Had been playing for almost 100 hrs the past week or so, loved it so much. I cannot believe I've only now found this game. My 2 cents:
1) Map Markers!Custom map markers are sorely needed. Sometimes you find a system with a few level 5 planets on it, but you just want to explore some more before deciding this is the best place to set up colony. Or remnant infested systems that you want to revisit when you have better ships. It's hard to keep track of those without some form of map markers.
2) Integrated map screen!The intel screen map should be integrated with the tab map. Some functions you can only do on intel map, like showing what mission is where. Some you can only do on tab map, like clicking system info and choosing which jump point to go through. There really should just be 1 screen to do it all. It would be super nice if you can hover over a (surveyed) system and see a pop up list of what planets are in it, what type and level, and a small indicator for missions, invasions for nexerelin, bounties and stuff.
Had a mission in a black hole system, didn't bother to memorize which planet it was and go back to tab map to select a jump point. Plotted a course to the mission on intel map. You know the rest of the story...
3) Inventory list in trading screen!List of items instead of icons in trading screens. Sometimes clicking icons is more convenient, like buying supplies and fuel. Sometimes it's a pain in the ass, like trying to decide what weapons to sell and what to keep among 80 different weapons you have in inventory.
4) Better aimpoints!The little dots on the weapons arc are hard to see. It fits the visual theme well, but it's really, really hard to see especially if you zoomed out a bit.
5) Selecting multiple weapon groups!Selecting weapon groups should be like flipping a switch. Selected groups stay on "aiming mode" and press again to deselect that group. That way, it's possible to select multiple weapon groups at once. Selecting/deselecting should not change auto firing settings.
Say i have 4 beams on a ship. Even within the same fight i often find that sometimes I want to just fire 2 and sometimes all 4 at once. The ability to select more than 1 fire group at a time gives me more control, plus it feels epic to flip all the weapons groups on and volley.
Right now, leaving everything except your main guns on auto firing is the only option but sometimes it can shoot at random ships instead, and manually aiming feels better.
6) Empty mount indicator It could just be me, I have the worst eyesight. But it's hard for me to see if a mount is empty or not in refitting. It's probably not a big problem for vanilla because there aren't that many mount slots on a ship. But I have archean order on (great, great mod btw), and it's getting hard to see which mount is empty which isn't and there's a lot of small mounts on a capital. Something like a red circle for empty mount would be awesome.
Thanks for reading this! Please don't throw *** at me if those points have been mentioned before haha. Aaaand if any of you know of any mod that accomplishes those things please let me know too