I'm in agreement with Bungee_man here. While I'll admit I have a bit of a bias towards the Persean league because I'm a midline ship enjoyer, but my problem isn't with what the persean league is, but how the game frames and portrays it. At every available interaction and description the writing will always make painstaking effort to remind the player that the League is no good, rotten, and run by the Gens. One of the two League aligned characters that helps the player out has the goal of essentially destroying it. Every minor interaction with the Hegemony proves that they are more polite and reasonable than their primary alternative. The whole League crisis. Even the in game reputation flavor text reminds you that the League is no good, rotten, and run by the Gens.
By comparison, The Hegemony is persistently presented of the lesser of many evils, or the best option out of the rotten bunch that the persean sector is. Attention is hardly ever drawn to the negative aspects of the Hegemony but the player is very rarely or never asked to participate in it. Yes, we're told the Hegemony is a heavy handed military regime, but do we every really see the negative consequences of that? Not really. Chicomoztoc is said to be a squallorous pit whose problems are ignored by the leadership of the hegemony, but I think the only character from the planet we ever interact with is Baikal Duad, the literally high Hegemon. We are told that it's unheard of for anyone important to come out of Chicomoztoc, but I don't think there's a single instance of another character criticizing Duad's low birth. There's a nepotistic aristocracy on eventide that runs the hegemony but we don't meet random snobbish patrol officers from an Eventide military academy and they don't talk down to us like regular League officers do. We're also told that the hegemony wanting to re-establish the domain is a bad thing too, but we know hardly anything about the domain anyways so that doesn't really matter.
It basically seems to me like there's a pretty clear good and bad dichotomy between the Hegemony and the League, at least in their framing and portrayal (Not to mention the league is allies or opportunistic supporters of the Diktat and Tri Tach, both of which are objectively evil). I'd like to thank this thread for giving me an opportunity to vent about this admittedly pretty minor nitpick i have with this games otherwise fantastic writing. Reynard Hannan did nothing wrong.