I will try to keep this post in-sync with Deathfly's post as much as I can, and cross-post releases. I will tag my releases with [Trylobot], and presumably Deathfly will tag his similarly.
editor version 2.7.3 (starsector 0.8.1a) [Trylobot]
press "1" (ship mode), "D" (load), "N" (built-in wings submodule)
- skeleton code / boilerplate necessary for Skin editing has been added,
but this mode doesn't do anything yet (so don't get too excited if you see it in the menus)
- heavy code maintenance / cleanup / refactoring
editor version 2.7.2 (starsector 0.8.1a) [Trylobot]
- Fixed bug #17 "Weapon Group changes in variant mode not saving."
- Added goalVariant, permaMods fields to TStarfarerVariant.type.bmx
- Fixed bug #15 "Selected weapon slot not displayed during weapon group assignment (variant mode)"
- Also moved the weapon groups list to the left side of the screen, so that the selected weapon can be seen more easily.
- Added a keyboard help entry in variant mode for toggling autofire with "A"
editor version 2.7.1 (starsector 0.7.2a) [Deathfly]
- Fix up the "Clear Data"(or say “Create New Data”?) function.
- In ship edit mode it will no make the sprite display freeze anymore.
- In variant edit mode it will now try to create an empty new variant called "New" for edit.
- In weapon edit mode, it will create an new weapon file.
editor version 2.7.0 (starsector 0.7.2a)
- Add menu bar.
- Make editor resizable while running.
- Add an "Unsaved changes warning" when you may discards your unsaved changes.
- Will consider a serial string editing actions as one step due to it is too annoying to capture every keys.
- Left Mouse Click now can only used for set center.
- Ctrl + Left Mouse Click now can used to set radius without reset the center frist.
- Ctrl + Left Mouse Click always add a new launch bay.
- Hold down Shift will lock on the nearest launch bay.
- Shift + Left Mouse Click will add a new launch port to the locked lauch bay.
- Remove the Right Mouse Click function.
- Ctrl + Left Mouse Click now will try to insert new bound vertex between the nearest bound segment ends.
- Same as "Built-in Weapon Edit Mode", but for decorative weapons.
- Can render all build-in and deco weapons in ship edit mode. And render all weapons in variant edit mode.
- Hit "F5" can toggle weapon renderer from "render in 100% opacity", "render in 50% opacity", and "do not render".
- Can use F6, F7, and F8 to Play, Stop and Reset all weapon animations, if there any.
- In "Weapon Slots Edit Mode", "Built-in/Deco weapon Edit Mode", and "Variant Edit Mode", arrow keys can use to control weapon animation on selceted slot.(See on screen help.)
- Will properly parse and recode a .wpn file.
- Will display weapon offsets properly. For hardpoint and turret, both.
- Will display cursor coordinate properly.
- Make the glow on weapon more closer to in game visual.
- String editor for weapon now will provide accessibility to most weapon parameters.
- Guides will mark the weapon's pivot point out.
- Add SYNERGY and COMPOSITE weapon slots support.
- Add "coversColor" support.
- Improve the performance for Preview All function.
- Replace the default background with a less obscure one.
- Add a filter that can fit out deco weapons when place weapon in non-deco slot.
- Enable language localisation.
- Add "custom_bg_image" that can set path for using custom background.
- Add "performance_mode", set to 1 can simplify some drawing process and result a better performance.
- Add "fluxmod_limit_override", set to 1 can override the 10/20/30/50 max flux vants/caps limit in variant edit mode.
- Add "scale_help_UI", set to 1 can enable help UI zooming for extreme resolution ratio.(Or you can set "font_size" instead.)
- Add "scale_help_UI_scale_level". If it set to 0, help UI will auto zoom.
- Add "custom_FONT" that can set path for custom font.
- Add "UTF8_support", set to 1 to enable UTF-8 support, to decode UTF-8(without BOM) data file.
- Add "localization_file" that can set path for LanguageDefinition file.
- Make engine flames looks more close to in game visual.
- Rework String data editing console. Make insert characters practical.
- Rework all "item selector" to fit some way too looong item list.
- Guides precision increase to 0.5.
- Can safely remove weapon slots with built-in weapon in it.
- Simplified help UI text drawing method for better performance.
- Fixed a crash when try to remove a weapon slot/engine/launch bay while there isn't anyone.
- When rename a weapons slot, the built-in weapon in that slot will got removed now.
- Fixed a issue that the rjson core will mistakenly discard "0" for integer output.
editor version 2.6.4 (starsector 0.7.1a)
- credit to zaphide for pull request!
