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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: Hypershunt tap problem  (Read 4760 times)


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Re: Hypershunt tap problem
« Reply #45 on: May 22, 2024, 05:01:41 AM »

no, not the gate hauler. Who cares about that... I mean the *** Hyperspace Tiers... Where you get to walk up to a Black Hole and *** DIVE ten quadrillion miles.
Generate Slipsurge.  Takes a while to build up enough topography to get that and Reverse Polarity.  Slipsurge has its uses, though no replacement for a gate.  If anything, it is more useful when combined with gates.  Jump about 10 to 15 light-years toward a system with a gate, then gate to wherever.  Or gate to a system with or near a big enough star or black hole and blast off toward wherever, even off the map for Abyss exploration.


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Re: Hypershunt tap problem
« Reply #46 on: May 22, 2024, 05:22:20 AM »

Would gladly trade the Tap for a steady respawn of doritos.
Or even endgame crisis Stellaris-style dorito invasion :)

But yeah, Tap is useless and a headache. Hope it gets some attention, along with other overpriced colony mods like Fusion Lamp.

Good day Juno!  :)

Yeah Starsector Vanilla seems kinda boring when you reach the endgame with colonies since it doesn't even have an endgame yet.(I still really love the game its really hard to find a game like this with passion and care about the starsector community.)  :-\
I hope Alex, David and co. Addresses this.

We only got to see the Cruiser Version of a [SUPER ALABASTER].
I just hope to see the Capital Version of a [SUPER ALABASTER].
And a Station Version of a [SUPER ALABASTER].

Unless you mod it with endgame mods. (Thank you very much modders for making the game more enjoyable even the game is still in Alpha state)

Im so midly disappointed at the 0.97a update.
Its like you expect a chocolate cake with a full chocolate icing but instead you got a chocolate cake but with a lame *** full vanilla icing.
I was expecting the Abyss to have some new endgame enemies to fight and endgame loot or even better new respawnable endgame enemies to fight that is stronger than the [REDACTED] .

Instead we got a lame *** very barren placeholder abyss.
[Lets be honest guys we slightly feel sad about it]

I was expecting the [DOMAIN REDACTED] to be guarded by some [SUPER ALABASTER]
but instead we only got a lame *** [SOY REDACTED] that is guarding it.
That's a very important piece of history in front of your eyes.

If the next update is 0.98a is only QOL I would be so ******!
I wish for this game to have atleast some kind of endgame even the main storyline had not been continued!
It's like adding salt in the wound.

That is all and thank you!  :D
« Last Edit: May 22, 2024, 08:16:09 AM by Gris »


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Re: Hypershunt tap problem
« Reply #47 on: May 22, 2024, 09:49:18 PM »

Good day!
Well, as I see the recent stuff geared towards endgame, including doritos, was added in the recent build, so the endgame polishing has already started, and I see many cool ideas flying here (e.g. return of the Domain to reclaim their colony slaves)
So I hope in the upcoming builds devs focus more and more on exciting sandboxing


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Re: Hypershunt tap problem
« Reply #48 on: May 23, 2024, 12:16:48 PM »

Good day!
Well, as I see the recent stuff geared towards endgame, including doritos, was added in the recent build, so the endgame polishing has already started, and I see many cool ideas flying here (e.g. return of the Domain to reclaim their colony slaves)
So I hope in the upcoming builds devs focus more and more on exciting sandboxing
Doritos are not recent lol. They are a few years old now. Added in .95 I think which was released in 2021.


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Re: Hypershunt tap problem
« Reply #49 on: May 23, 2024, 01:07:05 PM »

Oh my bad. It was the new colony crisis events added this year.

Anyway, there is a lot of endgame space to improve on (pun intended).

1) Implement proper map painting / faction warfare /diplomacy.
- Proper assaults and takeovers on planets instead of just bombing them to resettle.
- Claims on sectors recognized between factions. Player faction recognized (settled entire system, game still doesn't feel like I have a claim on it, lol)
- Diplomacy between factions, more interactions with faction leaders, pacts of non-aggro, defensive, military alliances etc.

2) Implement endgame crises Stellaris-style.
- Global Remnant awakening. Interaction with the Remnants, farming rep, rewards, goals, etc.
- Return of the Domain. No brainer, all core gates activate and advanced Domain forces pouring in to reclaim the savages. Cannot use gates until crisis resolved.
- Return of Ludd. Escaped from Domain sentence during gate hack, spent eons in cryosleep, now back in action. Luddic church and path are ecstatic and unite in global crusade against infidels carelessly slapping AI cores in their colonies, namely you.
- Doritos invasion. Instead of useless Hypershunts they are actually high energy gates where Doritos start pouring in. Potential Remnant ally against all organic life.

