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Author Topic: Is the enforcer worth it?  (Read 18411 times)


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Is the enforcer worth it?
« on: November 19, 2019, 07:15:41 PM »

I've got to admit that the staggering amount of weapons it can field made me purchase one in my new campaign, but I just can't make it work for some reason. I went as far as dropping the frontal medium turret and all missile hardpoints to try and give it better flux management and fire both flaks and thumpers more but it just feels really lacking to me. Any suggestions?
« Last Edit: November 19, 2019, 07:17:30 PM by Arcagnello »
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Re: Is the enforcer worth it?
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2019, 07:36:50 PM »

They're pretty mediocre, I don't use them. Dissipation is a much better measure of firepower than mounts, and the enforcer really lacks it. It can probably only support 2 or 3 medium mounts with serious weapons. I would probably downgrade 2 mounts to small pd. Missiles don't cost flux to fire so they actually help a lot to smooth over the dissipation problems, I wouldn't drop them, I would drop medium mounts first. Sabots make any ship decent until they run out.

Also, if your loadout is 2x flak and 2x thumper, all of your damage is fragmentation damage which does 25% damage to shields and armor so your going to perform pretty poorly vs ships (although that will do well against fighters). Something like the arbalest is probably best to give you the smallest possible flux cost and kinetic damage which does 200% damage to shields. 1 or 2 arbalest, 1 heavy mortar, sabots and 2 small pd (vulcans maybe) would be my choice. Maybe railguns are actually better than arbalest too, I would have to test it. You could also do something like 1x flak 2x railgun/arbalest and some HE missiles. The ship is going to struggle with more weapons than that.


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Re: Is the enforcer worth it?
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2019, 08:19:12 PM »

I will try that, thank you!

Also, would a missile focused build using annihilator rockets and the ammo modspec fare good too?
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Re: Is the enforcer worth it?
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2019, 08:24:49 PM »

Annihilators are pretty decent, just make sure you have some kinetic damage to set them up.


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Re: Is the enforcer worth it?
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2019, 08:32:47 PM »

i find the enforcer quite strong, but the regular variant is kinda limiting, the special hegemony one is different story. what you need to do is match your build with the right officer aptitude it can be very oppressive.

for my special hegemony enforce i run 3 heavy auto turret in the middle 3 slot and 2 heavy mauler at the side. give it heavy armor, and armored weapon mount, forget tanking with its shield, and focused on a combination of flux and dissipation that lets you fire longer. the officer need to have aggressive AI and they are pretty good at knowing when to tank with armor instead of shield. in that situation the enforce is a pretty effective anti destorier platform. it will over load any competition before they can do sufficient damage return and punish the enemy with the theavy mauler as they back away. it does suffer vers capital ships that have longer ranger as it needs to get in there to do the damage.

the other method that works even on regular enforce is that we stick 5 Hypervelocity Driver, with integrated targeting, and timid officier with range skills. this turns enforces in to a more back line support ship but the long range kinetic and emp damage can be suprisingly effective at times.   
« Last Edit: November 19, 2019, 08:36:17 PM by wei270 »


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Re: Is the enforcer worth it?
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2019, 09:10:05 PM »

As others said, it's quite mediocre.
One important point is to always use Converted Hangars - Enforcer has least straight firepower of all DEs (well, except Shrike which doesn't even count as a proper DE), but most OP to spend. Either Talons for distraction or Xyphos for EMP beam.
It's also the slowest DE (forward movement system doesn't help it run away), so is the most vulnerable to fast cruisers/capitals rushing it.

Under player control it can be used to decent effect, but all 3 other DEs are more powerful and easier to use.


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Re: Is the enforcer worth it?
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2019, 09:40:05 PM »

4 missiles of whatever you wish, 2 flaks, 1 Mauler, and 2 HVDs.

That is a solid "safe" build, then there is bowling ball SO monsters. There is nothing wrong with the Enforcer, stop comparing to the Hammerhead which is a bit overtuned.


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Re: Is the enforcer worth it?
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2019, 01:58:09 AM »

Enforcer is an escort destroyer. It can protect backs of bigger ships quite well. As for other purposes, they typically fall short of Hammerheads, Sunders or Tempests. However, considering I typically use fighters for escort duties, I don't really put Enforcer to any use, unless I'm pressed for ships. There are better options, no matter what you want from it.


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Re: Is the enforcer worth it?
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2019, 03:11:56 AM »

It also feels really weird to me. It's like it wants to be a mini Dominator, but doesn't have the defense nor offense for it. I mean what's it gonna do when it burn drives somewhere, rain down the flaks? It's slow as a cruiser, doesn't have nowhere near the amount of flux it needs so even with the first build MesoTroniK mentioned, which I usually go with, doesn't perform that great. I guess it can be a nice anchor in early game but after that it's useless imo. Even other combat destroyers have a place in mid-game (some in late game too).

