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Author Topic: [0.6.1a] Interstellar Federation v1.27  (Read 374808 times)


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[0.6.1a] Interstellar Federation v1.27
« on: April 02, 2012, 10:44:48 PM »

Of Dreams and War

Over a millennia ago, during a time of peace and exploration, mankind's greatest undertaking led to the creation of the Stardrive, a device capable of instantaneous travel between two points in space.  Massive Republic colony ships were constructed around them to carry the hopes and ambitions of their people to distant stars.  Capable of only a one-way trip, decades were spent selecting planets for colonization.  Soon, life was seeded across thousands of worlds in the fringes of charted space.  Further advances in localized FTL engines bridged the gaps between neighboring systems and brought about galactic trade, transforming colonies into civilizations.  As their territories began to brush against each other, it wasn't long before greed led to war.  Centuries of savage conflict ravaged countless worlds and lost with them was much of the technology and knowledge of their forefathers.  Cast into darkness and isolation, generations past with little hope of a brighter future, until word spread of a small fleet from whereabouts unknown trying to unite the colonies under one flag.  Through helping one another rebuild, this interstellar federation strengthened the galactic bonds more than they had ever been before and civilization once again prospered.  It seemed as though nothing would threaten the peace everyone enjoyed until the discovery of omega particles drew the attention of a bloodthirsty alien race known as the Jardain. 

What began as losing communication with distant outposts quickly developed into the First Contact War.  Just as advanced and with greater numbers, the Jardain swept through Federation space like a plague.  With astute resourcefulness, Federation generals stalled the enemy as they realized a desperate attempt to develop a weapon that could turn the tides of war.  Crippled and abandoned after forgotten skirmishes long ago, the once great Republic colony ships would rise again to protect the children of their builders.  Contained within them was the most advanced piece of technology known--the Stardrive.  Without the knowledge of their ancestors, repairing it was impossible, but Federation scientists were able to repurpose its colossal hadron reflector to create a devastating weapon.  Living areas were gutted to fit power cells, cargo bays were packed with ammunition, sub-systems of sub-systems filled the decks and lesser ships were sacrificed to reinforce its armor.  On the eve of year 2500, marking the anniversary when mankind had embarked on a daring life among the stars, the first Titan was born.


-Capital Ships-
Titan-class Carrier, Auria-class Battleship, Antares-class Battlecruiser, Yukon-class Prototype Destroyer

Ares-class Heavy Destroyer, Ballista-class Anti-Capital Cruiser, Mercury-class Prototype Gunship, Montana-class Utility Cruiser, Helios Assault Ship

Vixen-class Missile Ship, Shogun-class Electronic Warfare Ship, Zephyr-class Strike Carrier, Defiant-class Heavy Gunship, Toa-Class Destroyer

Albatross-class Attack Ship, Scythe-class Interceptor, Dakota-class Frigate, Orion-class Hypertug, Rickshaw-class Strike Frigate, Echo-class Scout Ship

Hornet Fighter, Draken Interceptor, Foxbat Fighter, Tracer Heavy Bomber

-Industrial Ships-
Mazerk-class Superbarge, Tahoe-class Cargo Barge, Trexel-class Fuel Barge

Omega Device, Lancer Torpedo dual, quad, single, Piranha Anti-Fighter Missile Launcher, Riptide & Locktide MLRS, Harpy MRM Pod:
Hadron Accelerator, Nucleon Ram, Cyclotron Eviscerator
Cain, Peacemaker, Citadel PD, Mass Driver, HV50 Autogun, HV75 Autogun, HV100 Autogun, Thunderchief:


InterstellarFederation v1.27 download link has been updated. IF has been released under a Creative Commons license to recirculate, and modify to your hearts content. Thank you all for so many years of love for this mod. -Kep, 2023

InterstellarFederation v1.27

-Incorporated balance updates & unique names, special thanks to LostInTheWired!
-Modified weapon sound for neutron weapon system

InterstellarFederation v1.26

=Compatibility Patch by kazi=
-Special Thanks to kazi for making IFED compatible with 0.6.1a
-Updated sounds.json file for compatibility
-Modified internal fleet objectives for mission compatibility
-Added some of the IFed ships as possible opponents in the simulator
-Added an easter-egg Antares variant

InterstellarFederation v1.25

=File Changes=
-IFed now supports Starsector 0.54.1a
-Updated descriptions
-Updated ship_data
-Updated faction data

InterstellarFederation v1.234

=File Changes=
-Added ship description for Helios
-Added ship description for Orion
-Added ship description for Scythe
-Added ship description for Tahoe
-Added ship description for Trexel
-Added ship description for Zephyr
-Changed ship description for Mercury
-Changed ship description for Toa
-Added weapon description for HV50
-Added weapon description for HV75
-Added weapon description for HV100

InterstellarFederation v1.233

=File Changes=
-Fixed Helios and Montana crashes caused by bad AI in .system files.


