I was having trouble finding it and I finally did. In the process got my ass handed to me by a derelict ship Bounty with 8 of the mother ships. Survived with a single ship. But hey still thought imma give the Very Redacted Bounty a try.
Got nuked out of orbit. After a dozen or so attempts cause I reverted to save scumming. I still wasn't able to complete it.
I would appreciate some tips. It's incredibly far away from my base in the very corner of the map.
Currently I was running 1 Alpha AI Radiant with a cascade beam as main weapon, 1 legion, 1 laser executor, 4 Paragons, 1 invictus, 6 Conquests and rest filled with AM Scarabs with SO.
Everything other than conquests and scarab are triple s modded. Any fleet composition changes or so on are welcome. I have 150 million and 25 story points, with nearly every blueprint and 1.2m budget for production so that shouldn't be a problem
I just need to know what to run other than d molded ship spam.
Thank you in advance (: