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Author Topic: I HATE the Persean League  (Read 9676 times)

Killer of Fate

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Re: I HATE the Persean League
« Reply #60 on: February 05, 2025, 08:30:35 AM »

if you can use your SDS commission to negotiate a peaceful ending to the Diktat crisis. Then you should also be able to use it to negotiate it for the PL in my opinion

You can? I hadn't heard of that. There's a peaceful solution involving profit-sharing, but that's invariant to commission.


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Re: I HATE the Persean League
« Reply #61 on: February 05, 2025, 02:28:24 PM »

People hate the Persean League because the crisis is easily triggered and the amount of stuff they throw at you incogruous with the setting lore in general (where singular capital ships are a serious investment even for the Hegemony to the point of preferring to refurbish dead husks as a secret project, and Kazeron is less militarily powerful than the Hegemony).

Simple as that. They'd be less annoyed if, as people outlined, it triggered at a tier higher and had a better off-ramp.
You mean the atlas mk2? Because that's pirates who do that.
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Re: I HATE the Persean League
« Reply #62 on: February 05, 2025, 03:26:45 PM »

incogruous with the setting lore in general (where singular capital ships are a serious investment even for the Hegemony to the point of preferring to refurbish dead husks as a secret project, and Kazeron is less militarily powerful than the Hegemony).

I don't think that's quite true. It's established that restoring old ships amounts to sentiment/vanity, and that's how the Bismar's restoration is portrayed. It's a propaganda piece.

That said, there is old lore that's much more grimdark where capital ships were irreplaceable relics, and that does seem to be getting downplayed. I think it's a necessary artifact of the fact that capital ships get handed to the player a lot more easily now, and a universe where they're rare and irreplaceable is a universe where the player completely breaks the power scaling about 30 minutes in.

Simple as that. They'd be less annoyed if, as people outlined, it triggered at a tier higher and had a better off-ramp.

Fully agree. I think there's some degree of unanimity that these two changes would make it feel much cleaner:

 - Up the colony size numbers in the trigger check by one across the board.

 - Have membership pause any crisis that it should logically pause (Diktat, Hegemony, Church)
« Last Edit: February 05, 2025, 03:28:38 PM by Bungee_man »

Killer of Fate

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Re: I HATE the Persean League
« Reply #63 on: February 05, 2025, 03:29:24 PM »

- Up the colony size numbers in the trigger check by one across the board.

 - Have membership pause any crisis that it should logically pause (Diktat, Hegemony, Church)
the first one would encourage players to make tiny-small colonies instead of actually growing. And create an obnoxious meta war between new and older players. With the new ones being incredibly frustrated over contrived game-design

the latter whilst makes sense would have to be heavily lore justified and it can't be too straightforward.

It surprises me that you can make a deal with Diktat without their commission.
This makes no sense to me...

Also Hegemony commission to stop AI core inspections would make 0 sense. LC maybe it would make sense, but it would have to be explained. Cause LC are ridiculously centralised from my point of view.

To me we should just...

Lower the maximum Crisis gain to maximum 30 per month from 60
Lower the amount of Hostile Activity fleets from 11 to 4 per system (maybe not even 11. Maybe like 2) (Nvm, 4 is probably fine) (Cause at 2 you start coming into a problem of invisible growth. And player being confused as to why they are suddenly getting notifications about their world ending)

Please note that this is 11 PER SYSTEM. Which means that it basically translates to there being an infinite amount of enemy fleets per EVERY COLONY SYSTEM. It's not 11 GLOBAL...

to me if someone wants to pause the crisis. Then logically they should just be able to join the PL in the game. Then PL would provide them protection from Diktat, LC and maybe Hegemony
« Last Edit: February 05, 2025, 03:33:35 PM by Killer of Fate »


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Re: I HATE the Persean League
« Reply #64 on: February 05, 2025, 03:43:58 PM »

It surprises me that you can make a deal with Diktat without their commission.

It is quite punitive (50% of gross income from fuel IIRC), so very favorable to them.  If I were on their end of the table I'd take that deal too haha.

I think if church really likes you and you have commission, pausing their crisis makes sense...of course this also blocks you winning the crisis and doubling up on the bonus, so it's a tradeoff.

I don't think that's true for hegemony like you say.  Open use of AI cores is a threat to them (not just their power structure, but also their public stance/image) way they let this slide unless "persuaded by force".

PL already demands you join, so don't see that needing to change much either.