InterstellarFederation v1.232

=Ship Changes=

-helios_Assault variant weapon groups fixed

=File Changes=

-lancer_dual.wpn fire sound and smokespec fixed
-lancer_dual.wpn projectileSpecID changed to lancer_torp
-lancer.wpn projectileSpecID changed to lancer_torp
-hadron_shot.proj properly renamed


InterstellarFederation v1.231
=Ship Changes=

-helios_Assault loadout changed

=File Changes=

-Added Helios to fleet compositions and station cargo


InterstellarFederation v1.23
=Ship Changes=

-Added Helios Assault Ship

-Ship range increased to 66

=Weapon Changes=

-Added Neutron Gun system

X-Flare Launcher system
-Now has unlimited uses, 15 second cooldown

Torpedo Launcher system
-Max uses reduced to 2, 20 second regen, reduced cooldown

Lightning Gun
-Cooldown increased to 5 seconds


InterstellarFederation v1.22
=Ship Changes=

Added the following ship systems:
-Defense Matrix
-Hadron Transporter
-Medium Attack Drones
-Lightning Gun
-Torpedo Launcher (currently unused)
-X-Flare Launcher

These ships received the following systems:

Note, "SYSTEM" weapon mounts have been added as needed, please update all IFed .ship files for mod compilations.

Titan, added hadron transporter
Auria, added maneuvering jets
Antares, added med attack drones
Yukon, added lightning gun
Ballista, added defense matrix
Mercury, added drone sensor
Ares, added x-flare launcher
Montana, added minelayer
Toa, added ammofeed
Defiant, added ammofeed
Vixen, added fastmissileracks
Shogun, added drone_sensor
-Changed designation to Command Ship
Zephyr, added drone point defense x2
Scythe, added burndrive
Dakota, added flare launcher
Rickshaw, added flare launcher
Echo, added flare launcher
Albatross, added ammofeed
Mazerk, added flarelauncher
Orion, added flarelauncher
Tahoe, added flarelauncher
Trexel, added flarelauncher

-Changed designation to Command Ship

=File Changes=

-Added ship system weapons to weapon_data.csv
Torpedo Launcher
Mine Layer
X-Flare Launcher


InterstellarFederation v1.21
=Ship Changes=
    -Hangar size increased from 10 to 20

    -Armor increased from 765 to 875
    -Hangar size increased from 6 to 15
    -Base value decreased from 20000 to 18000

    -Hangar size increased from 8 to 15

    -hitpoints increased from 8000 to 10000
    -Armor increased from 825 to 1350
    -Max Flux increased from 5500 to 6000
    -Flux disp increased from 320 to 325
    -Ordinance increased from 75 to 90
    -Cargo increased from 270 to 400
    -Fuel increased from 220 to 250
    -Shield strength decreased
    -Max crew increased to 300
    -Mass increased

    -Base value decreased from 22000 to 20000
    -Hangar size increased to 5
    -Hangar size increased to 5
    -Hangar size increased to 15
    -Hangar size increased to 25
    -Flux disp increased from 160 to 165
    -Hangar size increased from 0 to 4
    -Base value increased from 5100 to 5200
    -Base value reduced from 7500 to 7000
    -Now a strike fighter with several changes (changed ship_data, wing_data, variant, ship.file)
    -Refit cost increased from 3 to 4
    -Base value increased to 2500


InterstellarFederation v1.2
=Ship Changes=

-Added Montana-class Utility Cruiser
-Added Albatross-class Attack Ship
-Added Tracer Heavy Bomber wing
-Added Foxbat Fighter wing

    -Number of launch bays increased to 4
    -Added launch bays
    -Launch bay location changed
    -Added launch bays
    -Launch bay location changed
    -Launch bay location changed
    -Launch bays added to sprite
    -Launch bay location changed
    -Base value reduced from 6000 to 4200
    -Flux disp reduced from 150 to 120
    -Fleet points reduced from 6 to 5
    -Armor increased from 55 to 75
    -Decreased mass
    -Reduced Wing fleetpoints from 7 to 6
    -Recuded Wing price from 9000 to 7500
    -Removed Wing hyperdrive

