I really see no advantage to chooseing a defensive operation in campaign over an attacking operation. Attacking gives more FP on original start and retreating a ship will still have a large chance of getting away. Choosing defensive needs to have more perks to it.
Which is why I'm here.

Anyways, if you choose defensive, you should be able to get more Command Points (because you organize it), but less FP to start (becuase you dedicated less time coordinating attacking stances), AND be able to remotely defend points. By this, I'm talking about mines or deployable platforms.
Mines would deploy maybe around ~5 in a pattern just inside the capture ring of the point. They would have an explosion similar to the Proximity Charge Mine, but it is hidden from enemy view until either extremely close or when it explodes. Requires supplies to deploy, similar to repairing fighters. Might click a controlled point just as one would click a ship, and then click "Mine Point" and the mines would appear.
Just to lore, mines are relatively simple, and can be jury-rigged to do the job.
Platforms might need skill points to unlock. They are basicly a large platform with weapons mounted on it capable of warding off small attacks, mainly fighters and lightly armed frigates. Might be armed with a small missile spot and a few small universals (in code, at least. they'd use random weapons to build, mentioned later) They also might require supples to build/call in and must be built before a battle begins. To add a bit of jury-riggedness to it, they might use weapons in your inventory at random. If you've got no weapons, then they might use a standard loadout of a few light MGs and maybe a swarmer. Nothing too bad, but enough to make a commander reconsider.
Also, these platforms can be targetted by bombers (but have a respectable amount of armor), so they aren't as powerful as to be OP.
And as a final note, the defensive mines and platforms might only be able to deploy when the enemy is far enough away, maybe around 200 in-game units away or so.