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Author Topic: Old Metelson Industries :: Important Update 03/12/2024  (Read 306066 times)

Petra the Squishy

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Re: [0.7.2a] Metelson industries: On Hiatus (see CEO letter) a2.95B 11/21/16
« Reply #255 on: April 06, 2017, 08:36:02 AM »

New month, new update of sorts:  Sprites as being worked on and I've set up a day to stream if anyone wants to watch me for poops an giggles. I'll be playing music from Pandora in the background, but can play form my own library. Pandora is just easier and things can be added on the fly.

The streaming service I chose was Picarto:
Fair Warning, my internet is slow as balls at 2mbps... So, the highest I can go without issue is 480 quality.

Likewise, I'm excited as all hell for what's going to be happening this next update! I'll likely kit-bash a few of the newer ships that HAVEN'T been exposed to us. Additionally, I'll continue to expend Salvaging and repair utility ships. Though, that ultimately depends on the new systems. These newer ships I'm also thinking of will liekly try to play a better role in Surveying. Perhaps a Surveying Boat for small-timer operator or an even larger vessel for captains of a massive surveying corp. Who knows. I'll have to develop them after the fact.

I can ceritnaly throw things together, but. I'd like to see what the new mechanics are, how they work, and some of the ships that influence it to see what some common aesthetic choices are done (coincidence or not). :)

Either way. Just a post to start off April and yes, I'm in school again. But, With weekends free to me (aside from homework). I can make time and manage myself better certainly. With that, have a good day folks.

« Last Edit: April 07, 2017, 04:30:00 PM by Azmond »
I'm not spinless, I'm squishy.
Original Mod author of Metelson Industries.


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Re: [0.7.2a] Metelson industries: On Hiatus (see CEO letter) a2.95B 11/21/16
« Reply #256 on: April 08, 2017, 01:58:19 AM »

There are some typos in latest version that prevent game from starting on Linux when the mod is installed:

- data/weapons/maser.wpn
  lines 7-9
  "irMaster" has to be "irmaster"

- data/hulls/mi_pala.ship
  line 62
  "Pala.png" has to be "pala.png"
Me no know, me no understand, me just root...

Petra the Squishy

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Re: [0.7.2a] Metelson industries: On Hiatus (see CEO letter) a2.95B 11/21/16
« Reply #257 on: April 08, 2017, 09:23:33 AM »

That is going to pluage me often. Thank you DinoZ, I'll make the change shortly. Thank you kindly for the information. :)
I'm not spinless, I'm squishy.
Original Mod author of Metelson Industries.


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Re: [0.7.2a] Metelson industries: On Hiatus (see CEO letter) a2.95B 11/21/16
« Reply #258 on: April 08, 2017, 05:14:12 PM »

Hey Azmond, could you double-check your Rostor field systems? I noticed all ships with them withstanding absurd amounts of damage. Testing in simulation, I fired 6 clarents at a Cavos frigate and it survived; which is a bit ridiculous.

Petra the Squishy

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Oh hell... If they are THAT messed up something really went wrong. Is it the newest update for the mod by the by? If it isn't, update.
I'm not spinless, I'm squishy.
Original Mod author of Metelson Industries.


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It's definitely the latest version.

I think I may have found the problem in the field's script. For example, the basic Rostor Field

		stats.getHullDamageTakenMult().modifyMult(id, 1f - (1f - INCOMING_DAMAGE_MULT) * effectLevel);

Since INCOMING_DAMAGE_MULT is 0.1f, and effect level is 1...

1f - (1f - 0.1f) * 1f
1f - 0.9f

Since you're using modifyMult, all damage is reduced to 10% of what it should be.

Changing it to
		stats.getHullDamageTakenMult().modifyMult(id, 1f - INCOMING_DAMAGE_MULT);

Should get it to work.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2017, 06:23:48 PM by Blaze »

Petra the Squishy

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It's definitely the latest version.

I think I may have found the problem in the field's script.

		stats.getHullDamageTakenMult().modifyMult(id, 1f - (1f - INCOMING_DAMAGE_MULT) * effectLevel);

Since INCOMING_DAMAGE_MULT is 0.1f, and effect level is 1...

1f - (1f - 0.1f) * 1f
1f - 0.9f

Since you're using modifyMult, all damage is reduced to 10% of what it should be.

Changing it to
		stats.getHullDamageTakenMult().modifyMult(id, 1f - INCOMING_DAMAGE_MULT);

Should get it to work.