=Weapon Changes=

    -Improved PD performance
    -Increased damage from 35 to 40

=File Changes=

-Added Zephyr, montana, tracer, foxbat to convoy cargo
-Added montana, tracer, foxbat to station cargo
-Updated the following ship sprites to include launch bays: Ares, Yukon, Antares, Auria, Titan
-Removed convoy spawn redundancy in SectorGen
-Reduced days between convoy spawn from 10 to 8
-Changed fleet compositions to account for new ships (both added and removed ships from fleets)
-Added advancedPatrol to fleet compositions

-Descriptions updated for Echo, Rickshaw, Omega Bomb
-Descriptions added for Albatross, Auria, Ballista, Dakota, Montana, Defiant, Mazerk


InterstellarFederation v1.19
=Ship Changes=

-Added Zephyr-class Strike Carrier
-Added Draken Interceptor wing
-Added Hornet Fighter wing

    -Fixed launch bays
    -Side energy hardpoints changed to turrets
    -Forward small hardpoints arc reduced to zero
    -Flux disp increased from 400 to 480
    -Max flux increased from 7000 to 8000
    -Flux disp increased from 485 to 510
    -Max flux increased from 8000 to 9000
    -Shield efficiency improved
    -Medium ballistic hardpoint changed to universal so players can add up to four launchers
    -Shield efficiency improved
    -Hitpoints decreased from 5500 to 4500
    -Price reduced
    -Hitpoints increased from 1950 to 2200
    -Max Flux increased from 1800 to 1950
    -Shield efficiency improved
    -Flux disp increased from 235 to 255
    -Price reduced
    -Speed and handling improved
    -Armor decreased from 300 to 285

=Weapon Changes=

HV Series
   -Damage increased
Mass Driver
    -Damage and EMP reduced

=File Changes=
    -Added supplyConvoy, fuelConvoy, sectorPatrol, and personnelConvoy to spawn list
    -Added zephyr, draken wing, hornet wing to convoy cargo
    -Global message comments updated
    -Added zephyr, draken wing, hornet wing to station cargo


InterstellarFederation v1.18
=Ship Changes=
-Added Yukon-class Prototype Destroyer

=Weapon Changes=
    -Firing rate increased
    -Burst size increased to 4
    -Ammo increased from 16 to 30
    -Damaged reduced from 400 to 285
    -OP increaed from 8 to 10

    -Engery per shot reduced from 15 to 12

=File Changes=
-Enforcement fleet composition changed
-IFCargo spawn changed, added Light Assault Guns, Yukon, more crew


InterstellarFederation v1.17
=Ship Changes=

-Added Mercury-class Prototype Gunship

    -Fixed launch bays
    -Ordinance increased from 310 to 320
    -Base value increased from 120000 to 130000
    -Removed hangar slots
    -Added launch bay
    -Hangar size increased from 4 to 6
    -Removed hangar slots
    -Base price increased from 7200 to 8000

=Weapon Changes=

    -Fixed turret offsets
    -Fixed turret offsets

=File Changes=

-Forsaken Relics I mission text modified
-Enforcement Fleet max fleepoints decreased from 300 to 200
-Enforcement Fleet ship composition changed
-Mercury added to factions and cargo data
-Mercury description added


InterstellarFederation v1.162
=Weapon Changes=

-Added Nucleon Ram

    -Price decreased from 12000 to 7000
-Lancer Torpedo
    -Ammo increased from 2 to 5
    -Damage decreased from 6000 to 3000
-Lancer Quad
    -Changed in name LRM to LRT
    -Ammo increased from 4 to 16
    -Damage decreased from 6000 to 3000
    -Increased burst size and reload time
-Lancer Dual
    -Changed in name LRM to LRT
    -Ammo increased from 2 to 12
    -Damage decreased from 6000 to 3000
    -Chardgedown increased from
    -Increased burst size and reload time

=File Changes=

-Edited descriptions for several weapons


InterstellarFederation v1.161
=File Changes=

-Fixed bug with earthcracker.ship that was causing the game to occasionally crash on startup


