The window of opportunity isn't much shorter than other ships - PPT time is vastly outweighed by CR decay time, especially for SO ships.
...The recent Wolfpack Tactics nerf to PPT was clearly aimed at Hyperion, without considering how minor the impact is when post-PPT CR decay rate is so easily countered by Combat Endurance + Hardened Subsystems without Delicate Machinery.
I want to expound on this a bit, and in particular about how CR degradation works.
Once peak time runs out, CR begins to decay at a rate of 1% every 4 seconds. If the ship has either Combat Endurance or Hardened Subsystems, the stated effect is that they decrease the CR degradation rate by 25%. What it really means is that the ship loses 1% CR every 4/0.75 = 5.333 seconds. If the ship has both, then it's 1% every 4/0.75/0.75 = 7.111 seconds. Indeed, you can check that you can take a ship, stick both CE and HS on it, and you'll find that its CR will degrade roughly 1% for every 7 Heavy Blaster shots (or whatever other weapon you want to use as a timer). This is regardless of Safety Overrides; SO does not affect CR degradation, only the peak time before CR degradation starts taking place.
What this means is that after a ship's peak time runs out, if it has both CE and HS and assuming it started at 100% CR, then it has 60*7.111 = 427 seconds of combat time before it reaches 40% CR, the point where it starts risking malfunctions. That's over 7 minutes of time
after peak time is over. It then has another 40*7.111 = 284 seconds before CR drops to 0, for a total of 711 seconds that it can fight, after peak time runs out. Just shy of 12 minutes.
Taking the Hyperion for example, it has 120 seconds of base peak time. It can get another 60 seconds from Wolfpack Tactics, and another 30 seconds from Elite Systems Expertise, for a total of 210 seconds. Without CE nor HS, its CR would degrade at 1% every 4 seconds, and thus it would get another 60*4 = 240 seconds before risking malfunctions, for a total of 450 seconds.
But if it takes SO, and also CE and HS, then its base peak time increases to (210+60+60)/3 = 110 seconds. It then has an additional 427 seconds before risking malfunctions, for a total of 537 seconds. So CE and HS are more than enough to cover for SO cutting its peak time down to 1/3 of base. It has less than 2 minutes at peak, but another 7 minutes before it has to worry about malfunctions. So CE and HS make the short peak time penalty of SO fairly trivial. This is shown visually in the attached graph, plotting the Hyperion's CR as a function of combat time, with and without CE and HS.
Against that 537 seconds, an SO Hyperion losing 20 seconds of peak time from the recent Wolfpack Tactics change was basically chump change. In the attached graph, you can imagine the blue line being shifted to the right by 1/3 of a square; that was the effect of the change.
(As a side note, since I don't think you can get negative CR, this means that once a Hyperion hits 40% CR in combat, you might as well as keep it in unless it risks dying, since its CR will become 0% after combat anyway. So its combat below 40% CR is basically free, unless it dies.)
This property of CE and HS mitigating the effect of the shortened peak time of SO is true for all ships, by the way, not just the Hyperion. It basically puts an additional cost on SO, if you want the SO ship to handle longer battles; however, given how much benefit SO gives to the ship, that cost is usually worth it.
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