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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Nexerelin v0.11.3c "Planet Tales" (fixes 2025-01-26)  (Read 3541018 times)


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Mechanic problem -- no longer hostile -- Wasted credits
« Reply #6255 on: December 21, 2024, 10:22:53 PM »

Ok so the mechanic is good and all on its own, but the inner devastation I just felt tells me there's more work needed.
So what happened?

At some point I became hostile with a faction (no such org) and decided to send a massive invasion toward their S7 home planet.
I spent over a million credits on it

Fast forward several ingame months, the fleet still hasn't launched. I get a notification
Invasion aborted, no longer hostile
This is an intended mechanic, and it works, right? What's my issue?
I didn't want to call off that invasion. Also, I didn't get that million credits back, they just vanished into the ether, effectively wasted.

I think in this instance the mod should have asked me whether I wanted to stop being hostile and call off the invasion, or remain hostile and don't call off the invasion.
There was no peace treaty or anything, they just suddenly stopped being hostile (it might have been a relation action by an agent that I forgot about, but the cause of the change in relations isn't relevant, only the behavior is. I very much wanted to take that planet and don't particularly want to throw another million credits at it (and I didn't save recently) so that screwed me over a little bit.

Idk I feel like this option would help. If it's already a thing and I'm just dumb, let me know.


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Re: [0.97a] Nexerelin v0.11.3 "Planet Tales" (update 2024-11-30)
« Reply #6256 on: December 21, 2024, 10:35:52 PM »

Are you sure you didn't get a refund? I specifically coded that over a year ago (and re-tested just now); the refund amount decreases based on event progress, but if it hasn't even launched yet it should be 100%.

Anyway the invasion cancellation is by design for now, but the peace shouldn't be occurring without specific player action in that direction anyway (if it does, it's either a Nex bug or another mod doing things). If you're sure you didn't get your money back, you can console it back at least.


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Re: Refunding credits for canceled fleets
« Reply #6257 on: December 22, 2024, 03:49:22 PM »

Are you sure you didn't get a refund? I specifically coded that over a year ago (and re-tested just now); the refund amount decreases based on event progress, but if it hasn't even launched yet it should be 100%.

It turns out the fleet was on its way to the destination when it got canceled. I'm not sure how far along. I didn't _notice_ any refund but maybe there was?
The planet was turned friendly from an agent I had previously set to improve relations, so I did cause it. It's not really necessary but there could be something in the config that warns of relation changes when there are outbound fleets or something, idk. It's not really a big deal if a player causing such a change is already necessary.

Maybe the notification that says the fleet was canceled could give a little overview of the refund that occurs, or say how much of the original cost was refunded based on progress (however you have that coded)?

(Also I noticed just now I need to update the mod. Will do.)
Thanks for replying so promptly.


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Re: [0.97a] Nexerelin v0.11.3 "Planet Tales" (update 2024-11-30)
« Reply #6258 on: December 24, 2024, 11:30:50 AM »

Hi Histidine! After finishing Midnight's questline (at long last), I wanted to give some feedback.
Spoilers for Midnight's and Galatia's questlines! Beware
First off, I like the missions so much. The writing is fun and interesting, the battles are challenging, and the timed quests were well implemented. Thank you for the great campaign! Now, onto the issues I had:
  • A few typos here and there, the least of all issues; just pointing it out. I'd volunteer to squash them if you're ok with it!
  • One of the objectives you get after the assault on Madeira - to talk to a TT Executive - can cause trouble. I hadn't met Arroyo yet, so I had to rush the Galatia story a bit to get to him, and that was a bit silly. Will return to this.
  • The battle with true Silverlight is tremendously difficult. I noticed the "extra XP" difficulty measurer was sitting at 0%, so I presume the Remnant fleet is equivalent to the fleet points of Pink-Hair-Nun and the player combined; I think that is overkill, because not only are the AI-led Luddic ships quite incapable of handling Remants, but also the presence of Tesseracts mixed in make the enemy a nightmare. No battle-line can survive that crucible. I had a sizeable Midline fleet (3 capitals and 8 cruisers) and it was consistently evaporated; tried bringing an IED from Luddic Enhancement, it was ineffective; tried bringing an even larger fleet (with what little time I had to amass it), still lost.
  • As for Silverlight, well, it is a gigantic dreadnought alright. I had so much trouble damaging it, seemed impossible for a while. I only managed to beat it after I rushed to get the Ziggurat and armed it with Omega weapons; even then, I needed two tries, and blew up the Ziggurat. Granted, if I had had the Ziggy for a while so the D-mods would be fixed and I'd S-modded it (I'm running Progressive S-Mods), it would've been easier, but the only real difference would perhaps be it surviving the battle.
To conclude, my take is that the last mission needs to be locked behind the Galatia quest's progression, the best spot being after fighting the Ziggy. It'd also be a solution to guaranteeing the player's already met Arroyo. Also, nerf the final boss fleet a little.

