First off, I like the missions so much. The writing is fun and interesting, the battles are challenging, and the timed quests were well implemented. Thank you for the great campaign! Now, onto the issues I had:
- A few typos here and there, the least of all issues; just pointing it out. I'd volunteer to squash them if you're ok with it!
- One of the objectives you get after the assault on Madeira - to talk to a TT Executive - can cause trouble. I hadn't met Arroyo yet, so I had to rush the Galatia story a bit to get to him, and that was a bit silly. Will return to this.
- The battle with true Silverlight is tremendously difficult. I noticed the "extra XP" difficulty measurer was sitting at 0%, so I presume the Remnant fleet is equivalent to the fleet points of Pink-Hair-Nun and the player combined; I think that is overkill, because not only are the AI-led Luddic ships quite incapable of handling Remants, but also the presence of Tesseracts mixed in make the enemy a nightmare. No battle-line can survive that crucible. I had a sizeable Midline fleet (3 capitals and 8 cruisers) and it was consistently evaporated; tried bringing an IED from Luddic Enhancement, it was ineffective; tried bringing an even larger fleet (with what little time I had to amass it), still lost.
- As for Silverlight, well, it is a gigantic dreadnought alright. I had so much trouble damaging it, seemed impossible for a while. I only managed to beat it after I rushed to get the Ziggurat and armed it with Omega weapons; even then, I needed two tries, and blew up the Ziggurat. Granted, if I had had the Ziggy for a while so the D-mods would be fixed and I'd S-modded it (I'm running Progressive S-Mods), it would've been easier, but the only real difference would perhaps be it surviving the battle.
To conclude, my take is that the last mission needs to be locked behind the Galatia quest's progression, the best spot being after fighting the Ziggy. It'd also be a solution to guaranteeing the player's already met Arroyo. Also, nerf the final boss fleet a little.
Now, the nitpicking:Midnight feels off as the campaign progresses. At the end, she seems to become almost emotive and moralistic, in contrast with the AI shtick. Making you fight alongside the Luddies to defeat a common enemy is perfectly fine, but her making an impassionate speech to them is so strange... It's all too conveniently successful, for such an overt breakaway from the world-building status quo. It'd be more sensible if she spoofed your fleet's transponder into friendlies, or triggered an alarm of some sort so Gilead readies for battle. Something wily and underhanded, keeping with the shadow puppeteer trope from the first missions.
I want more options in the dialogue with Towering, prior to the final battle. First two feel too run-of-the-mill isekai-protagonist bravado, and the third is... it sure is. I wanted a "I'll attach your core to a toaster after we're done" kinda response to Towering's edgelord rambles, though not even answering the hail (or cutting the connection in his face) is a fine option.