- support for HYBRID weapon types
- support for longer weapon lists
editor version 2.6.3 (starsector 0.7a RC1)
- ship variants will no longer assign DECORATIVE, SYSTEM or LAUNCH_BAY weapons
editor version 2.6.2 (starsector 0.6.1a)
- full support for built-in hull mods
- silently ignores trailing "f" in JSON floating-point number literals
- rows starting with '#' in .csv files will now be skipped
- ship data csv columns updated
editor version 2.6.1 (starsector 0.54.1a)
- added support for "DECORATIVE" weapon/slot types
editor version 2.6 (starsector 0.54.1a)
- weapon editor can modify offsets (possibly buggy)
- weapon editor can set images
- weapon editor can switch between turret/hardpoint mode
- tilde [~] now toggles vanilla data on/off and forces a reload of all data
- compatible with "Starsector" name change
editor version 2.5 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- added weapon editor prototype (incomplete)
- added more detailed logging in sf-ship-ed.log
- fixed: custom engines output with incorrect field name 'type_'
editor version 2.4.5 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- fixed: strange data corruption bugs on main ship and variant string editors
editor version 2.4.4 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- fixed: +/- keys not working
- fixed: synchronization of hull/variant/csv names
editor version 2.4.3 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- fixed: incorrectly encoding weapon slots (fatal error)
editor version 2.4.2 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- fixed: weapon groups list misbehaving
editor version 2.4.1 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- fixed: variant data incompatible with ship data if certain ship data changed
- fixed: empty JSON containers {} [] "" always being encoded as null
- fixed: cannot load vanilla data in Linux (probably)
- fixed: quoted newlines in CSV data
- fixed: can't set hullmods in variant if ship has no weapon slots
- misc: HOME key is now equivalent to ESCAPE key
- feature: direct value entry for weapon arcs and angles (press T on a weapon)
editor version 2.4.1a (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
PRE-RELEASE: more bugfixes coming soon!
- fixed: can't set weapons for newly-added built-in ship weapon slots
- fixed: variant weapon list stays open after assigning a weapon
- enhanced: in mode 1, when loading existing ship data, all other modes
are automatically populated with data associated with the loaded hull
- feature: in mode 1, press CTRL+ALT+[N] to clear out all JSON/CSV data
- some other misc. bug fixes
editor version 2.4 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- added support for fighter wings (wing_data.csv) editing: mode [4]
with graphical formation preview!
editor version 2.3 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- added support for BUILT_IN and SYSTEM weapons
includes being able to set the weapon from *.SHIP mode
and includes not being able to modify the built-in weapons in *.VARIANT mode
and includes not counting OPs from built-in weapons in *.VARIANT mode
- added support for Custom Engine STYLE ID:
this is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to use over the STYLE SPEC per-engine.
But to use it, you must first define your Engine Style ID in the following:
- fixed bug in CSV Loader to properly quote fields containing commas
editor version 2.2.3 (starfarer 0.53a)
- bugfix for a crash related to custom engines
editor version 2.2.2 (starfarer 0.53a)
- added support for CUSTOM engines; press T while in Engines mode
editor version 2.2.1 (starfarer 0.53a)
- added support for Starfarer 0.53a:
- csv mode: added explicit support for PHASE as a shield type, and declared
'system id' as a string type so it won't try to graph it.
editor version 2.2 (starfarer 0.52a)
- ship: in bounds mode, weapons, engines and launch bays modes,
you can now hold CTRL+ALT while RIGHT-CLICK dragging to drag all
the entities on-screen at once.
