Got some downtime, so: answers!
Question for anyone who might have already messed with it: is there any way to increase the range of some Nex settings in Magiclib, or is it compiled in the java/inaccessible on our end?
There are some values I'd like to edit more than what Magiclib lets me (as an example, the frequency of diplomatic events: with many modded factions in the game even one every 60 days - the highest the panel lets me set - is a bit too much for me and I'd like to set it at 90 or even 120), but can't find where I could do it. And, as far as I understand, editing the config file itself like in the past would be moot now, as Magiclib takes priority.
Ingame settings are in LunaLib not MagicLib. You can turn that mod off completely if you don't mind losing its functions (assuming no-one is using it as a dependency), but the min/max values are in Java, yeah.
(Hmm, maybe I can make it so that if the config file's value is lower than the code's min or higher than the max, it becomes the new min/max)
Pheremony has a territorial defense force that provides +3 stability if the colony is a democracy. How do I set that?
Government types sound like Ind.Evo, although I haven't tried the recent versions and can't say if that's what's happening here. Alternatively, it's a specific feature of the mod that adds the planet (did you mean Peremohy from DME?)
currently i'm doing a run with only satbomb enabled. how do i increase the size of these fleets? in the lunalib config menu i can only find the invasion size multiplier. does it also affect satbomb fleets? do i need to edit a value in the exerelin_config?
Can't check the code easily right now, but I
think invasion size mult also affects raids and sat bombs.
Does selling surveyed data to a faction have any effect?
It would be cool if it did, say increase the chances of expanding to suitable locations.
Possible have the value of a planets survey data decrease to a faction that already received that info from the other explorers out there.
Currently selling survey data will reduce the time till the next colony expedition (but the expedition can be from a faction other than the one you sold it to). Next version, the specific buyer may also get a higher chance of being chosen to send an expedition.
Either the starting options don't work or i am doing something wrong. The only way i got out of that option hell is to chose independent start (hard) start with one single mini ship. I should not have mod conflicts, this is the only major mod i have enabled. I guess the startup is not brainrot friendly..
Sounds like something's going real wrong. Can you post screenshots (e.g. of trying and failing to pick a different start), and the starsector.log file if there are any errors?