Also the XIV bonuses don't really help much since it's a destroyer. Whole 9 extra dissipation WOWEE, what a joke.
Please don't take me too seriously.


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Re: Is the enforcer worth it?
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2019, 04:15:27 AM »

In older versions it used to dominate; not so much anymore.


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Re: Is the enforcer worth it?
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2019, 04:23:49 AM »

It probably makes a great point defense platform; load it up with anti-fighter weapons, configure it for missile defense and deploy it against carrier-heavy fleets for cost-effective swarm kills.  Against anything bigger than another destroyer the lack of flux begins to tell very quickly.


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Re: Is the enforcer worth it?
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2019, 04:39:19 AM »

^^^ I agree with this. It can't support all those medium mounts offensively, but if you load it out with flak cannons it can be a great PD boat.


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Re: Is the enforcer worth it?
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2019, 07:51:28 AM »

It probably makes a great point defense platform; load it up with anti-fighter weapons, configure it for missile defense and deploy it against carrier-heavy fleets for cost-effective swarm kills.  Against anything bigger than another destroyer the lack of flux begins to tell very quickly.

It's funny you mention that since my current enforcer build has 4 swarmers, two Hypervelocity drivers, a flak and two double barreled machine guns, I usually have him escorting my Condor carrier.

HVD + Swarmers combo also works really well against freighters and other destroyers so CE they both can hit fast moving targets with commendable levels of accuracy
« Last Edit: November 20, 2019, 07:54:48 AM by Arcagnello »
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Re: Is the enforcer worth it?
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2019, 09:05:18 AM »

You are rubbish ENFORCER, most glorious ship of fighting in Sector of Stars?


You are not understanding what makes ENFORCER strong like MIGHTY BEAR, unstoppable like WORLD REVOLUTION!

ENFORCER is not like puny SUNDER with medium and large energies of zapping and system of focusing, nor is it like sad HAMMERHEAD with corset waist and methamphetamines autoloader. ENFORCER is glorious ballistic hate disc of WINNING, with four of small missiles and five of medium ballistic. Is simple, uncomplicated design, easy to fit and use, cheap and effective in all battles and made for spamming all over screen like copy and paste.

You see, ENFORCER is not about your 'balancing of fluxes' or 'tanking of shields'. Flux is for firing gun and shield is only for stopping torpedo, like bright red Reaper, deadly to ENFORCER like Coca-Cola to kidneys of poor workers. ENFORCER is protected by flak gun of admittedly good but overcomplicated German engineering, made simple after take from smoking ruin of Berlin. Outermost ballistic turret is always for flak gun, unless Overriding Safety; more later on that. Then in center you put Mauler or Mortar, some gun of high exploding to put holes in armor. And other two are get kineticking poker like Hypervelocity Driver or Autocannon or Arbalest, with focus on alpha not the DPS because of low flux capacities. For missiles I am liking Harpoons spam or Sabots and Reaper halfs and halfs. Four missiles on destroyer is like feces of male cow to balance but if you are having, you should be enjoying.

That is core build of ENFORCER. Now to Overriding Safeties.

When Overriding Safety on ENFORCER, you should be thinking 'how can I put most gun on ship for least range and cost?' Overriding Safety is like cramming big Proton rocket and tank of rocket fuel into little Japanese hatchback; no room for camping tent and ludicrous American backyard grill. Now is you, pet dog or cat in side seat, and ferocious prayers not to die as you are speed across desert of white sun, filling pants and screaming with fear as little rocket car shakes itself and goes very fast. If you are think about Overriding Safety in this way you will always build correct.

For picking weapon I am always liking Heavy Machine Gun and Chaingun of Assault. Get three of first and two of second. Machine Gun is PD, but you are not needing PD, you are needing close bang bang on enemy shield to make it give sparks and go kaput. Chaingun of Assault is like buzzsaw at lumber factory of Uncle Vanya with two finger on left hand; is not dangerous if one or two hit, but if drinking of vodka at controls or shield is down, will saw away armor, then more armor, just like finger. Now counting above seven must happen on toes!

Hammer torpedo is best for ENFORCER of Overriding Safety. Is cheap, dumb of fire, and you are getting two missile for 2 OP. Eight of Hammer is sufficient to damage all armor in game.

Hopefully this post is helping you to understand true glory of ENFORCER and proper fittings.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2019, 12:57:56 PM by Soren »


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Re: Is the enforcer worth it?
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2019, 09:11:43 AM »

I do not know who you are, I do not know where you came from, but I love you.
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