- weapon slots: weapon slots are now assigned names with zero-padded numbers
so that they can be sorted more easily
editor version 2.1 (starfarer 0.52a)
- ship: launch bay mode; press L to use
- variant: weapon group autofire attribute added; press A to toggle
- variant: max weapon groups increased to 5
editor version 2.0.3 (starfarer 0.51a)
- fixed bug with shield-center Y-coordinate being interpreted incorrectly
editor version 2.0.2 (starfarer 0.51a)
- fixed bug with not always saving collision radius and shield radius
editor version 2.0.1 (starfarer 0.51a)
- fixed bug with string editing that prevented some characters from being
entered sometimes
- fixed bug with CSV editing (new data template)
- fixed bug where variant OP max was not observing the current CSV data
editor version 2.0 (starfarer 0.51a)
- can now edit single rows of ship_data.csv, and save into an existing file
(find and update existing row by ID, else insert new row) or into a new file
- all known statistical data from all loaded ship CSV data is shown in a
handy bar graph so you can see where your ship falls in the grand scheme
- corresponding CSV row attempted to be auto-loaded when loading a *.ship
- made ship darker when editing weapon slots or strings
- smoother zooming (continually integrated easing)
- fixed long-standing bug (since version 0.1) with global overlay
positions when panning & zooming
editor version 1.9.7 (starfarer 0.51a)
- displays more information in *.variant mode
- fixed bug where small weapons were being allowed in large slots, and also
restricted universal slots to exact weapon size-match
editor version 1.9.6 (starfarer 0.51a)
- mirrored-pair editing of weapon-slots and engine-slots has been implemented
- improved help text; added status bar; reduced clutter
- altered ghost-previews for all modes to make more sense contextually
- bugfixes related to validating weapon-sizes and -types for variant mode
- fixed bug where variant was not being notified when weapon slot is removed
- misc polish & improvements internally
editor version 1.9.3 (starfarer 0.51a)
- added default enum values for when no data is loaded (to prevent crash)
- fixed bug that caused a crash when editing weapons
- fixed bug that allowed weapon slots to be created with duplicate ids
editor version 1.9.2 (starfarer 0.51a)
- fixed bug that caused invalid *.csv files to crash the editor
now they are ignored
- editor automatically creates "sf-ship-ed.log" that shows what's being loaded
editor version 1.9.1 (starfarer 0.51a)
- users of editor in a Mac OS running Wine can now provide the starfarer
install dir with success
- variant hullID updated automatically
- ship image loaded automatically when ship data is loaded
- if an image is manually loaded, the editor will search upwards for a
"graphics" directory; if it is found, the path to the image will be inserted
into the ship data; otherwise it will remain unmodified
- default save-file-names for *.ship and *.variant
editor version 1.9 (starfarer 0.51a)
- string editing is made faster for values that are enums; instead of typing
them, use arrow left/right to choose a value from the list of acceptable
values. the field is updated immediately.
- can now open, edit and save *.variants - use [1] and [2] to toggle between
*.ship mode and *.variant mode; still use [D] and [V] to open/save
- click a weapon slot to assign a weapon from the list of weapons that are
valid to occupy that slot; filters based on size & type of slot from
currently loaded *.ship data
- press M to load a mod; it will be noted in the settings data so that it is
auto-loaded on next startup of the editor; this will add the mod's data
to the stock data for weapon slot selection and OP cost analysis & validation
- While in variant mode:
Press T to edit variant string-data
Press G to edit weapon groups
Press F & C to increment flux mods. Shift+F & Shift+C to decrement. They
will cap out at the limit for your ship's hull size
Press H to select hull mods
If you exceed the OP max specified in the ship CSV for the ship's hullID,
it will be red-coloured but it will not otherwise prevent you
- WARNING: it is now REQUIRED that Starfarer be installed on the computer
where the editor is being used, as the vanilla data is automatically loaded
to speed up selection of multi-select values, and to prevent the editor
from needing to be explicitly updated when Starfarer adds new such values
- fixed bug with key states after opening system dialogs in windows
editor version 1.2 (starfarer 0.51a)
- can now use +/- as alternative to mousewheel for zooming
editor version 1.1 (starfarer 0.51a)
- made zoom feature not ***
- added mirrored-mode adding of weapons & engines
- auto-saves last-used path for images and data (finally)
editor version 1.0 (starfarer 0.51a)
- added string data editor [T]
- to edit strings for weapons and engines, press [T] from weapon or engine
editing modes [W] or [E] which will allow you to edit the strings for that
specific instance
- added weapons and engine locations to preview mode [P]
- when creating weapons and engines, automatically duplicates properties
of nearest to speed up creation of similar slots
- more reasonable defaults for certain values
- preview cursor more context-sensitive
editor version 0.4 (starfarer 0.51a)
- added engine slot editor
editor version 0.3 (starfarer 0.51a)
- added weapon slot editor, per request
- strengthened JSON decoder; ignores # comments and performs implicit type-
conversion and uses reflection to automatically encode/decode from/to plain
editor version 0.2 (starfarer 0.35a preview rc2)
- fixed bug; data view not updating when you press "N" (new data)
or "I" (load ship image)
- fixed bug; empty arrays being encoded as empty objects
- improved data view; added column-wrap and reduced font size
to fit more information on screen
- program icon (windows only)
- added collision radius mode
- added preview all mode
editor version 0.1 (starfarer 0.35a preview rc2)
- initial release