As a matter of fact I do like to watch anime, and feel like sharing with You one, exeptional title. But first - worlds of warrnings!
First of all it is old stuff. Yes, from times when second in command on space ship is not teenage sexy girl. So if one can not live without those - it will be not Your cup of tea. Also do not expect it to be good quality from graphical standard - first epizodes were made in 1982... So yeah... No good quality video if compared to modern titles like outstanding "Titan Attack" or even better (in my opinion) "Broken Blade"/"Breake Blade".
Second, and moreover at the same time - it is very serious anime. Comic situations are rare, or occasional at best. For some people it will be advantage - for others disadvantage. Personally I think it is positive aspect of it. But if You like to watch anime which are funny and have hi comedy value, stay away from this - not Your cup of tea, unless You want to try something diffrent than comedy
Third thing... It is 110 episodes long. Each episode is like 24 minutes long. So in comparison to most anime - this one should be considered to be long. Of course it may not outclass in that aspect titles like "Naruto" or "Bleach" or "Bold and Beautiful"... Wait - that last is not anime
So if You hope to watch something good, but also short - sorry, not Your cup of tea again
The title of anime is "Legend of the Galactic Heroes".
I know - title is kind of lame... But anime is not - trust me on that one
Here You can read some english review of it: You can find it: if some episodes do not work, than try on this one: page have a bit worse quality of videos (I think...) and have only first 49 episodes.
I hope that You will like it, providing that anyone will decide to watch it