Now, the nitpicking:
Midnight feels off as the campaign progresses. At the end, she seems to become almost emotive and moralistic, in contrast with the AI shtick. Making you fight alongside the Luddies to defeat a common enemy is perfectly fine, but her making an impassionate speech to them is so strange... It's all too conveniently successful, for such an overt breakaway from the world-building status quo. It'd be more sensible if she spoofed your fleet's transponder into friendlies, or triggered an alarm of some sort so Gilead readies for battle. Something wily and underhanded, keeping with the shadow puppeteer trope from the first missions.
I want more options in the dialogue with Towering, prior to the final battle. First two feel too run-of-the-mill isekai-protagonist bravado, and the third is... it sure is. I wanted a "I'll attach your core to a toaster after we're done" kinda response to Towering's edgelord rambles, though not even answering the hail (or cutting the connection in his face) is a fine option.


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Re: [0.97a] Nexerelin v0.11.3 "Planet Tales" (update 2024-11-30)
« Reply #6259 on: December 24, 2024, 05:32:39 PM »

Thanks for the detailed feedback! Specific responses in order:

  • Typo fixes are always welcome!

  • If you haven't met Arroyo yet, you can get his contact info from Midnight; some relevant dialog even changes depending on whether you do Salvation or Kallichore Archive first.

  • Battle probably relies on using Gilead Station as a meatshield, even at 20% CR it still has decent firepower and will take a long time to kill. Although, lemme make it so it respawns the station if it got disrupted beforehand for whatever reason.

    Simply throwing more metal into the battle line may not be helpful, since the enemy fleet has a partial scaling factor to player strength. Midnight's help offer just before the battle might be beneficial; it gives you one Facet to their two, but yours has a better officer (also doesn't count for the aforementioned scaling)

  • The way the mission is currently written Midnight's recorded speech is there to persuade the already-alerted-and-suspicious Knights to work with the player if the more direct option (requires having a non-pirate commission, or the player faction existing) is unavailable. It's specifically written to in-universe achieve this goal, which is why Midnight talks mostly 'normally' (actually a bit surprised I hadn't seen someone comment on this before) and why alternatives like a fake transponder (jig would be up as soon as you needed to communicate with anyone) generally wouldn't work as-is. Though I can certainly see your point about the whole puppeteer thing, some food for thought there.
    As for the dialog option with Mauve, sure I'll add that later ;D


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Re: [0.97a] Nexerelin v0.11.3b "Planet Tales" (fixes 2024-12-25)
« Reply #6260 on: December 24, 2024, 06:20:21 PM »

Merry Christmas! Here's some bugfixes.

Nexerelin v0.11.3b
* Random sector new game setup fixes
    * Make sure gate memflags and transverse jump + neutrino detector are added properly
    * Don't apply quest skip memory keys to random sector if inappropriate
* Fix + log recent crashes from operative actions on null market
* Fix AI admin handling on market transfer or granting autonomy
* Fix `invasionOnlyRetake` factions sometimes never launching raids
* Display refund amount if a player fleet request is cancelled
* Final Remnant mission: Un-disrupt Gilead station if needed for final battle


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Re: [0.97a] [0.97a] Nexerelin v0.11.3b "Planet Tales" (fixes 2024-12-25)
« Reply #6261 on: December 25, 2024, 03:25:31 AM »

Reuploaded just now to fix some quest skips not applying their memory keys (what an embarrassment)

AnXel LG

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Re: [0.97a] [0.97a] Nexerelin v0.11.3b "Planet Tales" (fixes 2024-12-25)
« Reply #6262 on: December 25, 2024, 03:29:12 AM »

Reuploaded just now to fix some quest skips not applying their memory keys (what an embarrassment)

I just was wondering what the hell was going on with the gates not functioning to the Janus device's orders, lol! Paranoia intensifies...


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Re: [0.97a] Nexerelin v0.11.3b "Planet Tales" (fixes 2024-12-25)
« Reply #6263 on: December 25, 2024, 05:59:35 AM »

After two hours of tweaking, most of which was spent in several 10+ minutes (EDIT: 10 minutes the first time, around 5 minutes for subsequent times) of just starting Starsector on my aging system, editing both via LunaLib and directly with the JSONs, and even re-downloading the mod just in case I somehow missed the hotfix, I still have a problem:

The game gives me a Victory via Galatea on game start (EDIT: on Free Start).

