There are 2 types of toxic world, "cat_toxic" and "toxic_cold".
Both have identical rolls for volatiles, so you can find those on any type.
Only cat_toxic has any data for organics, so toxic_cold shouldn't be able to ever have organics.
The 2 types
also have very different spawn conditions.
Specifically the hab "offset" range.
The cold variant (that can't have organics) has a much narrower band, so it will occur less frequently overall.
I wouldn't trust condition gen anecdotes from anything in the core worlds (this includes Duzahk, Tia & Penelope), as all of the planets there are a half-procgen and half-not. So the generation data may not work in the the same way.
I can't ever remember seeing a cold toxic world with organics "in the wild", and I've done a
lot of exploring.
tl;dr - Toxics can have organics. "Hot" toxics will always have the possibilty of having them. "Cold" ones, not so much. Hot toxic is more common than cold.