Will we be able to adjust how much they take from the total amount of combat experience? (IE I could set it so that they can take 10% to 100% from the "pool" of exp) This would be useful all the way through the game.
I agree with Alex that this seems like an odd thing to let the player do directly. However, given that the experience is stated to be dependent on time spent in combat, I'd think that you can fudge it to some degree. E.g. a battle is worth 100 experience and you deploy 3 officers A, B, and C; A is deployed for the whole battle, B is deployed as reinforcements after a quarter of the battle has passed, and C was in the initial wave but retreated after half the battle passed. Experience might then be divided up as A gets (100 experience)*1/(1 + 0.75 + 0.5), B gets (100 experience)*0.75/(1 + 0.75 + 0.5), and C gets (100 experience)*0.5/(1 + 0.75 + 0.5).
A question of my own on the experience split: Is the experience split going to be something along the lines of (battle experience)*(this officer's time deployed)/(total deployment time of all officers), or is there going to be something in place so that the dropoff in experience gained isn't quite so harsh for the first few officers deployed?
I.e., assuming that all officers deployed are present for the entire battle, will the experience split look something like:
100% x1 officer, 50% x2 officers, 33% x3 officers, 25% x4 officers, etc. (Split factor is f(x) = 1/x, goes to 0 as x goes to infinity.)
Or more like:
100% x1 officer, 75% x2 officers, 67% x3 officers, 63% x4 officers, etc. (Split factor is f(x) = 0.5 + 1/(2*x), goes to 0.5 as x goes to infinity.)
Or more like:
100% x1 officer, 90% x2 officers, 81% x3 officers, 74% x4 officers, etc. (Split factor is f(x) = e^(1 - (9+x)/10), goes to 0 as x goes to infinity, but the split isn't as severe for low numbers of officers as with the first split.)
I'm not asking what formula you're planning to use for the split, at least not right now; I'm more interested in how the share each officer gets changes as the number of officers deployed grows.