We should be able to determine how weapons should be used. Like setting rules for missiles only firing them when the enemy is overloaded or has no shields or close to be overloaded. I know there are already weapon tags trying to achieve this but atleast the player should be able to determine it for his ship.
As for ship roles I'm advocating for such thing because currently command orders kinda not working well enough. I think instead leading by order approach we should be able to leading by task. Such as assigning certain ship a role via 0 OP cost hullmod. Making certain ship only chase destroyers and frigates if they are present, making certain ship only rushing in and striking vulnerable ships or making them prioritize bigger ships which would suit to Onslaughts well
Speaking of roles I wish we could manually request for long-mid range artillery support against whom we target, it would make combined warfare efforts would be much better and missile support ships like centurion would be finally useful
Those would be nice changes but they are only examples, I'm just just rooting for leading by task approach in general.