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Messages - mathwizi2005

Pages: [1]
Mods / Re: [0.95a] Console Commands v2021.04.10
« on: May 10, 2021, 01:03:48 AM »
I'm trying to get a code that spawns a jump point at the player location and I'm doing it repurposing the old Stable Location spawn code but it keeps erroring out

runcode Random rndm = new Random;
    StarSystemAPI starSystem = Global.getSector().getPlayerFleet().getStarSystem();
    JumpPointAPI newJumpPoint = Global.getFactory().createJumpPoint("console_added_jumppoint" + rndm.nextInt(), "Hyperspace Jump Point " + starSystem.getJumpPoints().size());
    float distance = MathUtils.getDistance(Global.getSector().getPlayerFleet().getLocation(), starSystem.getStar().getLocation());
    OrbitAPI newJumpPointOrbitAroundStar = Global.getFactory().createCircularOrbit(starSystem.getStar(), 0, distance, distance / 10);

Is this just overcomplicating things or are my calls no longer active?  This is from the past version

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Console Commands v3.0 WIP 7.6 (released 2018-12-07)
« on: November 02, 2020, 03:37:26 PM »
Is there a way to spawn the hyperspace jump point to the player's location?

runcode Global.getSector().getStarSystem("System Name").autogenerateHyperspaceJumpPoints(true,true)
// the first true statement is for Gas Giants
// the second true statement is for generating Fringe Jump Points
runcode Random rndm = new Random;
                StarSystemAPI starSystem = Global.getSector().getPlayerFleet().getStarSystem();
                JumpPointAPI newJumpPoint = Global.getFactory().createJumpPoint("console_added_jumppoint" + rndm.nextInt(), "Hyperspace Jump Point " + starSystem.getJumpPoints().size());
                float distance = MathUtils.getDistance(Global.getSector().getPlayerFleet().getLocation(), starSystem.getStar().getLocation());
                OrbitAPI newJumpPointOrbitAroundStar = Global.getFactory().createCircularOrbit(starSystem.getStar(), 0, distance, distance / 10);

This command is erroring out for Jump Point generation at the player and the command before only adds fringe points in non Gas Giant sectors.

The odd thing is the syntax all looks fine.

Can the Stable location spawn command be retailored for Jump points?
runcode SectorEntityToken fleet = Global.getSector().getPlayerFleet();
    StarSystemAPI sys = (StarSystemAPI)fleet.getContainingLocation();
    SectorEntityToken stable = fleet.getContainingLocation().addCustomEntity(null, null, "stable_location", "neutral");
    float orbitRadius = com.fs.starfarer.api.util.Misc.getDistance(fleet, sys.getCenter());
    float orbitDays = orbitRadius / (20f + new Random().nextFloat() * 5f);
    float angle = com.fs.starfarer.api.util.Misc.getAngleInDegrees(sys.getCenter().getLocation(), fleet.getLocation());
    stable.setCircularOrbit(sys.getCenter(), angle, orbitRadius, orbitDays);

Pages: [1]