If a player can use them, good. But considering the amount of investment you have to make them work properly. A skill, a tuned officer, possible another skill. Then it's not really worth it? Afflictor is the most amazing basic NPC phase ship in the game. Then after that is Doom. Then Shade, Grendel, whatever. I assume some people using Gremlin, but I can't imagine using a ship that has given me PTSD with how bad it was... And most likely still is... Imo, Gremlin should have freaking Canister Flak, that way it wouldn't have to suffer so much from missiles and fighters... In spite of being a 6!!! A SIX... SIX DP COST SHIP. THIS SHIP IS SUPPOSED TO BE AS VALUABLE AS A MONITOR OR OMEN... THIS THING SHOULD BE 4 IN ITS CURRENT STATE... I suppose... But I digress.
People will always argue that Phase Ships aren't cool cause the AI isn't advanced enough. They have some sort of magical skill ceiling that exists out there, that once reached makes it the strongest ship in the universe. This is because they can easily dodge everything... Because they can move around... Because they can destroy everything in their path. This is why Harbinger is currently 18 DP. This is why Afflictor is 10 DP... This is why Gremlin is 6 DP...
But why would players choose to master a ship that has to be far more elaborately utilised than most ships in the game for it to be useful... But still counterable under right conditions?
Maybe I'm out of touch... Maybe I'm crazy... But it feels like Starsector, and many other games, have a tendency to overestimate what having skill means... There is a difference between preventing a ship from being overpowered, and making people learn a ship that can't do anything really that more enjoyable ships can.
But all of this is irrelevant...
The actual reason I write this post is that phase ships in-game... As piloted by NPCs... Are a joke. Their stats are built around the player. Their capabilities are highly overestimated. Instead of being built in a way that would make them strong unless countered. They are built in a way that assumes the counters won't appear. You are paying the price you would pay if the ship fully exploited its value. But in reality a phase ship often is just a slightly faster thing... That can disappear for a few seconds... But at the same time it is vulnerable to damage in many other ways. Afflictor and Shade are squishy as heck... And forced to fight at melee ranges. They are the strongest phase ships in the game, because they are the only ones that can flank. But they also require many factors to be fully effective. And the game predicts those factors... And makes them as expensive as destroyers. Which is why people sometimes prefer using the pirate variants. Cause they agree that these values are nonsensical, and the ship isn't worth using at such a ridiculous DP cost... Considering the many risks involved...
But that is still not the actual issue.
The actual issue is that when you fight phase ships on the enemy side of the NPC. They are useless... Because it is ridiculously hard to make one work for such a huge DP and fleet PTS price. It's a piece of crap basically that should be substituted with Enforcers, Manticores, Eagles, Falcons or Onslaughts. A Doom will often find it problematic to trigger its mines... Well... Depends on the enemy obviously. But it needs a lot of factors to actually land those hits... So, the game assumes a Doom will succeed and gives it a whooping 35 DP cost. Which was actually reduced, cause I think when I started playing, it was 40 DP. Which is like... Okay... I'll try to get that value. But this is a race against time. As always. An Onslaught with all its ridiculousness can just sit around and shoot things... It doesn't have to try hard to actually achieve anything... It can form a battle line and starve everything from PT, with its ridiculously simplistic design. It's a ship that is basically the most boring option in the game. And for being boring it gets the best stats it can... Because boring ships are always supposed to have higher stats than interesting ones, cause in the end the price of being interesting, is being impaired...
Too many ships in Starsector with their amazing conceptual, gameplay and visual design are left to rot... They can form an extremely important of Starsector's combat. But they don't. In Starsector you only really remember Hegemony, Remnants, Omega... Now I guess the Persean League. But the Persean League is a one trick pony that can only spam DEM missiles which tend to be ineffective against a serious fleet composition... Due to them having low anti-armour damage, kinda easy to be shot down... And Midline ships overall tend to perform horribly when most of their OP is spent on missiles that don't really achieve much except hunting down Wolves and Furies...
We have so many amazing ships... Gremlin, Grendel, Retribution, Scarab, Hound, Vanguard, Odyssey, Apogee, Doom, Rampart, Bastillon, Berserker, Hammerhead, Vigilance, etc. These ships... They could form an integral part of Starsector's combat narrative. But they don't... They often die very easily... You find them in the hands of absolute moronic lvl 2 captains, and blow them up. Or you find them in the hands of lvl 7 captains with 2 s-mods, but then you defeat them easily anyway... Cause their ships are just awful... Very often both. Why not tap into all that... Why not pierce the veil of the unknown and twist the meta into an incomprehensive image...
There has been something... Out there beyond this place. There is this funny game about shooting aliens in space, it's called Helldivers 2. And over there the priority was skill and challenge for a long time. And so the game bled and bled. Bled players indefinitely, until the developers finally admitted that it's time to stop making things weak and miserable, and actually buff forgotten things. Can we do that? Can we do that too? Can we make Gremlin actually scary to the players when they are in the enemy fleet? Can we make Derelicts horrifying when we find them guarding a station in the early game? Can we make Persean League not just shoot missiles that don't do anything, and have a Conquest that patrols and murders everything around, until the core in the middle is torn to shreds by a barrage of EMP beams and missiles? Why not?
I had a friend I recommended this game to, and he picked it up and told me that he knows it's one of those games that expects them to master everything before being even able to understand what a rock is. And to be honest, he was absolutely correct... And here I am asking myself now... After a year of toying with stats and thinking about everything... Is this really necessary? Do we really have to be so convoluted about ourselves? Can't we just make a fun game? Well, not me... I mean, I do mod it a lot... But whatever...
I mean, the point of doing that wouldn't even be to make the game easier. The actual point of making ships stronger is to make them stronger... In NPC hands... To have pirates, LP, PL, Hegemony, scary... To have a Grendel appear from the shadows and instead of us going "omg, it's Grendel, whatever". We go "omg, it's a *** Grendel, we're ***!". And then it comes in and unleashes a torrent of projectiles or something... And not just awkwardly wobbles itself behind an Onslaught until it runs out of PPT... I mean... That's one way to have this... Incredibly amazing asset operate. It kinda underlines to us... The fact that reality is miserable again...
End of rant.