InterstellarFederation v1.16
=Ship Changes=

-Added Ballista-class Anti-Captial Ship

    -ares_Standard variant loadout changed
    -Turn acceleration increased from 50 to 65
    -Cost increased from 9500 to 10000
    -Medium hardpoint arc reduced from 120 to 0
    -orion_Standard variant loadout changed
    -Medium hardpoint arc reduced from 120 to 0
    -mazerk_Standard variant loadout changed
    -Medium hardpoint arc reduced from 120 to 0
    -tahoe_Standard variant loadout changed
    -Medium hardpoint arc reduced from 120 to 0
    -trexel_Standard variant loadout changed

=Weapon Changes=

-Added Peacemaker

-Mass Driver
    -Price increased from 5500 to 8500
-Hadron Accelerator
    -Price increased from 30000 to 80000
-Omega Device
    -Price increased from 60000 to 95000
    -OP cost decreased from 7 to 5
-Citadel PD changed from medium mount to large

=File Changes=

-Added Ballista-class to scripts, factions-fleets
-Added Citadel PD to scripts
-Added Cain to scripts


InterstellarFederation v1.151

=File Changes=

-Mission tweaks
-Mission icons changed




-Extract InterstellarFederation folder to Starfarer's mods folder
-Activate the mod upon startup using the mods selector
-Bam! InterstellarFederation station and ships will appear immediately upon starting a new game

InterstellarFederation v1.27 standalone:

InterstellarFederation with Uomoz's Corvus Factions Collection:

InterstellarFederation with Zaphide's Exerelin Dynamic System & Faction War:

Modding Interstellar Federation
Since I've had a few requests, I'm officially releasing the IFed sprite assets for open use under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.  This only includes assets in the current release, not the new concept sprites I've posted in the thread.

-credit me,
-don't sell it
and you're solid.


Vanilla balance is a priority; feedback is appreciated!
« Last Edit: December 14, 2023, 06:04:15 PM by keptin »


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Re: Missiles Inc. - taking missile mod requests!
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2012, 10:50:02 PM »

that's a big missile you got there.

Archduke Astro

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Re: Missiles Inc. - taking missile mod requests!
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2012, 11:19:09 PM »

that's a big missile you got there.
No, keptin's just happy to see you.

Seriously, though, this mod looks promising. Satanic, fast-moving, loaded-to-the-gills-with-BOOM seeking weapons are most welcome.
We thought our last moment had come
when we got a message up the voice pipe
saying that 'A' Turret magazine was on fire.....


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Re: Missiles Inc. - taking missile mod requests!
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2012, 11:44:06 PM »

EMP reaper.
A heavily armored low velocity missile with punch.  I'm talking speed ~25 or less with hp in the thousands.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 11:49:13 PM by Qloos »

Archduke Astro

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Re: Missiles Inc. - taking missile mod requests!
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2012, 12:26:37 AM »

Is it possible to design a missile-type weapon that, in place of an explosive payload of any kind, instead mounts a one-shot version of a starship weapon? Said missile would wait until it reaches a certain (fixed) distance from the enemy, then starts firing the weapon at the target unit at that instant, and continues for a certain (again, fixed) number of shots until the missile is hit by enemy PD systems or it exhausts its onboard power / ammo magazine and it is then removed from play.

The embarked weapon aboard such a missile will depend on its size. A small version might just have a Railgun or an Ion Cannon, both with a very limited duration of fire once they reach the triggering distance to target. At the other end of the scale, the large version of this missile might have a the ability to fire 5 to 8 Hellbore Cannon rounds or say ten seconds' worth of Storm Needler flechettes in a continuous stream.

This might be quite a big modding challenge, but it would create fascinating new options in the game.
We thought our last moment had come
when we got a message up the voice pipe
saying that 'A' Turret magazine was on fire.....


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Re: Missiles Inc. - taking missile mod requests!
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2012, 12:40:10 AM »

Sounds like a sweet idea, but I have absolutely no idea how to implement it.  The api is great, but we're still pretty limited.  I really wish we add new sounds and fire effects (i.e., beam types, explosion fx, etc.) and for missions, add time/event based events (i.e. dialogue boxes that pop up during combat, enemy/friendly unit spawns, etc.).

The tweaking part of the mod is going to lag behind for a few days as I build a pile of sprites to use.  Going back and forth and playtesting for each weapon kills my flow, but I'll post sprites here as I make them.