I DEFINITELY don't want to see crises made SLOWER.  It's already at a point where I will do everything there is to do in a run before hegemony can actually send its big inspections because the combination of high command halving the rate + killing fleets keeps the base gain + blowback too slow for it to fire before quite a few years pass.


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Re: I HATE the Persean League
« Reply #65 on: February 05, 2025, 03:45:14 PM »

the latter whilst makes sense would have to be heavily lore justified and it can't be too straightforward.

To clarify, League membership would pause those crises. Not membership in the respective factions.

Killer of Fate

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Re: I HATE the Persean League
« Reply #66 on: February 05, 2025, 03:57:01 PM »

the latter whilst makes sense would have to be heavily lore justified and it can't be too straightforward.

To clarify, League membership would pause those crises. Not membership in the respective factions.
i see... Okay... Yeah that makes perfect sense.

I DEFINITELY don't want to see crises made SLOWER.  It's already at a point where I will do everything there is to do in a run before hegemony can actually send its big inspections because the combination of high command halving the rate + killing fleets keeps the base gain + blowback too slow for it to fire before quite a few years pass.

that's the point. But you wouldn't be able to slow it down as much without so many fleets appearing about. It would make colony gameplay what it used to be. Generally relaxing but with it eventually blowing up. (though tbh, maybe my solution is unviable with vanilla)

It surprises me that you can make a deal with Diktat without their commission.

It is quite punitive (50% of gross income from fuel IIRC), so very favorable to them.  If I were on their end of the table I'd take that deal too haha.

If I were Diktat, I'd figure out that sooner or later you will stab me in the back and just murder you whilst I have the chance with the element of surprise. But I'm not sure how strong Diktat is supposed to be lore-wise. Or competent. So maybe their ego clouds their judgement. Or maybe they just suck.

I would definitely expect Macario to give you LESS leniency. Not more. I think he would be the kind of guy to not even give you a chance for a deal. Unless you are absolutely loyal to him via a commission. And a soon as you leave his commission. He would just kill you.

Horacio or Hyder on the other hand. Probably would let you live. With Hyder possibly not even caring and not needing any deal to begin with.

But then I wouldn't be surprised if the game's writing would pull a 180 and if you put Oxana in power, she would turn out to be eventually as evil as Andrada. Showing that monsters aren't born. They're made. And power corrupts. Bla bla bla. You end up with the status quo.

It'd definitely be kinda... Funny if it turned out Horacio is the best option. Cause a Diktat fully staring into itself focused entirely on being pretty and ceremonial is the safest long-term bet for its society.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2025, 04:10:37 PM by Killer of Fate »


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Re: I HATE the Persean League
« Reply #67 on: February 06, 2025, 01:05:06 AM »

As plain as the Diktat crisis is, it happens with a very interesting background. Due to the internal succession crisis everyone is on edge, thinking for themselves, their very survival. Maybe strong-arming a new, upstart policy would get some high-ranking military officer some prestige.

With that I am not sure the Diktat should leave the League-commissioned player alone. Fuel exports would not quite cut it I think. Rather their reasoning could be "an alarming presence of antis and terrorists" in the player colonies. Could give some pop growth maluses. I could also argue, that this being an internal matter, would not be a League-wide concern, to whom this buffer state in the center of the core worlds is a useful, if mismatched ally against the Hegemony.

Though I hope that how you complete the Usurpers in the next version, would have a more profound effect on your Diktat relationship and how they approach you and your colonies.


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Re: I HATE the Persean League
« Reply #68 on: February 06, 2025, 04:47:28 AM »

Though I hope that how you complete the Usurpers in the next version, would have a more profound effect on your Diktat relationship and how they approach you and your colonies.

I think it will - my expectation is that there will be a 'route' for each of the three would-be successors, with some minor campaign-layer changes (e.g. adding Lion's Guard ships to the main roster if Caden's route is taken) depending on who wins, plus you get the winner as a contact and can probably talk to them about the crisis if it's still ongoing.

Re: League membership, I had thought Sindria was a League client state, but their presence in the questline is very downplayed, so that might be old lore. They still have a hard-set +50 relationship, which no other pair of factions has, though, meaning the Diktat is unwilling to go to sporadically go to war with the League.


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Re: I HATE the Persean League
« Reply #69 on: February 06, 2025, 08:45:08 AM »

I think it will - my expectation is that there will be a 'route' for each of the three would-be successors, with some minor campaign-layer changes (e.g. adding Lion's Guard ships to the main roster if Caden's route is taken) depending on who wins, plus you get the winner as a contact and can probably talk to them about the crisis if it's still ongoing.

