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Author Topic: BattleFleet Gothic (Starsector 0.54.2) [ON HIATUS]  (Read 272237 times)


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Re: BattleFleet Gothic (Starsector 0.54.2)
« Reply #255 on: November 27, 2013, 12:24:09 AM »

Yeah better to run off a new system so you can add any damn race you please because you know someones going to get mad if it doesnt add up man!


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Re: BattleFleet Gothic (Starsector 0.54.2)
« Reply #256 on: November 27, 2013, 09:33:14 AM »

Pelhmads said it all. Just invent a new random sector with everyone happily bludgeoning together, a bit like the Kaurava system in DoW Soulstorm.


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Re: BattleFleet Gothic (Starsector 0.54.2)
« Reply #257 on: November 27, 2013, 01:11:04 PM »

I'll write up some lore fluff then and post it on here.


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Re: BattleFleet Gothic (Starsector 0.54.2)
« Reply #258 on: November 27, 2013, 11:25:15 PM »

This is awesome!


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Re: BattleFleet Gothic (Starsector 0.54.2)
« Reply #259 on: November 28, 2013, 03:23:37 AM »

Hows this?

The Imperium of man a endless orginsied chaos of worlds, warzones and destruction, among these inumarable worlds, stories and legends there are a few world among these that stand out above the rest as places of holy grace given by the Emperor himself.

One such case is the [Aurora Chaoticum] Sector, long isolated from the Imperium by Warp storms that lasted for a millennia the abandoned inhabitants themselves did not know that the Horus Heresy had ended.Continuing the struggle ever since their isolation, this was seen itself in the large amount of Chaos infesting the Sector: both vile traitor Marines and Eldar Corsairs raiding the isolated left colony of [Benevolent Light]. A Imperial Crusade of a Horus Heresy proportions arrived in this Sector to claim this sector back for the Emperor through Bolter and Sword.

The Imperium and Chaos were not the only inhabitants of this outcast Sector, among the sectors one long thought unreachable through the swirls of the warp became suddenly accessable unfortunatley for the Imperial scouting force the inhabitants had just awoken from their long sleep: the Necrontyr had risen and wanted to reclaim their Sector through force...with these old warriors awoken so came the Eldar through the webway to fight their ancient foe once again. [Kalypso] was that sectors name reflects the capricious nature of this sector and entraps many a man.

The T'au themselves came upon this Sector in the their 4th Phase Expansion fleets, innumerable ships, transports and their vile Kroot allies took the now renamed [Xeno Hive] for themselves and sent out dozens of fleets into the neighbouring systems to take this whole Sector for the welcoming T'au Empire.

The Orks of course ever present took this opportunity to infest every sector with their rusted and smoking ships, these Freebooterz raided the whole Sector indiscriminately. Why should they do this? It seems that it is more fun to have a eternal battle than take over a Sector to them....

This already tortured sector does not have a good fate as the Great Screech of the Hive mind blasts itself into the Astropaths minds driving many insane calling out that the Emperor must be punishing them to send these beasts to devour them...[Hive Fleet Cthulhu] is rapidly approaching to eat. 


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Re: BattleFleet Gothic (Starsector 0.54.2)
« Reply #260 on: November 28, 2013, 03:44:19 PM »

Good thing you posted this here and not on the Dakka forum, there you would have been murdered for every fluff errors. ;D

Ok so the fluff. First, An imperial crusade of Horus Heresy proportion is extremely unlikely if not technically impossible, especially for a single sector. The Horus heresy almost mobilized the entire Imperial fleet in the Galaxy, so no need to go into hyperbole here. Just say a crusade fleet, no need to quantify.

Necrontyrs died millions years ago, now they are Necrons.

Didnd't undersand this sentence:

[Kalypso] was that sectors name reflects the capricious nature of this sector and entraps many a man.

Also this one:

took the now renamed [Xeno Hive] for themselves

And for the Nyds, an old hive fleet tendril can do the job as well rather than inventing a new hive fleet that never appeared in the fluff yet.

If you need inspirations for the sectors/planets names, look here:

Nothing big, just small details that i noticed.


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Re: BattleFleet Gothic (Starsector 0.54.2)
« Reply #261 on: November 29, 2013, 01:24:27 AM »

Kalypso or Calypso a Greek goddess who ensnared Odysseus on her Island for a few years and a bewitching woman therefore represents the Eldar and the deadliness of allure of the Necron technology that many Imperial, Ork and Xeno have tried to gain. 

