Traveler-Class Scout Frigate
When the burn drive is too slow.This ship has very few uses. It can be used to transport some personel, but is otherwise too fragile to do anything in combat. Nothing can match its speed, though.
Wanderer-Class Tanker Frigate
Even the crystanite need fuel.A modified Treveler, treat this ship like you would any other small tanker. Has ok point defense.
Pin-Class Frigate
These scale surprisingly well in numbers.You will be seeing a lot of these. These are the main frigate of the crystanite, with below average durability but above avarage anti-armor damage.
Haystack-Class Heavy Frigate
Go on, fire a missile. I dare you.A heavy frigate with insane point-defense and offensive capability, this one is a big step up from the Pin.
Janus-Class Experimental Frigate
Now you see me. Now you do not.The crystanite were missing one important thing; a phase ship. So i thought "Hey, why not take it one step further?". Thus was born the Janus frigate, a ship with both phase teleporter and phase cloak, and strike weapons to boot. It probably explodes if you breathe on it too hard, though.
Worker-Class Destroyer
Do not judge a book by its cover.A technologically advanced ship with good anti-shield weapons. Currently the only ship with a shield generator, you have to remember that while the shield has good efficiency, it has
horrible upkeep, so be careful.
Soldier-Class Support Destroyer
Tachyon Lance? Pfft.Equipped with a Maledict-class beam, this ship rips unshielded targets to shreds. Worth of note is that this ship has some anti-shield LRMs.
Laborer-Class Combat Hauler
Note the "combat" part.A surprisingly well-armored transport vessel. If you are playing as a trader in dangerous areas, this one is for you. Equipped with a Shard Swarm system, allowing it to burst down enemy shields.
Jupiter-Class Heavy Destroyer
Reminds me of Touhou.Ironically the quickest crystanite destroyer, this ship has a mobility system and can fire a staggering amount of shots per second. It suffers from some flux issues, however.
Hive-Class Carrier
Probably the most heavily armed carrier in existance.This is the cruiser/carrier/support ship combination you never thought you wanted. It fields a large amount of short-ranged weapons, several LRM launchers and a full fighter escort. This formidable firepower is further increased by its Shard Swarm system.
Grower-Class Attack Cruiser
A simple ship for a simple purpose; destruction.Not much to say about this one, really. It is a cruiser with a lot of forward facing guns, and enough point defense to stop Annihilators. Lacks a ship system, as all the power had to be rerouted to weapons.
Lumen-Class Support Cruiser
Be blinded by your own ignorance!A powerful long-ranged vessel with a huge energy cannon. You will need a lot of flux vents on this one.
Preserver-Class Point-Defense Cruiser
All your point-defense are belong to us.If you have ever felt "hmm, i think i need more point defense", then this ship is for you. It has a staggering amount of point-defense weapons with
insane range. It can protect several ships at once thanks to the range of its point-defense weapons. It has no direct combat ability, however.
Halo-Class Drone Controller
Drones. So many drones.A dedicated drone ship, this ship can unleash 15 crystal minidrones, each equipped with a Light Discomfort Beam. It slowly regenerates its drones over time. Has few other merits.
Halo mkII-class Advanced Cruiser
Good ship, if you have the supplies for it.Advanced ship, it has powerful frontal armament and a 360 degree point-defense weapon. It eats through supplies, though.
Seeder-Class Evacuation Vessel
When you need A LOT of something, and do not mind how long it takes.For those who want a capital-sized transporter with room for both crew, fuel and supplies. This thing is probably slower than stations.
Payback-Class Battlecruiser
What rhymes with beams? More beams.The dedicated Battlecruiser of the crystanite fleet, this ship is equipped with a lot of short ranged beam weapons, and has secondary Shard Swarm Launchers to take down shields. Uses a high flux, long cooldown teleporter to engage the enemy, but has no way of escaping if things take a turn for the worse.
Thor-Class Battlecruiser/Capital-Grade "Glass Cannon"
Sure, it is easy to kill. The hard part is killing it before it kills you.A glass cannon of titanic proportions, this vessel can annihilate most ships before they even get in range. It suffers from severe flux and durability issues, though.
Rebirth-Class Arkship
You thought the Payback was overpowered? Think again.Not much to say here. A huge, badass ship capable of wiping out entire swarms of frigates with its Phoenix system. Due to the risks involved (and AI limitations) Crystanite commanders will not fire the Phoenix-system, and rarely ever fields these ships in a fleet. But if you ever see one;