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Author Topic: How do I force colonize a planet?  (Read 1411 times)


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How do I force colonize a planet?
« on: February 10, 2024, 09:21:08 AM »

Hello, I'm quite new to the game. I recently found out about Abyssal space, and surveyed some of the planets I encountered.
Now, I can see it clearly saying I cannot colonize planets exactly because it's in deep abyssal space, but I was wondering if there's some way around this?

Maybe a mod, a code, anything really.

For reference, I'm trying to colonize a planet I spawned with a code in orbit around a black hole
runcode PlanetAPI star = ((StarSystemAPI) $loc).getStar(); $loc.addPlanet("cc_terranworld", star, "Terran world", "terran", VectorUtils.getAngle(star.getLocation(), $playerLoc), 250, MathUtils.getDistance(star.getLocation(), $playerLoc), 120)

I've been looking on any possible forum page and on other sites, but found no way to force colonization. If nothing works I guess I'd be ok even with colonizing a pre-existing planet.

Thanks in advance   :D


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Re: How do I force colonize a planet?
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2024, 12:03:42 PM »

you can remove the tags that block colonization from the system ("system_cut_off_from_hyper" and "system_abyssal")
but that still won't let you maintain a colony because those planets & systems just completely despawn after you go ~5ly away from them
« Last Edit: February 10, 2024, 12:06:39 PM by Ruddygreat »


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Re: How do I force colonize a planet?
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2024, 12:37:48 PM »

I tried to spawn a stable point in an abyssal black hole off the map (so I can drop a wormhole and explore the abyss later).  Did not even offer the option unlike those on the map.


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Re: How do I force colonize a planet?
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2024, 02:48:02 PM »

Try to colonize the planet where you found the ship and the anchor. This does not despawn and has a stable point where you can replace the anchor again.


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Re: How do I force colonize a planet?
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2024, 04:24:57 PM »

Try to colonize the planet where you found the ship and the anchor. This does not despawn and has a stable point where you can replace the anchor again.
The gate hauler system does not count, since the wormhole is already online there.  I meant a random black hole far from Limbo, like beyond the northeast corner of the sector.  (Limbo is at the southwest corner.)

I wanted to see if there was anything worth exploring beyond getting junk loot and silly messages, like a D&D party of adventures (two renegade officers, racer/junkie-turned-pilot, armorer, and two others) in a small ship (with less than skeleton crew of a Shrike) or a ship with three hollowed-out AI cores (what a tease)!

Would be nice if there was useful loot (and enemies) exclusive to the Abyss, aside from the Limbo tech.


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Re: How do I force colonize a planet?
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2024, 03:20:02 AM »

you can remove the tags that block colonization from the system ("system_cut_off_from_hyper" and "system_abyssal")
but that still won't let you maintain a colony because those planets & systems just completely despawn after you go ~5ly away from them

I built a wormhole in the system so no it doesn't despawn (used this code to create a stable location)

runcode PlanetAPI star = ((StarSystemAPI) $loc).getStar(); $loc.addCustomEntity(null, null, "stable_location", "neutral").setCircularOrbitPointingDown(star, VectorUtils.getAngle(star.getLocation(), $playerLoc), MathUtils.getDistance(star.getLocation(), $playerFleet.getLocation()), 180f);

Where can I find the line you mention though?


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Re: How do I force colonize a planet?
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2024, 03:21:36 AM »

Try to colonize the planet where you found the ship and the anchor. This does not despawn and has a stable point where you can replace the anchor again.
The gate hauler system does not count, since the wormhole is already online there.  I meant a random black hole far from Limbo, like beyond the northeast corner of the sector.  (Limbo is at the southwest corner.)

I wanted to see if there was anything worth exploring beyond getting junk loot and silly messages, like a D&D party of adventures (two renegade officers, racer/junkie-turned-pilot, armorer, and two others) in a small ship (with less than skeleton crew of a Shrike) or a ship with three hollowed-out AI cores (what a tease)!

Would be nice if there was useful loot (and enemies) exclusive to the Abyss, aside from the Limbo tech.

You might be in luck, just posted a code that lets you spawn a stable location.  ^^     I basically did what  you wanted to do
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 03:24:25 AM by Elettric1 »


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Re: How do I force colonize a planet?
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2024, 12:42:16 PM »

you can remove the tags that block colonization from the system ("system_cut_off_from_hyper" and "system_abyssal")
but that still won't let you maintain a colony because those planets & systems just completely despawn after you go ~5ly away from them

Ok so adding this as I managed to fix it. I didn't find "system_cut_off_from_hyper", but I did find "system_abyssal", just not for my system.
That said, I went ahead and removed <st>system_abyssal</st> from everywhere inside my campaign.xml file ... and that worked! Now I can colonize my planet. Hope this helps others who might find this post, and thanks for the help  ;D