I lowkey hope, should the player decide to give the PK from Scythe of Orion to a Diktat contact, it will either give a 4th option, or at least a very big complication for whatever option is chosen, and if failed, possibly eliminate Sindria.

Re: League membership, I had thought Sindria was a League client state, but their presence in the questline is very downplayed, so that might be old lore. They still have a hard-set +50 relationship, which no other pair of factions has, though, meaning the Diktat is unwilling to go to sporadically go to war with the League.

I've always regarded the League and Diktat relationship as a kind of "allies of convenience" matter. While the Diktat would be a very troublesome member polity of the League, it is a very useful distraction and a relatively minor concern. On the other side, while Andrada managed to carve out a mini-empire, he could not last against the entire sector, so the need for at least some allies is very vital. However much fuel Sindria is churning out, it requires a market for it. The second largest bloc in the sector would be the League, while possessing some fuel production capacity, is not necessarily self-sufficient.

An interesting note about the Diktat's existence is a bit of lore tidbit regarding their fancy, LG-specific energy weapons programme, which was supposedly assisted by Tri-Tachyon. Further, it is also a bit suspicious, that the League's signature capital, the Pegasus (well, since 0.96, but still), somehow just found its way to the Diktat to be the basis for the Executor. As Andrada's fleet consisted originally of Hegemony ships (him being a Hegemony admiral leading a task force and all that) it makes one think how a relatively recently established policy got to have so much external support. It seems the Diktat gets quite a bit of external help for their role as a distraction.


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Re: I HATE the Persean League
« Reply #70 on: February 06, 2025, 09:22:49 AM »

I lowkey hope, should the player decide to give the PK from Scythe of Orion to a Diktat contact, it will either give a 4th option, or at least a very big complication for whatever option is chosen, and if failed, possibly eliminate Sindria.

It would be cool, but I don't think it would happen, just on the basis of combinatorial explosions. There are (let's say) five things you can do with the PK, times three people you can help in the Diktat quest, times five commissions you can have, and so on.  The impact of giving a faction the PK does feel very underwhelming right now, but even commissions, which are meant to define a player's allegiance to a given faction and are a relatively central mechanic, just give you flavor text and shortcuts from time to time, with the exception of the somewhat-more-detailed Hegemony commission. I don't think any other choice in the game can affect that many things.

All of that said, I would like to see a more tractable but still significant permanent impact from giving a faction the PK. Maybe a permanent once-every-few-months reputation boost, or access to commission-only ships without a commission, or something.

Killer of Fate

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Re: I HATE the Persean League
« Reply #71 on: February 06, 2025, 09:25:15 AM »

I wouldn't call Sindrian Diktat a distraction. it's pretty much the core of the Persean Sector to some extent. Excluding Chicomoztoc's system. Its the most densely populated one. Though the wording of pop 7 is kinda vague. So it could be that Kazeron actually has more people collectively than Volturn and Sindria. Or it could be so that Volturn and Sindria has as many people on them as the whole of Persean League. That is also possible, I think...


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Re: I HATE the Persean League
« Reply #72 on: February 06, 2025, 01:09:57 PM »

I like Persean League.

I love it when they invite me on an annual marine training event at Kazeron.  More so! They even allow me to target their military assets during The Grand Opening ceremony. :)

Killer of Fate

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Re: I HATE the Persean League
« Reply #73 on: February 06, 2025, 01:19:37 PM »

I like Persean League.

I love it when they invite me on an annual marine training event at Kazeron.  More so! They even allow me to target their military assets during The Grand Opening ceremony. :)

mfw i spend probably 4 hours writing a Persean League story about AI Wars in which a Thunder pilot tries to cope with his PTSD, and then I see jokes like this
« Last Edit: February 06, 2025, 01:36:59 PM by Killer of Fate »


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Re: I HATE the Persean League
« Reply #74 on: February 06, 2025, 01:49:19 PM »

I like Persean League.

I love it when they invite me on an annual marine training event at Kazeron.  More so! They even allow me to target their military assets during The Grand Opening ceremony. :)

mfw i spend probably 4 hours writing a Persean League story about AI Wars in which a Thunder pilot tries to cope with his PTSD, and then I see jokes like this
It is no joke.
It is currently cycle 223 may 21st.
I have 40 pop count.
Second Ark is on the move.
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