I do feel Beams are a little lackluster but only because they (a) are constant but dont do much beyond secondary effects like graviton/emp or (b) are burst oriented like the Tachyon Lance or the Phase Lance and thus only contribute when off cool-down.
Paladin PD is also really lackluster. Ive never found a use for the Paladin PD system outside of the rare anti-fighter Paragon, where you probably want those large turret mounts for tachyon lances anyways because the doughnut I feel is going to want to field smaller PD and auxiliary carriers/ships to cover its fighter issues.
The small burst laser is good, but the large one consumes more flux for more damage and there arent alot of ships which are going to give their medium slot to a heavy burst laser, not to mention the 100 range increase compared to the smaller version. The problem with the heavy burst laser is more pronounced especially in bounty/endgame fleets, where you want the ability to duel enemy fleets who frequently outnumber you with anti-ship weapons. The Heavy Burst just does not serve a good function in play. Yes, it can overkill fighters and missiles, but there are other better positioned weapons that can achieve similar results (Such as the Paladin PD or IR autolance)
Short and Long Range PD laser is consistent but doesnt do nearly enough even when massed to deal with fighter swarms. The mining laser is economic and I feel it fits the role it was designed for perfectly (Almost no cost to mount, *** but it keeps the AI from going schizo due to a lack of PD).
I feel like the IR autolance is supposed to be the compromise to a weaker beam with a secondary effect and the stronger burst weapons. The problem I feel is that its not strong enough and should inflict hard flux. Its not enough that it does bonus damage to the hull or that it can double over as anti-fighter PD, which is nice, but there are other things flying around besides fighters (Missles, other ships, etc)
If I had a wishlist for Laser upgrades come christmas, it would probably be:
- Buff Short & Long Range PD laser damage.
- Give the heavy burst laser more range and charges, but keep the current flux efficiency & OP cost.
- IR autolance should inflict hard flux.
- Give Paladin PD more range and charges.
- Make AI smart enough to not shoot HIL at enemies with shields up, or make them more flux efficient, one of the two.
In general this seems like a wishlist to buff laser PD in general, but I feel PD in general needs to be buffed up in terms of effect and range. I dont really see too many problems with graviton and ion beam. They serve niche purposes that are noticeable when massed or utilized properly and the burst laser weapons (Tachyon Lance and Phase Lance specifically) are fine as is. Its really just about giving laser that middle-ground in terms of being able to fight shields without being a burst weapon. Low-tech gets such variety of weapons (Anti-armor, anti-shield & anti-hull) weapons at relatively low flux cost efficiency. It would make sense that High-tech should get a similar array of an arsenal, minus the flux-efficient part.