Skills bring this number down to about 600(and reduce recoil and increase shot speed)… you cannot just look at unskilled
No, that's if you assume ideal conditions for the Hellbore (ballistic mastery but not energy weapon mastery, target has high flux, etc.) which will never happen in practice. You cannot say that as a general statement. For example, you handwave away energy weapon mastery by assuming over 1000 range, but then you ignore the Hellbore's low projectile speed, recoil (spread), etc., which happen at longer ranges for projectile weapons, not to mention the AI's ability to flicker shields against high-damage shots. Basically, it's not going to happen in practice, and the vast majority of ships aren't going to be stationary high-armor targets at max hard flux anyway.
A better way to compare these weapons in combat would be to...well, compare these weapons in combat. Such as by modifying a Legion to be able to carry them together and have them fire side by side. And then, since I didn't want to do a bunch of A vs B comparisons (too many tests) for the different larges, just put them all together. That's right, a Legion that carries the Gauss, Mjolnir, Mark IX, Hephaestus, Devastator, Storm Needler, and Hellbore side by side. With Ballistic Mastery (elite) as well as Gunnery Implants (elite), along with the usual other skills like Combat Endurance. Threw in the Tachyon and the HIL too. Upped the flux to 4000 so it could handle it all, put it in a fleet with 10 Gryphons (Squall/Harpoon/Breach), and then set the whole fleet against triple Ordos. On autopilot except for occasional burn drives to keep the Legion front and center whenever it started being blocked by Gryphons, to ensure that it kept attacking. So the environment these weapons are in is that the enemy ships are generally somewhat weakened (have higher hard flux) due to Squall spam, so they're ripe to be killed. So the weapons are basically competing against each other to see who can finish off each ship first.
I ran it 3 times. Screenshot of the 3rd time to give an idea of what the results looked like is attached. The overall data was:
Raw Data
Weapon Total Shield Armor Hull Hits
Mjolnir 77717 40946 7012 29759 257
Tachyon 65275 39503 7747 18025 32
Mark IX 58642 46526 1456 10661 299
Gauss 56925 39869 2915 14142 83
HIL 54094 18002 13252 22839 33
Hephaestus 48775 15301 11993 21481 696
Hellbore 22646 8069 4503 10075 51
Storm Needler 22484 17773 563 4149 634
Devastator 12244 4399 3261 4583 167
Vulcan 2178 1608 456 114 882
Weapon Total Shield Armor Hull Hits
Tachyon 70887 36191 7814 26881 24
Gauss 64424 50541 1955 11928 85
HIL 63508 17097 18734 27677 27
Mjolnir 59241 28936 8099 22206 215
Mark IX 45362 37606 1109 6646 245
Hephaestus 37818 11582 11949 14286 573
Hellbore 16562 5689 6268 4605 41
Storm Needler 15812 13882 422 1508 453
Devastator 13485 5176 4626 3683 208
Vulcan 1944 1537 297 110 727
Weapon Total Shield Armor Hull Hits
Tachyon 65635 38109 8259 19268 30
Mjolnir 65157 32745 6257 26154 229
Gauss 59831 44092 3904 11835 91
HIL 49627 17200 14070 18356 38
Mark IX 42187 34477 1266 6443 247
Hephaestus 36726 12686 10968 13072 585
Hellbore 19667 5231 7336 7100 41
Storm Needler 17638 14857 400 2382 521
Devastator 11974 3830 3335 4809 180
Vulcan 2802 1686 308 87 771
Basically, the percentage of the total damage that each weapon contributed was:
Percent of Total Damage for Each Weapon
Weapon Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Average
Tachyon 15.59% 18.31% 17.81% 17.24%
Mjolnir 18.56% 15.30% 17.68% 17.18%
Gauss 13.59% 16.64% 16.24% 15.49%
HIL 12.92% 16.41% 13.47% 14.26%
Mark IX 14.00% 11.72% 11.45% 12.39%
Hephaestus 11.65% 9.77% 9.97% 10.46%
Hellbore 5.41% 4.28% 5.34% 5.01%
Storm Needler 5.37% 4.08% 4.79% 4.75%
Devastator 2.92% 3.48% 3.25% 3.22%
Basically, the Hellbore did about half the damage as the Hephaestus. And that pretty much matched my experience when putting them side by side: the Hellbore, despite being specialized anti-armor, actually ends up doing less armor damage over the course of combat than the Hephaestus, even though the Hephaestus (with its lower hit strength) is actually more anti-hull than anti-armor. It simply misses too much and the window where it's the most useful (where the target just dropped shields due to high flux, but before its armor gets worn away by other weapons) is too short. The HIL ended up doing about as much
armor damage as the Hellbore's
armor and hull damage put together -- and the HIL does more hull damage than its armor damage on top of that. Devastators did poorly, whether due to its shots expiring before reaching the target, or because it was too busy killing fighters and missiles, or both. Storm Needler also did poorly, but that's more because of its short range; in this test the chance of a target getting past all the Squalls, the Gauss, the beams, and the 900-range weapons to get to the 700-range weapon was just too small. It would probably do better in a different environment where there are fewer other weapons. The results only varied by several percent across the three runs, so they were pretty consistent.
