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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: First steps, advice please :)  (Read 3834 times)


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Re: First steps, advice please :)
« Reply #60 on: June 08, 2024, 07:27:16 PM »

Okay, thanks for the advice. I had hoped there would be a normal ingame mode to create and save builds without having the ships/equipment physically. Maybe this could be implemented in a future patch?

I am really excited to see how the Onslaughts will do when they are fully evolved.

Oh and is there any way to really "own" a sector? In colony crises the other factions come and do what they want, should they not respect my authority? I have 2 colonies now (in 2 different otherwise empty sectors). Can I fully  claim a sector? And can I wipe out other factions or will they always be there?


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Re: First steps, advice please :)
« Reply #61 on: June 08, 2024, 07:49:08 PM »

If you look in your intel tabs, you can find an intel called major events or crisis or something like that. It has a bar that fills up based on factions finding something you are doing disagreeable. Once it fills up completely, a random faction currently contributing to filling the meter gets a special event. Defeating that special event typically leads to them stop messing with you for the rest of the playthrough and usually also brings some nice benefits. Sometimes you need multiple events (heg) and sometimes you have to do an alternate event (tritach raiding). Just read the mouse over text. I can't stress this enough, READ THE TEXT. They don't always have to be resolved through combat and the text for events will hint at how to do so.
It is possible to have EVERYONE out of your system eventually. But also keep in mind you can fight those fleets in your system with only minimal rep hit even with transponder on. Maybe you see a neat little ship that would make a nice addition to your fleet or something.


  • Ensign
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Re: First steps, advice please :)
« Reply #62 on: June 08, 2024, 08:23:11 PM »

Thanks :) I will consider this. I defeated some blockade fleets and they were done and left.

Beep Boop

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Re: First steps, advice please :)
« Reply #63 on: June 08, 2024, 11:36:54 PM »

Oh and is there any way to really "own" a sector?[./quote]
System "ownership" only matters in that it determines who will intercept you for trying to smuggle, and who will try to bomb you if you colonize in it. Since other factions do not colonize, this label is not especially meaningful when applied to your own faction, which never does any of these things.

In colony crises the other factions come and do what they want, should they not respect my authority?
No? If they did, they wouldn't have come there. You have to TEACH them to respect your authority, through beatings. The reason many of them "do what they want" is because their activities fall short of being outright hostile. Hostile crisis actors that directly attack you will be shot down by your patrols, but the ones that don't directly attack will not be engaged and thus get to float around doing their thing.

I have 2 colonies now (in 2 different otherwise empty sectors). Can I fully  claim a sector?
As previously mentioned, this concept isn't meaningful as applied to the player faction.

And can I wipe out other factions or will they always be there?
You can satbomb or deciv all the other factions, sure. I don't recommend this, though, since it effectively is a gameover condition: Only colonies not owned by you can be exported to and thus generate money, so if you destroy all of the core worlds, you go bankrupt as there is no longer any way to get money to pay for your upkeep and repairs.


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Re: First steps, advice please :)
« Reply #64 on: June 09, 2024, 05:52:12 AM »

You can satbomb or deciv all the other factions, sure. I don't recommend this, though, since it effectively is a gameover condition: Only colonies not owned by you can be exported to and thus generate money, so if you destroy all of the core worlds, you go bankrupt as there is no longer any way to get money to pay for your upkeep and repairs.
Aktually, there'd still be the independents. Even if you also bombed them out, population still gives income so you can just have bare bones colonies (just spaceport + population) with 1 of each industry empire wide to reduce upkeep. Maybe not even need those even, might not be worth it lol.


  • Ensign
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Re: First steps, advice please :)
« Reply #65 on: June 09, 2024, 07:11:16 AM »

If you want to fight things, you should venture beyond the core worlds and scavenge the wild expanse of the Persean sector. Alternatively, you don't just have to fight pirates. If you want, you can turn your transponder off and go on a crusade against some of the Hegemony's former enemies.

Also, do bounties. Those are a guaranteed way to make some nice cash whilst crushing pirates.


  • Ensign
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Re: First steps, advice please :)
« Reply #66 on: June 09, 2024, 04:20:57 PM »

Thanks for your replies. Well then I will of course not attack the other factions directly. But whatever they do in "my" worlds that is hostile I will then answer with force and wipe their fleets out of my space. Maybe then they will learn and not come back :)

Bounties are good, yes. Now I finally reached the point where some bounties give 300k+ as a reward. And I will try again remnants. Sadly I was so stupid to destroy the bases in medium warning sectors and only the ones in the red (high warning) sectors are left, those are very tough.
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