following this topic; will there be an opportunity for us to choose which faction we start in the tutorial? I would like to start in Tri-tach territory and just have them ask us to put down a pirate fleet amassing in Donn
Honestly, that's a bit outside the scope of Nex; it assumes you've played through the vanilla tutorial at least once (and even has an option to skip the current Galatia storyline entirely, partially because Nexerelin far predates the addition of story content to Starsector). The current faction starts just let you get down with things, and the console is there if you want to customize your starting relations post-tutorial (and you can edit what ships are available in the tutorial start by either editing data/config/exerelinFactionConfig/player.json in Nexerelin's directory, or creating one in your own mod to supplement the list!
Anyway, as a bug report, I only just noticed recently: in .97-RC11, the lpp_JangalaEnter1 text in rules.csv has for some reason been wiped completely. Previously, the entry read:
lppJangalaShrineDesc1,DialogOptionSelected,$option == lpp_JangalaEnter1,ShowImageVisual luddic_shrine,"The reception lounge is filled with parties of Luddic pilgrims in traditional handweave led by subcurates in ritual hand-washing. A glance upward reveals the true cleansing: a battery of air-purification units caught in a tangle of murmuring ducts.
Foliage presses itself almost sensually against the outer viewports, letting in only dim light. The plant life seems to twitch, liquids oozing over the panes from cracks in bladders and tubules, leaving rivulets cutting across flaking encrustations. Between the zeal of the foliage and hand-crafted charm of Luddic engineering, the place feels distinctly worrisome compared to the environmental containment you are accustomed to.",lpp_jangalaShrineDesc2:Continue,
In .97-RC11, though, it just reads:
lppJangalaShrineDesc1,DialogOptionSelected,$option == lpp_JangalaEnter1,ShowImageVisual luddic_shrine, ,lpp_jangalaShrineDesc2:Continue,
Not quite sure how that happened, since it looks unintentional (with the empty section just in front of a comma), but that's how it is in the current build of the game and it does result in an empty block of text during the initial Jangala visit.