My modlist, just in case, though the only mod here to have major changes besides Nex was the Refit one (EDIT: And Mikohime 23 > 24):

"enabledMods": [
    "Angry Periphery",
    "Diktat Enhancement",
    "Everybody loves KoC",
    "Mayasuran Navy",
« Last Edit: December 25, 2024, 06:21:52 AM by Shinr »


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Re: [0.97a] Nexerelin v0.11.3b "Planet Tales" (fixes 2024-12-25)
« Reply #6264 on: December 25, 2024, 07:44:31 AM »

Welp, what a mess.
I'll take a closer look later this week, but for now see if this patch fixes it (place in Nexerelin/jars).


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Re: [0.97a] Nexerelin v0.11.3b "Planet Tales" (fixes 2024-12-25)
« Reply #6265 on: December 25, 2024, 08:19:06 AM »

Thanks, it worked.

But a few questions that came from spending some time looking at the settings, and not engaging (but planning to) with Colony mechanics since vanilla:

1) Does disabling Saturation Bombing by NPCs also disables the Sindria Crisis?

2) Using Vayra Merged, and AFAIK extra factions spawn when a player establishes the first colony. Do I need for Nex's Respawn Factions setting to be set to All (the description of which says that Factions not present at start can show up that way) for that to work? And do other colonization options (which I set to false for a more vanilla experience) influence that?


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Re: [0.97a] Nexerelin v0.11.3 "Planet Tales" (update 2024-11-30)
« Reply #6266 on: December 25, 2024, 12:22:19 PM »

Thanks for the detailed feedback! Specific responses in order:

  • Typo fixes are always welcome!

  • If you haven't met Arroyo yet, you can get his contact info from Midnight; some relevant dialog even changes depending on whether you do Salvation or Kallichore Archive first.

  • Battle probably relies on using Gilead Station as a meatshield, even at 20% CR it still has decent firepower and will take a long time to kill. Although, lemme make it so it respawns the station if it got disrupted beforehand for whatever reason.

    Simply throwing more metal into the battle line may not be helpful, since the enemy fleet has a partial scaling factor to player strength. Midnight's help offer just before the battle might be beneficial; it gives you one Facet to their two, but yours has a better officer (also doesn't count for the aforementioned scaling)

  • The way the mission is currently written Midnight's recorded speech is there to persuade the already-alerted-and-suspicious Knights to work with the player if the more direct option (requires having a non-pirate commission, or the player faction existing) is unavailable. It's specifically written to in-universe achieve this goal, which is why Midnight talks mostly 'normally' (actually a bit surprised I hadn't seen someone comment on this before) and why alternatives like a fake transponder (jig would be up as soon as you needed to communicate with anyone) generally wouldn't work as-is. Though I can certainly see your point about the whole puppeteer thing, some food for thought there.
    As for the dialog option with Mauve, sure I'll add that later ;D
Response to the response (I have some rejoinders), here we go:
  • Should've tried talking to MD to see if she'd help with Arroyo!
  • The issue with using Gilead Station as bait is it eats a considerable amount of DP, and since it isn't contributing much in terms of killing power, the player ends up with a smaller amount of ships to use, which subsequently become easy pickings for the packs of Remnant ships.
  • You are perfectly right, the solution isn't adding more meat to throw into the grinder, (I think) it is to use more a more balanced fleet - aka not limit oneself to a particular tech, which is my preferred playstyle  ;)
  • I did bring the Omega merc offered by MD, it would consistently run off to the largest concentration of enemies and die, meiose and die some more, meiose again and die for good. Fearless and all that. If it were a Tesseract though, that'd probably do some heavy lifting... 2 or 3 SP for that would be fair, no?
  • The Big Speech makes a lot more sense now. Idk what it's like in the other scenarios, but that I chose the hardest and strangest route explains a lot. As for a stealthier approach to gain assistance from the Knights, a simple "Man in Black" scenario would be fine imo. Whatever the player says (unless it is "I was sent by an Alpha Core to help") is quickly irrelevant since a massive armada of AI hot-drops into orbit soon after. Why would the Luddies refuse human assistance in a situation like that? If it were the Hegemony, SD or League, they'd probably conscript any battle-worthy vessel at gunpoint to join the fight. An "offer desperate people can't refuse  8)" is fitting enough for an apocalyptic scenario.


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Re: [0.97a] Nexerelin v0.11.3b "Planet Tales" (fixes 2024-12-25)
« Reply #6267 on: December 25, 2024, 02:16:39 PM »


This will be my first post but ive been lurking and playing starsector for years.

