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Starsector 0.98a is out! (03/27/25)

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Author Topic: [0.95a] Gladiator Society  (Read 163667 times)


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[0.95a] Gladiator Society
« on: June 05, 2018, 04:54:41 AM »


(Free cookies and drinks for subscribers of level delta and up)

Download 1.3 beta
Can be added on a current save, but not removed and rarely updated too, this mod do not add any content except on your com relay

The Gladiator Society gives you the option to put your life on the line to become popular. Each Gladiator match is being broadcasted on every inhabited planet and station in the Sector.

If you're interested, go to nearby Com Relay and subscribe to our GladiatorTM program.

Please do not read the fine print part of the contract

Gladiator Society will start hosting matches soon!
It was nice knowing you.
May the best win.

Download the contract with a click on the download link!

Lost on the options of the Gladiator Society?
Open up!
After have reach any Comm relay:

Choice between two options:

The first is for unique bounty! Some are available after reach a level and others after have done others bountys!
The seconds, the endless battle, for the end-game, for kill giant fleet of your dream! And win some reward too!

More Bounty on/with:


For a better blood effect:

-Dynasector  Randomization of variant and more capital hullsize and less frigate!
YOU ARE DEPRECATED, noooooooooooo

Addional Information for our subscribers:

- Current banner isn't final, new banner coming soon (budget cuts)
- Mod works like IBB, no code was stolen, only the idea was (too much Tri-Tach security programs in the system)
- Mod is supported by Starsector community living on Unofficial Starsector Discord server (they aren't AI, we swear)
- Mod adds special / meme / unique ships and fleets, just like IBB in Ship and Weapon pack, but it's easier to make your own (totally)
- Other mods can add their own Gladiators, this mod will add them to Gladiator pool automatically (we have stolen some Tri-Tach tech)
-Thank Avanitia.(She have redone 95% of the text of Gladiator Society, including this thread.
-Thank NightKev for personality hullmod.
-Thank Mod community.
-Thank Drakon_ST for the concept of endless battle (and to have give reward ship).

Addional Information for modders:

-This mod is a framework for create your own mission bounty, you need just to insert a bounty.json on your mod and you are done!
He have also qew bounty and a readme for see how this thing work!
-You can add your own faction to the EndlessBattle.csv on your own gsbounty folder. They will be added on the random faction of the infinite battle functionality.
-On the 1.0c, you can add your own unique reward ship on the endless battle. Work like every CSV.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2021, 03:03:47 AM by Snrasha »
I am pretty bad on english. So, sorry in advance.

Gladiator Society
Add battle options on Com Relay/ Framework for modders for add their own bounty.

Sanguinary Autonomist Defectors A fan-mod of Shadowyard.

Takion Kasukedo

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Re: [0.8.1a] Gladiator Society
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2018, 06:04:37 AM »

So, where's the download?
If it ever seems like I'm not doing something you've asked/I said I'll get around to doing, it's because my time is occupied by other things that interest me in that current moment in time. Kindly be patient, or don't ask at all. Thank you.


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Re: [0.8.1a] Gladiator Society
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2018, 06:09:03 AM »

So, where's the download?

Our society will begin to propose match very soon

2-3 Hours. I need to fix a tiny problem of simplification.
I am pretty bad on english. So, sorry in advance.

Gladiator Society
Add battle options on Com Relay/ Framework for modders for add their own bounty.

Sanguinary Autonomist Defectors A fan-mod of Shadowyard.


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Re: [0.8.1a] Gladiator Society
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2018, 08:21:53 AM »

And now we lurk awaiting the upload :)
Looking forward to this as adding some more fun fights/encounters so thank you!


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Re: [0.8.1a] Gladiator Society
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2018, 08:44:57 AM »

The mod is now available!

Only my others mods Artefact and SAD  have missions, except vanilla missions of GS mod, currently(they have be updated), you will need to wait than others modders update their mod with GS bounty.

I have include a SWP bounty, because.... no reason.

Do not hesit to give a feedback. Any bug encounter or others.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2018, 03:21:23 PM by Snrasha »
I am pretty bad on english. So, sorry in advance.

Gladiator Society
Add battle options on Com Relay/ Framework for modders for add their own bounty.

Sanguinary Autonomist Defectors A fan-mod of Shadowyard.


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Re: [0.8.1a] Gladiator Society
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2018, 03:32:22 AM »

For notify, i have updated my GS mod to version 0.21 (a fix of the 0.2)

I have not notify the 0.2 but he add a TAG for chains of missions. We will have soon on next update of qew mods,  GS bounty who will appears and use this mechanic.

The 0.21 have fix a crash of the 0.2
I am pretty bad on english. So, sorry in advance.

Gladiator Society
Add battle options on Com Relay/ Framework for modders for add their own bounty.

Sanguinary Autonomist Defectors A fan-mod of Shadowyard.


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Re: [0.8.1a] Gladiator Society
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2018, 07:45:42 AM »

Been playing around with this! It's a lot of fun so far. Experimenting with different types of bounties, and it's really easy to prototype and iterate on!

I have a question about how mission generation works. It seems like bounty posting is related to the reward value compared to the size of your fleet. If I have a large fleet, all the bounties will post for me, but I have a small fleet, I won't see bounties posted for above a given value. Is this intended?

For example, the RandomGuys bounty will show up pretty much all the time regardless of fleet size given a few days of waiting, but the RandomGuys2 bounty, even when the needBounty flag taken off, will only spawn when I have a large fleet. When I lower the reward of RandomGuys2 to 50000 from 300000, it spawns every time.

