation code won't get run at all, so the Neutrino solar powerplant won't appear in Corvus).  Long story short, I would have saved myself a lot of trouble if I rewrote this instead of trying to shoehorn in the existing code.  Renaming CorvusAddon solved the problem for now.

TUP V7e fixed

Some other modders have been giving me advice and I think long-term I will add a couple of new star systems and move the Scrapyard to one of those.  The Scavengers being in Corvus is a holdover from the days when Corvus was the only system in the game.  Erick Doe wrote In Aurora's Shadow which provides a nice backstory for the Iota system where the TUP standalone missions take place.  Perhaps Iota will be implemented in the main campaign in the future.


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Since I just finished my current game, I started a new heavily modded game with Tore Up Plenty. Works like a charm! Thank you so much for fixing and updating this CaptainWinky! Really appreciate it =) I am really glad you found the cause of the problem and fixed it!
Ignorance is bliss..


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One more thing, I was playing with a greatly reduced number of Scavenger ships while trying to balance ships and think of things to change or replace.  The version you downloaded has my modified faction file in it that won't spawn many of the ships in Scavenger markets.  Fortunately that's an easy fix and you don't need to start a new game, just unzip this over your TUP directory.  The full assortment of ships will show up when the markets update.

Faction file

The full download has been fixed as well.


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Thanks again CaptainWinky. I decided to play Paper's Please to take a break, so either way I can use the updated file from the beginning =) I am grateful you went out of your way to make a patch!
Ignorance is bliss..

Erick Doe

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Actually, the Iota system did exist in game for a while. Back then I modded the Corvus system and changed it into a completely new system with its own planets, stations and factions.

It’s true that the mission also took place in the context of this system. Well spotted.

I will update the main post's download link and description. Thanks again for your work CaptainWinky.


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After taking some time to play the new version of vanilla Starsector, I decided it was high time for an update.  First off I've added Version Checker support and changed version numbering a little.  Instead of making this V8 I'm calling it 0.8 to correspond roughly with the current version of SS.  Secondly, I've brought the Iota system into the campaign!

The Qat system near Iota is the new home of the Scavengers.  They still maintain their existing station in Corvus but have expanded out to the frontier to avoid getting too much attention from the major factions.  The planet Marawa is now their main shipyard.  Both Marawa and the original Scrapyard have shipbreaking facilities.  You will not get as much rep for ship donations as in the previous version now that hulls are easier to come by--currently you will get 1/2/4/6 rep points depending on ship size.

Full list of changes:
Version 0.8
+ changed version numbering, added Version Checker support
+ added two new systems, Iota and Qat.  Qat's Marawa market has a shipbreaking facility like the Scrapyard
+ gave most ships at least 10% extra OP to compensate for skill tree changes
+ added Surveying Equipment hullmod to Void
+ edited variants to tweak hullmods and increase vents/caps where possible
+ flux dissipation on shieldless frigates (Foxhound, Wolfpack, etc.) has been buffed
+ tweaked carriers and fighters to work with new fighter bay system
+ changed Thunderchild's terminator drone system to PD drones
+ removed Raider Mk1, Mk2 is now renamed Raider
+ removed Mk2 ships from faction files (can still spawn in missions, sim, or via cheats)
+ removed Reinforced Corridors hullmod
+ nerfed rep boosts from shipbreaking facilities since hulks are much easier to come by
+ Corvus Scavengers are now hostile to pirates by default, inhospitable towards Hegemony, suspicious toward Tri-tach
+ small changes to existing descriptions, added flavor text for Scavenger comms and AI core exchange
+ removed some fighter wings in missions, replaced Afflictors in Broken Avenue with pirate Kites

Note that ships with Repair Gantry (specifically, the Overlord) now have a Salvage Gantry instead.  This means the Overlord should be very nice for exploration missions as soon as you can afford its supply and fuel upkeep.

I reduced the number of ships available to the Scavengers in the campaign to hopefully iron out balance issues.  Any suggestions regarding ship stats would be appreciated, as balancing is a never-ending process.  The Mk2 ships could come back or maybe replace their Mk1 variants depending on how the current ship distribution works out.  I'm sure I need to rework fighters some more...we'll see how SS 0.8.1 changes fighter mechanics.

Download Tore Up Plenty 0.8.0a
« Last Edit: May 15, 2017, 06:35:42 AM by CaptainWinky »


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*Polite Applause*


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Quick update to fix some issues.

0.8.0a full
0.8 to 0.8.0a patch

Version 0.8.0a
+ changed cargo and fuel capacity for several frigates
+ reduced frequency of Scavenger ships in independent and pirate fleets
+ fixed Marawa market to avoid weird fuel prices

Erick Doe

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Good work. I will update the OP link soon.


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Am i get right understanding - TUP is updated for 0.8a???


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Probably wanna update the OP soon
May the fry be with you.
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