Thanks for taking the time to record it and share your thoughts. I'll respond to what you're saying and interject with some (what I think are) helpful hints.
I made a video of what I'm doing. I hope this clearly shows why I'm confused. I also think that future gamers might need a little more information.
To start off, I completely agree that more information needs to be presented to the player. Finding out some things is too painful at the moment. It should get a lot easier in the next version, with a highly detailed fleet screen you can look at before battle. That screen will also let you customize your ships. Being able to create quick custom battles just to check out certain ships should help too.
The first thing you see me doing is looking at the different ship types. I don't see any carriers(I'm looking for the word "carrier"), but I do see wing aircraft. I decide to try and capture two different smaller objectives. At this point, you cannot see the different weapon types of the ships that I'm selecting. All you see is their name and the title. I'm not able to pick the right ship here because I don't know what they have or what they do. I think that for a lot of the people that have been hanging around for a while, this is old news, but for new players, it might help to actually give a short description beneath the bar graph. Strengths and weaknesses. It could even be written well if you feel that is too direct.
There's a "flight decks: X" on the tooltip. In this mission, the only ship with a flight deck is the Gemini, which is primarily a freighter, so it's not designated as a carrier. I'm not saying this is intuitive. In my defense, lots of carriers *do* say carrier

At the start, the main thing you care about is speed so they can take objectives faster. Armament etc doesn't really matter until slightly later - so pick the fastest stuff. I wouldn't bring in the Conquest right away - leaves you with too few faster ships - but it's certainly doable that way.
The second thing you see me doing in the video is flying off to the objective and just sitting there. I want to be able to look at the other ships to see how they are doing, but the camera doesn't go over there. This is a moment of boredom, as I am just guarding an objective while being unable to see what's going on. All I have is the war room, and you see me pause a few times impatiently to see what's going on. You might want to consider letting the player watch the battle at other locations. I don't really know how everything is going until it's too late. Also, it would be more exciting.
Parking the bulk of your fleet strength (aka the Conquest) in an out-of-the-way waypoint is a strategic error, one side effect of which is boredom

Still, on watching the video, it doesn't look like the lull in action was that long - some bombers and destroyers showed up to keep you company.
To watch the battle from the perspective of another ship, switch to the war room, click on the ship, and press "F" (or the "Show Video Feed" button). You can also unpause the game while in the war room. So if you chose not to bring your flagship in right away, this is how you could play until then. Alternatively, you could transfer command (select and press "X", or "Transfer Command" button) to another ship that's already deployed.
A few minutes go by, and I noticed that the fleet on the right side of the map is beginning to wander off the objective. I tried to pull it back, but it doesn't feel like I have enough control over their behavior. Those ships are doing what they want and getting killed in the process instead of falling back. I would like to be able to make them fall back forcibly.
Agree completely. The next version includes a major revamp of how you control your fleet. Working on this right now, actually. I think the problem isn't that you don't have enough control, but rather that the UI lets you think you have more control than you really do, and then it's frustrating when your fleet doesn't obey the way you'd expect. The ships have an involved AI and just can't respond to commands in the way RTS units do.
Finally, I decide to move my fleet towards the right with some reinforcements. Mainly because I'm bored sitting there waiting for something to fly straight into my missiles. It looks like I'm not doing too bad. I suffered some hull damage, but I've taken a lot of ships with me. When I get there, there are these huge behemoth ships, and I am trying to get them from a distance. They instantly target my ship, and I go down in a blaze of glory. On a positive note, this battle is awesome and it really got my excitement up. I have everything on a very large TV with surround sound, and the cannon fire really sounds like cannon fire, booming across my room. The fantastic effects... it's extremely satisfying.
Thanks for including something positive
The main reason that last battle goes badly for you is the enemy controls both nav buoys and both sensor arrays - so their ships have large range and speed bonuses. Your flagship is normally faster than the Onslaught battleships, but not when you take the objectives into account. Tactically, what you want to do is circle them and keep firing broadsides, but with the speed/range disadvantage you're at by then it's not possible.
Oh, and I wouldn't put the missile group on auto-fire - it's generally more effective to target those manually. Likewise with the broadsides (groups 1 & 2), though they would do ok - but you can do much better manually, and the damage is significant enough to be worth your attention.
I hope this helps a bit. Again, thank you for taking the time to post this. If anything, I'm happy because a lot of the issues you point out are going to be addressed in the next version.
P.S. It doesn't seem like you're doing too badly, at that. It took me a quite a few tries before I could consistently beat it.