I've been playing quite a lot with your mod and honestly, the Exteminator is overpowered but also doesn't work as an anti-frigate weapon (or a deterrent) :
1) It's very accurate and it deals a crazy amount of AOE damages to fighters and missiles, making carriers (not battlecarriers) almost invincible against missiles and fighters (they stay in the backline, meaning they only have missiles and fighters to worry about) ;
2) Nonetheless, 350 fragmentation damages with proximity fuse is quite bad against frigates (projectiles deal reduced damages) even if its insane projectile speed (1900
) make every shot hits its target ;
3) On the other hand, it's utterly overpowered against cruisers and capitals :
- Cruisers and capitals have lots of hullpoints that you need to get through after stripping them of their armor ;
- However, a 700 DPS fragmentation weapon anihilates hullpoints and cruisers and capitals are not agile/fast enough to avoid the Exteminator shots (nothing is agile/fast enough against a 1900 projectile speed weapon tbh) ;
- Cruisers and capitals are supposed to have some degree of protection against such high DPS weapons thanks to the residual armor mechanic ... But with 350 damages/shot, residual armor almost doesn't count ;
- It also has crazy flux efficiency.
It's just too strong on top of not really working as advertised. I don't use it as a deterrent against frigates : I use it as an assault weapon against cruisers and capitals and it's unmatched in this category (I mount a pair of Exteminators on all my capital ships and heavy cruiser because it's just that good against capitals and cruisers). I tinkered a bit with it to make it better against its intended targets and reduce its power against cruisers/capitals :
- Projectile speed reduced to 900 same as a Heavy Mauler (down from 1900) ;
- Damages reduced to 200/shot (down from 350) ;
- Energy/shot increased to 110 (up from 50) ;
- I removed the proximity fuse from the projectile (it outshined the Flak way too much) ;
- I added a very small amount of scripted high explosive damages to the projectile (something like 50).
It's now far better against frigates (it still needs quite a few shots to get through the armor of something like a Vanguard or Hound but now it's a credible threat against most frigates) and while it's still good against cruisers/capitals hullpoints, it's no longer crazy powerful against them.