But there's something else here. I grouped all the 900-range weapons (Mjolnir, Mark IX, Hephaestus, Hellbore, and Devastator) together, along with a specially-modified Vulcan. The Vulcan was set to 900 range (to match the others), turn rate of 360 (so it could near-instantly point to the desired target), projectile speed of 3000 (so it would near-instantly hit the target, i.e. without the target being able to dodge it), do 7 energy damage (so that it would always do at least 1 damage to get counted, but contribute as little to the fight as possible), with 5000 projectile HP (to ensure that it doesn't get destroyed before hitting something), no recoil (i.e. no spread due to firing), and a couple of other changes. Basically made it to be a weapon that would nearly always hit. I set it with a refire delay of 0.25 second so that it fires 4 times per second.
All these weapons being in the same weapon group might seem like they would throw each other off, but in practice the AI almost always selected the Gauss, leaving this weapon group on autofire, so they were free to fire at anything within range. The Vulcan would nearly always hit so I assumed it to be the magical standard (i.e. always hit), while all the other projectile weapons had to absorb the effect of projectile speed, recoil, etc., on their hit rate. I knew each weapon's rate of fire (Mjolnir = 80 shots per minute, Mark IX = 60/2.3*4 = 104.35 shots per minute, Hephaestus = 240 shots per minute, Hellbore = 20 shots per minute, and Devastator = 60/3.1*12 = 232.26 shots per minute), along with the custom Vulcan's (240 shots per minute). Since they all had the same range and were placed near each other, if they perfectly hit then they should match the Vulcan in how often they hit (accounting for the differing shots per minute); the extent that they fell short is thus the extent that they ended up missing due to the various projectile factors above. From the above data, how often they hit, relative to the Vulcan, was:
Chance of Weapon Hitting Target (Relative to Vulcan which is assumed to always hit)
Weapon Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Average
Mjolnir 87.41% 88.72% 89.11% 88.41%
Mark IX 77.97% 77.51% 73.68% 76.39%
Hephaestus 78.91% 78.82% 75.88% 77.87%
Hellbore 69.39% 67.68% 63.81% 66.96%
Devastator 19.57% 29.56% 24.12% 24.42%
The Mjolnir hit nearly 90% of the time. The Mark IX and the Hephaestus hit a bit more than 3/4 of the time. For the Hellbore, though, it misses about 1/3 of its shots. Note that here, we're not even talking about trying to hit the same armor cell or adjacent cells or whatever. About 1/3 of the shots will
miss the target ship completely, including the shield bubble (which is wider than the ship) if the shields were up. And this is with Ballistic Mastery (elite) for the +33% projectile speed and Gunnery Implants for the +100% target leading accuracy and -25% weapon recoil. Basically, any analysis which ignores its lower hit rate compared with other weapons is going to be wildly off.
The Devastator only hit about 1/4 of the time, but some of its shots expire early, plus it also spends more time targeting fighters and missiles, so it wasn't always focused on enemy ships. All the weapons were pretty consistent in their hit rate except for the Devastator, likely due to how much it was dealing with missiles (particularly, on whether or not the Legion had to absorb Flash waves) on each given run, so these results should be fairly reliable.
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