Awwww I like hyperbole....its what is in a lot of the WH40K novels I have read massive sweeping statements :P But I will change it to something else (Grrrr)

The Necrons can be referred to as either Necrons or Necrotyr as the Space Marines and Inquisition do so - Source a few Novels.

Could not be bothered with the last name so came up with a *** one :P probably will rename it [Odiphon] or [Dalmarous]


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Re: BattleFleet Gothic (Starsector 0.54.2)
« Reply #262 on: November 30, 2013, 09:38:59 AM »

@HELMUT ive created another DEV build for 0.6, could you add all the artwork youve done so we can start adding the ships, also are you going to do a revisit on the ork weapons and ship?


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Re: BattleFleet Gothic (Starsector 0.54.2)
« Reply #263 on: November 30, 2013, 09:45:34 AM »

For the current artworks, i have to said i haven't done much (read: at all) since my last batch of ships, still have to remake the bridge on the smaller ships. I was kinda busy with other works. The sprites posted on the forum are already PNG so they should work for now.

I'll eventually try to do some stuffs on the Orks. Even though i prefer to see a playable version first before i start to work.


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Re: BattleFleet Gothic (Starsector 0.54.2)
« Reply #264 on: November 30, 2013, 09:55:42 AM »

Thats what im trying to add here, but ill need a few ships in, the weapons art seem to be done from what i understood, a playable should be rather fast to add btw, im just adding a few general scripts that will help out in the long run for factions and relationships.

EDIT: having a specific channel for this mod on skype might help as well
« Last Edit: November 30, 2013, 09:57:33 AM by silentstormpt »


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Re: BattleFleet Gothic (Starsector 0.54.2) [ON HIATUS]
« Reply #265 on: January 04, 2014, 02:01:28 PM »

Been thinking on how would the ship stats, sizes and combat would be interesting on the mod, ive been doing some research on all the ships used on the board game:

Combat will be based on lowering Shields to bypass defenses, weapons have infinite ammo, with the exception of the mass destruction weapons and torpedoes, only shields produce flux, cd and RoF is the major balance on the weapons stats since their ammo pools are limitless.

Void Shields are not an absolute defense and cant just "brush off" huge damage weapons like torpedoes, so some damage bypasses shields.

All weapons are Energy based since theres no ammo types on the BFG board game.


I expect battle becomes sluggish in 1v1s making focus firing and heavy hitting weapons very important, but you can force a enemy to overload or vent and decimate him while he cant activate hes defenses. A Crit system will also be used to make sure, elite crews become more important asset to have.


So far, sounds are from DoW2, but since those are from a game, they need to be altered to prevent copyright issues (they needed to be altered anyway), these weapons are huge, some can be KM's in size, they must have that feel of firing a WW2 giant cannon that will spit a shell capable of nuking a enemy.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 02:08:15 PM by silentstormpt »


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Re: BattleFleet Gothic (Starsector 0.54.2) [ON HIATUS]
« Reply #266 on: January 04, 2014, 04:22:49 PM »

This mod doesn't seem to wanna load.

 [b]Error 404[/b]

Mod corrupted!

Starsector is challenging, but what's more challenging is dealing with people who encourage you to try real hard.


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Re: BattleFleet Gothic (Starsector 0.54.2) [ON HIATUS]
« Reply #267 on: January 04, 2014, 04:47:44 PM »

This mod doesn't seem to wanna load.

 [b]Error 404[/b]

Mod corrupted!

Its not updated: (Starsector 0.54.2)

EDIT: doc file was updated, added Grand Cruisers and Battle Cruisers
« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 10:32:08 AM by silentstormpt »


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Re: BattleFleet Gothic (Starsector 0.54.2) [ON HIATUS]
« Reply #268 on: January 06, 2014, 05:48:56 PM »

This mod doesn't seem to wanna load.

 [b]Error 404[/b]

Mod corrupted!

Its not updated: (Starsector 0.54.2)

EDIT: doc file was updated, added Grand Cruisers and Battle Cruisers


Starsector is challenging, but what's more challenging is dealing with people who encourage you to try real hard.


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Re: BattleFleet Gothic (Starsector 0.54.2) [ON HIATUS]
« Reply #269 on: January 07, 2014, 07:25:54 AM »

Thoughts regarding the BFG Mod.

