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Author Topic: Planet Atmo/Invasion mechanics  (Read 2249 times)


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Planet Atmo/Invasion mechanics
« on: January 13, 2013, 07:51:06 PM »

For one, certain ships should be equipped to handle re-entry, so that you can invade planets on the ground using those certain ships, IE Troop Transports, Frigates, Fighters, maybe some certain classes of Destroyer and Cruiser? Planets could then have ground bases, shipyards, supply depots, cities and such for you to destroy/combat. I imagine that you guys haven't planned on something like this as it would be a completely new combat setting, but I think it would be worth it. If you're having an Industry skill tree, buildings and such would be a great way to implement that.

In Atmo, ships would have to behave differently, air resistance, constantly firing altitude thrusters for larger ships, and probably the thing I want most: individual control over over fighters.

Just a thought, and if it's not something you want the project to go into, giving us a basic framework to work with over at the Modding community would be nice, so we're not starting from scratch. :D

If by "good guys" you mean "elitist regime that suppresses colonial independence and thrives off of an overwhelmingly deep gap in wealth between social classes," then yes.


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Re: Planet Atmo/Invasion mechanics
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2013, 09:36:32 PM »

the description of troops now mentions the possibility of ground based missions.


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Re: Planet Atmo/Invasion mechanics
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2013, 10:23:01 AM »

As Allegretto said, ground based missions are considered a possibility at the moment but as far as I am aware all out ground war is a thing of the past in the Starsector setting. Large scale planetary take overs are done via orbital blockade since almost every planetary sphere in the sector relies on outside supplies to maintain itself.

I don't think there are plans to have atmospheric combat between ships implemented and I can't really see a reason that anyone in command of a ship would want to take into a combat situation inside the atmosphere where high gravity, air resistance and the simple fact that there's a solid wall on one side of you would massively reduce maneuverability.

There is going to be a planet and station based economy/industry game mechanic put in place but the specifics of that are a long way off.

I think a good way for it to work would be that taking ownership of a station or planet would give you a certain amount of "build points" that would work like hull-points on a ship. You can use up the build points to build various structures that take up certain amounts of points just like hull mods on a ship.

A basic system would be to have four different kinds of buildings, mines, industrial, commercial and military. Mines generate resources and you must have a certain amount or resources being generated or delivered to a facility in order for it to be able to build industrial facilities. The more industry points and resources you have the more industrial facilities you can build. Industrial facilities generate production which powers commercial and military structures. Commercial structures generate credits and general supplies, military structures are things like weapons assembly plants and marine/crew recruitment stations all the way up to dry docks capable of pumping out full blown ships.

Any structure has an upkeep cost in credits or supplies so just getting a self-sustaining economy up and running would be a huge undertaking and getting enough resources and industrial capacity to support the building of something like the aforementioned dry-dock would take years, maybe even decades of development on a major planetary sphere.

I can see it working like this: A mining station on an asteroid only has enough space to build a couple of basic mines. These generate resources but in order to convert that to supplies or credits you need a freighter to ferry the resources to somewhere with industrial and commercial facilities and hope that the supplies and credits generated are enough to pay for the upkeep on the mining facility, the freighter and the industrial and commercial facilities. A fertile planet might have nearly infinite build points but maybe there's very few resources on it so you can't build enough mines to take full advantage of it and must rely on resources from off planet.

Of course any sort of economy like that is going to a ripe target for just about anyone with a gun and an engine bolted together so you better hope that your economy can not only pay for itself but also for the upkeep of a fleet to guard it.


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Re: Planet Atmo/Invasion mechanics
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2013, 12:04:31 PM »

Special operations, swift silent and deadly, oorah?

The idea is that the various tech levels represent different - not "better" - ways to do things.


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Re: Planet Atmo/Invasion mechanics
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2013, 08:16:11 PM »

I just think a combat background of being right above a planet in mid orbit, would be freaking amazing.
"I'm expecting an all-out tactical dogfight... followed by a light dinner.


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Re: Planet Atmo/Invasion mechanics
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2013, 09:43:45 PM »

when I think of possible troop combat in this game I am strongly reminded of another golden oldie, Breach. this featured a special ops team that functioned in a number of environments. think of the recent movie Dredd. small scale, tight quarters, highly violent though small battles.
this is what I want IF its possible for this game.