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Re: Missiles Inc. - taking missile mod requests!
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2012, 01:17:05 AM »

Yeah, nice work this seems to be ;), any chance you could do something that's more closely related to the game art it self than having Sam missiles? ;D still keep up the good work.


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Re: Missiles Inc. - taking missile mod requests!
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2012, 01:52:55 AM »

Beam missiles are planned for future updates IIRC. At least i do remember Alex`s post about graphics for such missiles already done.

As to missiles. I was trying to create am Area of Explosion med range anti-fighter missile, but normal missiles doesn`t work with Proximity_fuse and MIRVs with bomb warheads with proximity fuses did no damage to ships and fighters (fixed in 0.52).

Also a EMP MIRV was another my idea, but emp could not be currently applied to warhead (also fixed in 0.52).

Other than this there are plenty of other missile ideas i had (and planning to make):

1. cluster torpedoes that releases multiple bomblets in close proximity (remote minefields etc.).
2. cruise missiles that deal torpedo-like damage, has great range, are armored, but slow. When getting near its target a smaller, faster and more agile warhead separates from it (drives work for a short period of time).
3. burster torpedo with proximity fuse. Releases slugs much like sabot missile, but in all directions.
4. energy torpedoes and missiles with area effect and without it.
5. a missile that simulates a weapon. MIRV type with empty projectile that is actually another MIRV doing the same thing. Could simulate any autofire weapon.


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Re: Missiles Inc. - taking missile mod requests!
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2012, 02:13:54 AM »

Very cool, I'll look forward to .52 even more!  I've been toying with some similar stuff, but it's just not there on the modding side.  All of this reminds me of Tiberium Sun; there were some crazy weapon mods for that.

@Upgradecap, hey, great idea...what's stopping you? :/ I post four things and already there are critics.  I'll get there, but right now I'm flushing out sprites that I'm in the mood to make; I've got some ideas for a new race (terrain/federation/"american race"-feel) that I'll wrap this stuff into.  Though, you have a point; I've got to adjust the levels and tweak a few things to bring out those hard edges.

*edit*- Aww yeah, hard edges.  8)  Much better.  I take it back, that comment was more constructive than I thought.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 02:43:46 AM by keptin »


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Re: Missiles Inc. - taking missile mod requests!
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2012, 03:04:29 AM »

Anyways, i'm going to borrow a missile system fom here :)

Archduke Astro

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Re: Missiles Inc. - taking missile mod requests!
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2012, 03:28:42 AM »

Is it possible to design a missile-type weapon that, in place of an explosive payload of any kind, instead mounts a one-shot version of a starship weapon?
Sounds like a sweet idea, but I have absolutely no idea how to implement it.  The api is great, but we're still pretty limited.

I thought about my request in more detail, and then decided that I should take it to the next level entirely. Whole new thread about it here on the Suggestions forum; please stop by and share your thoughts!

Beam missiles are planned for future updates IIRC. At least i do remember Alex`s post about graphics for such missiles already done.

Really, Okim? That is awesome times eleventy-one! ;D Perhaps the formal proposal I just made in that linked message will nudge Alex's own concept somewhat.

Keptin, looks like you've certainly got no shortage of missile ideas heading your way. I'll put on my thinking-cap and see what I might be able to add to the mix.
We thought our last moment had come
when we got a message up the voice pipe
saying that 'A' Turret magazine was on fire.....


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Re: Missiles Inc. - taking missile mod requests!
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2012, 03:33:48 AM »

Just thinking of how exactly are beam missiles going to work?

Archduke Astro

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Re: Missiles Inc. - taking missile mod requests!
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2012, 03:39:52 AM »

Just thinking of how exactly are beam missiles going to work?

Did you read my formal proposal here? I went into considerable detail about the gameplay mechanics of such a thing -- check it out. I went well beyond just beams alone on those missiles.
We thought our last moment had come
when we got a message up the voice pipe
saying that 'A' Turret magazine was on fire.....


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Re: Missiles Inc. - taking missile mod requests!
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2012, 03:52:49 AM »

@Archduke, I frickin' love missiles! If said features are implemented in .52, I'll go to town...sprite town.

@Upgradecap, Cool!  I want to bash out a ton of sprites of numerous "races" while keeping with the games art style to a degree.  I'll take a look at your mod for some thematic ideas.


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Re: Missiles Inc. - taking missile mod requests!
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2012, 04:03:55 AM »

Thanks!! If you could make a missile that fits the TimCORP art, i would be ever grateful to you ;D
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