Would you mind sharing a good build or two?
Vanshilar's got some data and a build in a couple threads, one is:
https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=25686.msg383303#msg383303That compares some kill times of mono cruiser fleets + player Onslaught vs double Ordo.
I thought he did a 15 DP vs 20 DP comparison as well against Ordos but can't find it. I think the variation he used for that was something like:
1 Heavy Blaster
2 Sabot Pods (linked)
2 IR Pulse Laser
Converted Hangar
Expanded Missile Racks (s-mod)
Integrated Targeting Unit (s-mod)
Hardened Shield (s-mod)
Shield Conversion -Front
Solar Shielding
10 Vents
11 Caps
Individual builds can vary based on what you're trying to do (player pilot, AI, early game first cruiser, late game mono-cruiser fleet, s-mods available or no, skills available or no).
I generally like a Heavy Blaster + Ion Pulsar + Sabot as the primary loadout, although I've also used a Converted Hangar + Xyphos + Heavy Blaster + double missile pods of some flavor with s-mods. Hullmods will depend on s-mods or not as well. But some mixture of Front Shields, ITU, Expanded Missile Racks, and Hardened Shields typically. Converted Hangar if Xyphos. Add in ion cannons (if no other source of ion damage), point defense, or IR pulse lasers as needed, although typically I only throw on a 2 or 3 small weapons. Bump vents as needed to match needs (or max), and the rest into capacitors.
Assuming unskilled, no s-mods, AI ship and staying away from Safety Overrides and Converted Hangar, I'd probably go something like:
1 Heavy Blaster (front energy mount)
1 Ion Pulser (synergy mount)
1 Sabot Pod
1 Burst PD or 2 Beam PD
Integrated Targeting Unit
Shield Conversion
30 Caps
24-25 vents