3) Mentioned before, rework useless and random Tech Mining casino into actual tech recovery, study, and engineering facility with 3 upgrade levels.
- Research advanced weapons and ship hulls based on Ziggurat, Remnant, Dorito, and Domain tech, etc.
- Build gate ships to spam more gates, gates should have serious upkeep costs though

I can go on for hours, but you get the idea.
Stellaris and Endless Space are deflated balloons, and their teams struggle to implement anything fresh besides few text popups or a reskin, while this game has immense potential and I enjoy it a lot :)
But devs do need to pick a side - come out of the closet and join Steam or GOG (which is more in touch with the indie nature of the game), or both, its a serious market share since there are almost no good space games around, and good influx of cash for devs to keep doing what they love.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2024, 01:21:35 PM by Juno »


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Re: Hypershunt tap problem
« Reply #50 on: May 23, 2024, 04:38:15 PM »

Oh my bad. It was the new colony crisis events added this year.

Anyway, there is a lot of endgame space to improve on (pun intended).

1) Implement proper map painting / faction warfare /diplomacy.
- Proper assaults and takeovers on planets instead of just bombing them to resettle.
- Claims on sectors recognized between factions. Player faction recognized (settled entire system, game still doesn't feel like I have a claim on it, lol)
- Diplomacy between factions, more interactions with faction leaders, pacts of non-aggro, defensive, military alliances etc.

2) Implement endgame crises Stellaris-style.
- Global Remnant awakening. Interaction with the Remnants, farming rep, rewards, goals, etc.
- Return of the Domain. No brainer, all core gates activate and advanced Domain forces pouring in to reclaim the savages. Cannot use gates until crisis resolved.
- Return of Ludd. Escaped from Domain sentence during gate hack, spent eons in cryosleep, now back in action. Luddic church and path are ecstatic and unite in global crusade against infidels carelessly slapping AI cores in their colonies, namely you.
- Doritos invasion. Instead of useless Hypershunts they are actually high energy gates where Doritos start pouring in. Potential Remnant ally against all organic life.

3) Mentioned before, rework useless and random Tech Mining casino into actual tech recovery, study, and engineering facility with 3 upgrade levels.
- Research advanced weapons and ship hulls based on Ziggurat, Remnant, Dorito, and Domain tech, etc.
- Build gate ships to spam more gates, gates should have serious upkeep costs though

I can go on for hours, but you get the idea.
Stellaris and Endless Space are deflated balloons, and their teams struggle to implement anything fresh besides few text popups or a reskin, while this game has immense potential and I enjoy it a lot :)
But devs do need to pick a side - come out of the closet and join Steam or GOG (which is more in touch with the indie nature of the game), or both, its a serious market share since there are almost no good space games around, and good influx of cash for devs to keep doing what they love.

Okay thank you for the reply!  :D

Antelope Syrup

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Re: Hypershunt tap problem
« Reply #51 on: May 24, 2024, 09:33:25 AM »

The way I see it, Hypershunts are too expensive while also not giving a very good bonus. Shipping 20 something thousand metals out to the middle of nowhere, and then managing that 10 volatiles demand, then dealing with the considerable stability consequences of random shipping disruption, its just too much for only one extra industry slot on a colony. An extra slot by itself is nice, but 4 is pretty much always enough for an individual colony. I have a feeling that the Hypershunts may play a more significant role later on, considering Baird's plan, and will probably be required to fully activate the gate system. However, as they are now, Hypershunts need a more significant pay off. I propose a stability bonus to the colony it's attached to, as well as raising the output of every industry on the planet by 1, alongside the extra industry slot. Hypershunts powered the domain by harnessing the power of entire stars, they should be at least considerably raising a planets industrial capabilities.


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Re: Hypershunt tap problem
« Reply #52 on: May 24, 2024, 12:09:54 PM »

make Starsector a 4X
This game was inspired by Star Control 2, mostly. It's not going to be a game about painting the map, it's going to be about saving the world (or sector, as it were). I am too lazy to go search for exact Alex quote, but he said something like "it's nice that Nexerelin exists as a mod, but this is not the vision I have for the game".


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Re: Hypershunt tap problem
« Reply #53 on: May 24, 2024, 04:40:11 PM »

I'm coming late to the thread, but here's my suggestion.