One of my favorite mods in this one and I've got like 70 others lol.

I'm having an issue when a faction conquered a planet that i colonized after surveying it which *** me off however I have invaded it 24 times and they have no remaining troops left but i keep getting a message that the invasion is over and there is peace. I DONT WANT PEACE!


I've destroyed all the fleets they had in the system but I CANNOT retake the world and its driving me mad!

I am at the point that I'm willing to start a crusade and wipe the whole faction out but I would rather not saturation bomb the world because all the stuff on it is mine.



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Re: [0.97a] Nexerelin v0.11.3b "Planet Tales" (fixes 2024-12-25)
« Reply #6268 on: December 25, 2024, 05:00:07 PM »

Thanks for the further input JohnVicres! Not currently planning any major revisions to the mission right now, but we'll see.

1) Does disabling Saturation Bombing by NPCs also disables the Sindria Crisis?

2) Using Vayra Merged, and AFAIK extra factions spawn when a player establishes the first colony. Do I need for Nex's Respawn Factions setting to be set to All (the description of which says that Factions not present at start can show up that way) for that to work? And do other colonization options (which I set to false for a more vanilla experience) influence that?
1) Nope.

2) The Vayra colonial factions can (intentionally) spawn independent of all Nex-side respawn and colonization mechanics, although once these factions appear they can benefit from Nex respawns and colony expeditions if allowed.


This will be my first post but ive been lurking and playing starsector for years.

One of my favorite mods in this one and I've got like 70 others lol.

I'm having an issue when a faction conquered a planet that i colonized after surveying it which *** me off however I have invaded it 24 times and they have no remaining troops left but i keep getting a message that the invasion is over and there is peace. I DONT WANT PEACE!


I've destroyed all the fleets they had in the system but I CANNOT retake the world and its driving me mad!

I am at the point that I'm willing to start a crusade and wipe the whole faction out but I would rather not saturation bomb the world because all the stuff on it is mine.

Hello and thank you!

Are the "filty xenos" in question the Hivers?
The last time I heard of this issue it was because the player's commissioning faction (UAF) wasn't set to hostile with the faction being invaded (Hivers), because the initial relations were bugged and Hivers are a no-relationship-sync faction.

Anyway, if it's the same bug your solution is to set hostilities between your faction and the target faction (whoever they may be) manually with console commands (if you don't know the faction IDs, see if human-facing names work, or print the IDs with list factions command):
setrelationship <commissioning_faction_ID> <target_faction_id>


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Re: [0.97a] Nexerelin v0.11.3b "Planet Tales" (fixes 2024-12-25)
« Reply #6269 on: December 25, 2024, 06:34:19 PM »

Thanks for the further input JohnVicres! Not currently planning any major revisions to the mission right now, but we'll see.

1) Does disabling Saturation Bombing by NPCs also disables the Sindria Crisis?

2) Using Vayra Merged, and AFAIK extra factions spawn when a player establishes the first colony. Do I need for Nex's Respawn Factions setting to be set to All (the description of which says that Factions not present at start can show up that way) for that to work? And do other colonization options (which I set to false for a more vanilla experience) influence that?
1) Nope.

2) The Vayra colonial factions can (intentionally) spawn independent of all Nex-side respawn and colonization mechanics, although once these factions appear they can benefit from Nex respawns and colony expeditions if allowed.


This will be my first post but ive been lurking and playing starsector for years.

One of my favorite mods in this one and I've got like 70 others lol.

I'm having an issue when a faction conquered a planet that i colonized after surveying it which *** me off however I have invaded it 24 times and they have no remaining troops left but i keep getting a message that the invasion is over and there is peace. I DONT WANT PEACE!


I've destroyed all the fleets they had in the system but I CANNOT retake the world and its driving me mad!

I am at the point that I'm willing to start a crusade and wipe the whole faction out but I would rather not saturation bomb the world because all the stuff on it is mine.

Hello and thank you!

Are the "filty xenos" in question the Hivers?
The last time I heard of this issue it was because the player's commissioning faction (UAF) wasn't set to hostile with the faction being invaded (Hivers), because the initial relations were bugged and Hivers are a no-relationship-sync faction.

Anyway, if it's the same bug your solution is to set hostilities between your faction and the target faction (whoever they may be) manually with console commands (if you don't know the faction IDs, see if human-facing names work, or print the IDs with list factions command):
setrelationship <commissioning_faction_ID> <target_faction_id>

this is what i will try

My faction is funnily enough The imperium of man and the enemy are the Tau
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