Is this intended?


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Re: [0.8.1a] Gladiator Society
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2018, 07:59:37 AM »

Been playing around with this! It's a lot of fun so far. Experimenting with different types of bounties, and it's really easy to prototype and iterate on!

I have a question about how mission generation works. It seems like bounty posting is related to the reward value compared to the size of your fleet. If I have a large fleet, all the bounties will post for me, but I have a small fleet, I won't see bounties posted for above a given value. Is this intended?

For example, the RandomGuys bounty will show up pretty much all the time regardless of fleet size given a few days of waiting, but the RandomGuys2 bounty, even when the needBounty flag taken off, will only spawn when I have a large fleet. When I lower the reward of RandomGuys2 to 50000 from 300000, it spawns every time.

Is this intended?

Bounty is available if your level * 15 000credits  are higther than the reward. Except when you reach the level 30 where the reward is ignored.
The reward need to represent the difficulty of the bounty.
Currently, we have already somes modders who have out GS bounty on their mod, but on discord, for the moment.

If you create a fun bounty, do not hesit to send me per private message.
You can always try with a mod faction, but i will need to request to the author of the mod if he is ok with this bounty ^^.

Do not put a IBB ship of SWP on GS Bounty, please :p

Do not hesit to feedback any problem linked to a too high reward, typos or bug. Same if this is from a other mod who have added them.

EDIT: Update version 0.22 for fix again a crash.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2018, 03:40:23 AM by Snrasha »
I am pretty bad on english. So, sorry in advance.

Gladiator Society
Add battle options on Com Relay/ Framework for modders for add their own bounty.

Sanguinary Autonomist Defectors A fan-mod of Shadowyard.


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Re: [0.8.1a] Gladiator Society (Bounty Framework)
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2018, 01:03:51 PM »

Update of Gladiator Society mod!

This update add the dynasector functionality who randomize variant of fleet. You need Dynasector for that, else.
I have add a another SWP Bounty. Because... I do not need a reason?
A other point is than they are also available on pirate market.

Version 0.4:(Do not need a new game)
-Add a SWP Bounty
-Fix Remnant/Delerict bounty  flagship.
-Add Dynasector functionality. (If Dynasector enabled, the part of the random bounty fleet will be build per Dynasector.
Variant on the "ships" and flagship will be ignored.) (Thank to Nexerelin to have already this thing)
-Bounty are available now also on pirate, because Gladiator is a bit not very legal too.(And for Pirate Run)
-Add a line on the framework bounty for randomize completely your fleet or just the random fleet added on your fleet(if true)

I am pretty bad on english. So, sorry in advance.

Gladiator Society
Add battle options on Com Relay/ Framework for modders for add their own bounty.

Sanguinary Autonomist Defectors A fan-mod of Shadowyard.


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Re: [0.8.1a] Gladiator Society (Bounty Framework)
« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2018, 01:39:33 AM »

I've been wanting something like this for the longest of times. I haven't tried it yet, does it initiate a battle straight from the dialogue screen? That'd be ideal imo.


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Re: [0.8.1a] Gladiator Society (Bounty Framework)
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2018, 01:59:44 AM »

I've been wanting something like this for the longest of times. I haven't tried it yet, does it initiate a battle straight from the dialogue screen? That'd be ideal imo.

No, i will maybe wait the 0.9 before try something like that, currently, just add missions on independant/pirate market  like IBB.
I am pretty bad on english. So, sorry in advance.

Gladiator Society
Add battle options on Com Relay/ Framework for modders for add their own bounty.

Sanguinary Autonomist Defectors A fan-mod of Shadowyard.


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Re: [0.8.1a] Gladiator Society (Bounty Framework)
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2018, 06:33:08 AM »

So uh, just fought a gladiator and now all the factions hate me, because apparently the "gladiator" faction is neutral?


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Re: [0.8.1a] Gladiator Society (Bounty Framework)
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2018, 12:46:45 AM »

So uh, just fought a gladiator and now all the factions hate me, because apparently the "gladiator" faction is neutral?

Oh, damnit, thank, i will out a fix for that :x

You use Nexerelin, no?
I am pretty bad on english. So, sorry in advance.

Gladiator Society
Add battle options on Com Relay/ Framework for modders for add their own bounty.

Sanguinary Autonomist Defectors A fan-mod of Shadowyard.


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Re: [0.8.1a] Gladiator Society (Bounty Framework)
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2018, 01:35:26 AM »

Yeah, latest version. I was guessing it might have been a faction config file issue :v


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Re: [0.9a] Gladiator Society (Bounty Framework)
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2018, 05:14:22 AM »

Version 0.5:
   -Fix Linux Typo.
   -Move the Gladiator society on every com relay. (They dissapears of the market)
   -Do not need a new game, but if you update on your current save, you can done these missions twices with the market and com relay
   -Fix a problem of relation with the Gladiator Society when they are neutral.
Com Relay:
   -For the moment, one option, you can choice to look Bounty available, if 0 bounty, so you have the level or just finish all missions.

Fixed two tiny problems and i have decided to switch from Market-based mission system to Comm Relays to be more unique and different from IBB.
Comm Relay spawns fleet near you. More like Gladiator Society. Now you don't have to use fuel to get to bounty.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2019, 09:10:33 AM by Snrasha »
I am pretty bad on english. So, sorry in advance.

Gladiator Society
Add battle options on Com Relay/ Framework for modders for add their own bounty.

Sanguinary Autonomist Defectors A fan-mod of Shadowyard.
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