Remove the upkeep from the hypershunt tap. Yes, you heard me. It should just be good.

When you find a pristine nanoforge, you're just happy. It's just a good item, you found one, so you're glad. Why can't the hypershunt tap feel like that?

You have to have a colony within 10 light years of a hypershunt and beat the entire game to make use of it. Why can't it just be a reward?

Like, just let the player be happy. They won the game. They get an extra industry. No drawback, no gotcha, it's not a bunch of grinding. It's a good job, you get a prize.

Edit: Maybe after you install it, the Pathers send the Grandmother of All Armadas to take you out. That would be an even bigger prize! You get to have an awesome fight, in addition to having an awesome colony, instead of a bunch of grinding with a mediocre payout. After beating Tesseracts, the Pather fight would probably feel cathartic, an appropriate denouement like Merry and Pipin coming back from defeating Sauron to clean up the scourging of the Shire.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2024, 04:49:51 PM by landryraccoon »


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Re: Hypershunt tap problem
« Reply #54 on: May 26, 2024, 10:50:09 AM »

I have feeling that the hyper shunts will have other uses in late game that relate to mechanics or story events that don't exist yet

Killer of Fate

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Re: Hypershunt tap problem
« Reply #55 on: May 26, 2024, 11:28:32 AM »

I have feeling that the hyper shunts will have other uses in late game that relate to mechanics or story events that don't exist yet
Baird literally says that we're going to need the Hypershunt to continue the experiment. So maybe Hypershunt tap will instead be like a gate trigger for accessibility...


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Re: Hypershunt tap problem
« Reply #56 on: May 26, 2024, 09:09:39 PM »

I'm coming late to the thread, but here's my suggestion.

Remove the upkeep from the hypershunt tap. Yes, you heard me. It should just be good.

When you find a pristine nanoforge, you're just happy. It's just a good item, you found one, so you're glad. Why can't the hypershunt tap feel like that?

You have to have a colony within 10 light years of a hypershunt and beat the entire game to make use of it. Why can't it just be a reward?

Like, just let the player be happy. They won the game. They get an extra industry. No drawback, no gotcha, it's not a bunch of grinding. It's a good job, you get a prize.

Edit: Maybe after you install it, the Pathers send the Grandmother of All Armadas to take you out. That would be an even bigger prize! You get to have an awesome fight, in addition to having an awesome colony, instead of a bunch of grinding with a mediocre payout. After beating Tesseracts, the Pather fight would probably feel cathartic, an appropriate denouement like Merry and Pipin coming back from defeating Sauron to clean up the scourging of the Shire.

Totally agree.
Both Hypershunt and Fusion Lamp don't need the massive demand cost attached to them bringing in more headache than joy for finding a rare colony mod.


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Re: Hypershunt tap problem
« Reply #57 on: May 28, 2024, 05:01:33 AM »

Good day!
Well, as I see the recent stuff geared towards endgame, including doritos, was added in the recent build, so the endgame polishing has already started, and I see many cool ideas flying here (e.g. return of the Domain to reclaim their colony slaves)
So I hope in the upcoming builds devs focus more and more on exciting sandboxing
Doritos are not recent lol. They are a few years old now. Added in .95 I think which was released in 2021.

If this is true (Since im slightly still new to the Starsector Fractal Softworks Forum Community).
That is rather kinda sad and i really feel bad for the veteran members of the community since they must have waited for the endgame and the conclusion of the main storyline.  :'(

I really wonder how will Alex surprise us in the next or future updates?  :-\


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Re: Hypershunt tap problem
« Reply #58 on: May 28, 2024, 08:44:52 AM »

I’m 100% convinced the current hypershunt bonus is a placeholder. If I had to guess, once the story advances beyond current, hypershunts will be necessary to reach Gates beyond the Persean Sector. That might mean you venturing out, but more than likely, it means all sorts of things entering in through the Gate network. (Purely from a time/effort standpoint, I don’t foresee the player ever leaving the Sector except for potentially one-off scripted missions. The same logic applies for causing baddies to swarm in: less assets required!)

It’s possible Hypershunt Taps still provide some kind of colony bonus but I believe the main intent will be to advance the story.

Killer of Fate

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Re: Hypershunt tap problem
« Reply #59 on: May 28, 2024, 10:57:50 AM »

it would make sense considering Omega is an end-game boss. Kinda like Pontiff is in Dark Souls 3, that their role would be to open up later phases of the game and inform the player that this is where the real *** begins.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2024, 11:26:49 AM by Killer of Fate »
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