Note: Most of the stats being used here come from this website.

Resumed introduction to the original board game.

BattleFleet Gothic is a board game where two fleets composed by different types of ships and races fight for supremacy.
Each ship has its own stats that can be separated into:
  • Cost Points;
  • Movement per turn;
  • Armor (Front/Sides/Rear);
  • Weapons Available (these will also affect the amount of points the ship will cost to the player);
  • Special Rules (This includes weapon usage and special movements).
Certain ships have special rules attached to it, these rules are what makes those ships unique in their combat, including these rules will be the last part ill add into the mod since they are also the hardest to implement.

How are the mods ship stats based.

All ships stats are based on the original (board game) ship stats and some data the official data (ship size, crew size) found on their wiki.
Stats like crew and ship size were scaled down due to their enormous size/amount.
  • Current sizes are 1 px = 10 meters. A ship with 8km will be 800px long.
  • Some ships had more then a few hundred thousand crew members, this would be fine if i could increase the crew limit per slot up from 1000, since its not possible, 100 crew on BFG = 1 crew on SS.
  • Armor BFG Defense/Type and (Front/Sides/Rear || All) == Armor SS Defense/Type * (((Front/Sides/Rear) / [Number of sides]) * 10).
BFG: Battleship Defense Type is 12 with +6 Front/+5 Sides/+5 Rear == SS: 12 * (((6+5+5) / 3) * 10) = 640 Armor
  • SS Mass: SS Ship Height in px * BFG Ship Points
BFG Apocalypse Class Battleship has 800 px and 375 points == SS Mass 800 * 375 = 300000
  • BFG Speed is in cm (being a board game it makes sense) so 1 CM = 5 px and for weapons 1 CM = 10 px
  • SS Ship TYPE Speed: (CAPITAL: +0, CRUISER: +10, DESTROYER: +25, FRIGATE: +50, FIGHTER: +100)
BFG Apocalypse Class Battleship moves at 15CM per turn == (15cm * 5px) + [Ship TYPE Speed] = 75px/s
  • Hull and Flux = BFG Ship Points * 1000
  • Flux Dissipation is set depending on Ship Type.
  • SS OP = Rounded_number(BFG Ship Points / 10)
BFG Apocalypse Class Battleship has 375 points == Round(375 / 10) = 38

Most ships in the Chaos and Imperial side are variants of a few hulls, the differences besides certain spacial rules and amount of cost in points are the side weapon platforms.

Weapon Platforms on the Imperial (and Chaos) sides are divided by 2 sizes and 3 types.
The large sized one is only used by one ship so its not as important. Example:

The Launch Bays allow the ship to become a Carrier and provide an Hangar for Fighters and Bombers;
The Side Turret Expansion provides an extra Lancer mount and a few smaller turrets;
The Side Hardpoint Placements provides hardpoints for 4 huge cannons on the sides (like the old wood ships on the discovery age).

The variants are dictated in a certain weapon platforms placements in the ship and very rarely a extra weapon fixed on hull.
This opens up the possibility of blueprints in a later version based on the weapon platforms used in a shipyard.

How is combat work on Starsector.

Heres a list for some defined ideas on the combat:
  • All weapons have unlimited ammo and cost 0 flux to shoot;
  • All flux cost comes from the shields and from being hit (this might not be true for some special cases);
  • All shields are OMNI types.

Smaller ships can only stand a chance by grouping together to defeat a bigger foe, or have a very specific anti-capital weaponry, to help this however, you got a Crit system that's been released. Getting overloaded usually means your "instant demise".

The shields also can only prevent part of the damage from certain anti-capital weapons (like Nova cannons, torpedoes and planet killer main cannon for example), making them ideal to be used against capital ships. Some special weapons also require your shields to go offline making them a very risky move.

Bigger ships are much more slower when compared to vanilla. They also possess the firepower to reduce a whole fleet to smithereens, while possessing some weaknesses that can be exploit (besides the slow movement).

All ships have massive mass making ramming a very good source of damage (this goes for you Ork players *wink*).

Extra notes:

I've been checking out some of the more developed mods out there for mechanics that would greatly improved the universe of WH40k BFG. So far, station battles (Xenoargh's Vacuum) asteroid mining (Xenoargh's Vacuum) and trading (Okim's, Ironclads) if you guys allow me to use your work ofc.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2014, 02:34:46 AM by silentstormpt »
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