I freely admit. I am not a very decent code master at all. So in all this would be the reason why the ships with the roster fields have been so difficult being killed.
Via phone.
I'm not spinless, I'm squishy.
Original Mod author of Metelson Industries.


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Remember to change them for all rostor field types, Basic/Liten/Heavy/Thrudgelmir. That mistake made it so that the basic field was stronger than every other type. Metelson got a bad rap in comments in some LP's with them, so I'll spread the word that it's been fixed and Metelson can properly take its place among the the rest of the sector.

Though I'll have to admit that it was kinda funny to watch Nemoanemo gawk when the dinky Actel tanked his entire fleet.  :D


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Though I'll have to admit that it was kinda funny to watch Nemoanemo gawk when the dinky Actel tanked his entire fleet.  :D

Hehe, I think I remember that encounter.  ;D

Petra the Squishy

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Oh please... I don't need to have that drudged up again. It's allready on the internet FFS. @~@;
I don't need to have it reminded, oh gods above.

I'll impliment the changes, see what happens an speak with some others who have code experience (double tap right?) and see what they think as well.
I'm not spinless, I'm squishy.
Original Mod author of Metelson Industries.


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Haha, sorry about that. ;) That's why you have people test of course - don't sweat it. A problem has been brought to your attention, and now you're going off to attend to it. You ain't doing anything wrong.  ;D

Petra the Squishy

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Re: [0.7.2a] Metelson industries: NOT BORKED NOW I HOPE!!! a3.00 11/21/16
« Reply #266 on: April 12, 2017, 10:17:56 PM »

Coming to a system near you!

This is the new Acutor. Shortly I hope to continue putting togther a new capital or two.
In this newest change from 2.95a to 3.00 I have given you new graphics influanced by HELMUT, Flag design's inspired by Bastion's critique- (which I need to credit him for as well, d'oh!) -along with new icons on the new flag.
Finally, new text by the grand Mesotronik. With his assistance which I'm forever grateful for among many others. You now have less eye-cancer when trying to read my "Trying-way-to-hard-to-impress" text.

In this update:

  • New graphics for several ships including a general clean-up of files to avoid artifacts from production.
  • The Rostor field has been properly implanted thanks to Blaze- who I need to credit as well... d'oh again -who put it in simple terms for me to understand
  • New text descriptions from Mesotronik
  • a proper readme text with credits and other information.
  • ... I really need to make a proper change log ...

With that, happy post-0.8! Sorry for the blunders and thank you all so much for dealing with me as I again. Blunder through things an figure crap out. It's always nice- more than I like to admit -hearing another voice for the cogs to process here.

Edit:: Download up at 10:28 pm 4/12/2017 Oregon West Coast
« Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 07:37:31 AM by Azmond »
I'm not spinless, I'm squishy.
Original Mod author of Metelson Industries.


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Re: [0.7.2a] Metelson industries: NOT BORKED NOW I HOPE!!! a3.00 11/21/16
« Reply #267 on: April 13, 2017, 03:50:19 AM »

Damn it I just started a new campaign. Love the updated looks, really looking forward to trying it out. =D


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Re: [0.7.2a] Metelson industries: NOT BORKED NOW I HOPE!!! a3.00 11/21/16
« Reply #268 on: April 13, 2017, 04:16:02 AM »

You should be able to continue the game with all the fixes, but you won't see the new capship without restarting. Although technically you wouldn't be able to see the capship at all; because Azmond seems to have forgotten to add the ship graphic to the mod which means it won't load.  :D

Speaking of which:

"spriteName": "graphics/meti/ships/drengur..png",

There's an extra period in there.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 04:19:44 AM by Blaze »

Petra the Squishy

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Re: [0.7.2a] Metelson industries: NOT BORKED NOW I HOPE!!! a3.00 11/21/16
« Reply #269 on: April 13, 2017, 06:21:10 AM »

Drengur is not fully implemented however, the ship can be gotten through console commands. Consider it an Easter egg for things to come... It's just a prototype. ;)
Via phone.

Edit:: though 2 skins need/should be able to be gotten... Sigh,. Expect a patch shortly. A minor one to implement the skins among Linux/Unix spell checking.

Edit2:: Yup, okay, expect a patch here like friggin' now... Gimmie a bit.

edit3:: I am a moron.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 07:09:44 AM by Azmond »
I'm not spinless, I'm squishy.
Original Mod author of Metelson Industries.
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