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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Author Topic: Starsector 0.6.2a (Released) Patch Notes  (Read 219422 times)


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Starsector 0.6.2a (Released) Patch Notes
« on: October 21, 2013, 06:22:05 PM »

This version is out - you can download it here.

Changes as of January 17, 2014

  • "Character" button flashes and has a plus sign when there are unspent points, until the character screen is opened
  • New game dialog now picks random portrait to start with
  • Added progress bar that shows approximate time within day to the date display in the top left
  • Upgraded all versions to use Java 1.7.0_45
  • Upgraded to LWJGL version 2.9.1
  • Mac version now requires 10.7 (Lion) or above, is bundled with Java (does not require Java to be installed)
  • Added checkbox to settings to invert the behavior of the "Strafe and turn to cursor" button (previously this could be accomplished via "autoturnMode" in settings.json)
  • Added to campaign help messages: post-battle speedup/slowdown, fighter wing purchased (explains fighter mechanics), initial deployment (explains CR loss on deployment)
  • Unlike ships, fighter wings at 0 CR can not be deployed at all
  • Fixed issue where during pursuit, ships deployed from the side would head directly up if they lost sight of any enemies (rather than angling over towards the middle to try and spot them)
  • Fuel tooltip now also shown when mousing over fuel use
  • New alarm sounds for: ship starting to lose CR, ship's CR at malfunction level, ship's CR at critical level
  • In-combat "escape" menu: can now access settings and check/modify key bindings
  • Ship supply/day use changes: Heron: 9, Condor, Gemini: 5, Atlas: 6

  • Fixed bug that caused multiple music tracks to not work in combat or the campaign (would keep looping the first track picked)
  • Weapon arc color now moddable via weaponArcColor in settings.json
  • Added "renderBelowAllWeapons" boolean to .wpn spec, will force the weapon to be rendered below all other weapon layers (mostly intended for decorative "weapons" that are meant to visually be part of the hull)
  • TELEPORTER-type ship system:
    • added vulnerableChargeup and vulnerableChargedown boolean flags to .system definition
    • added renderCopyDuringTeleport boolean flag, transition between two locations will appear instantaneous when set
  • If a mod changes min/max battlesize, the current battlesize will be clamped to that range

  • Fixed bug where disengaging from a hostile fleet maintaining a neutral stance would show text indicating they harried your retreat; now properly shows them letting you go
  • Fixed issue where fighters spinning very rapidly could potentially cause a very high amount of damage on collision

Changes as of December 28, 2013

  • Added "Save Copy" option to the campaign menu, saves the current game in a new slot (and a new save directory on the harddrive).
    • Not available in iron mode
  • Added confirmation dialog to various save and exiting related options in the campaign menu
    • Dialogs will not show up in iron mode, because there's not actually any choice about saving there
  • Logfile now limited to 50MB in size
  • Added "Game paused" message after exiting out of the combat dialog
  • Added new ship: Monitor-class escort frigate
  • Logistics widget (lower left) now shows skeleton crew needed along with crew, i.e. <crew icon> 100/150 (as opposed to <crew icon> 100)

  • Added choice of starting difficulties
    • Easy:
      • start with larger, more durable fleet and more credits
      • Broader choice of ships
      • Fleet always includes a custom Mule (with Unstable Injector)
    • Normal: same as current
    • Better ships on restart (after losing your entire fleet)
    • Changed starting ships somewhat, added special starting variants that are more new-player-friendly and don't use any unavailable hullmods
    • Tooltips at starting ship selection now just show a single paragraph of text describing the ship
    • Fleet compositions
      • Pirates
        • Adjusted "raider" compositions to be more new-player-friendly
        • Added Cerberus as a possibility to most fleet types
  • Changed pirate spawn composition at game start; pirates spawn much more spread out
  • Ships at 0% CR can still be deployed, but suffer even more serious malfunctions. Still have the option to crash-mothball to attempt an escape without direct control and without malfunctions.
  • Ships with less than 5% of their skeleton crew can not be deployed
  • Added "campaign help", pops up informational dialogs in appropriate circumstances
    • Can be disabled when creating a new game
    • If enabled, each individual dialog can be set to not be shown again
    • Some examples:
      • Attempting to deploy ships with critically low CR
      • Refitting a ship but not adjusting weapon groups
      • Opening the trade/cargo screen (explains stack splitting)
      • Buying a new ship (needs refitting, crew)
      • Refitting at station (can buy weapons from refit screen)
      • Taking on more salvage than the fleet has capacity for
      • Becoming over capacity in cargo/fuel/crew for any reason
      • Running low on fuel
      • Running low on supplies
      • Not enough crew
      • Some ships below 40% CR (malfunction chance)
      • Some/all ships below 20% CR (critical malfunctions)
      • Increased supply use after a battle (for CR recovery/repairs)
      • Logistics rating below 100%
      • Logistics rating at 0
      • Risk of accidents
      • Entered hyperspace (fuel etc)
      • Refit in space reducing ship CR

  • Fixed bug that made InteractionDialogAPI.setTextWidth/Height go into infinite recursion
  • Fixed issue with CombatFleetManagerAPI.spawnShipOrWing where the ships would spawn with 0 CR
  • Added new version of method with parameters for level of crew and initial burn duration
  • Added spawnFleetMember method that allows to spawn a specific member from the reserves
  • Added to ShipAPI: SpriteAPI getSpriteAPI()
  • Added to ShipHullSpecAPI: String getSpriteName()
  • Note: supplies by destroyed fighter wings (for salvage) are based on the repair cost in ship_data.csv, even though this value isn't actually used for repairs.

  • Fixed issue where scrollbar would disappear when buying the last ship in a row of ships would leave the total number of ships below the number that needs a scrollbar, leaving the view stuck
  • Fixed bug that caused the game to crash when a savegame load from the title screen failed for any reason
  • Added DroneLauncherShipSystemAPI.getDroneOrders()
  • Fixed bug that caused destroyed fighter wings not to provide appropriate amounts of salvage

Changes as of December 01, 2013

  • Adjusted autoresolve algorithm (used for AI vs AI fights) to weigh civilian ships even less and account for the changes to CR; also properly deals with fighter wing CR reduction from losses
  • Bomber AI:
    • Will properly pick out valid strike targets, will not try to engage fighters except as a last resort and then only if it has non-strike weapons
    • Bombers w/o non-strike weapons (i.e. Daggers) will automatically hang around a nearby friendly ship unless there's a valid target to engage
    • Improved torpedo targeting
  • Increased armor for all phase ships, Hound
  • Added descriptions for Ox and Prometheus
  • Increased speed of command shuttle (the one used to transfer command during battle)
  • Logistics rating can go over 100% (purely a display change, so that the rating indicates the amount of unused logistical capability)
  • Updated logistics tooltip - shows clear breakdown of what's using up logistics, does not show supply use anymore (the supply use tooltip is there for that)
  • Added script caching - game startup time should be improved after the first time it runs
  • Automatic assignment of ships to tasks now properly ignores the temporary speed bonus from travel drive being on
  • Pressing space will no longer work as a confirmation for the dialog that comes up when you press escape during combat
  • Ships:
    • Increased hull integrity of phase ships somewhat
    • Shuttle-class renamed to Mercury-class, designation changed to "Shuttle" (i.e. Mercury-class Shuttle rather than Shuttle-class Transport)
    • Added new ships:
      • Hermes-class shuttle
      • Cerberus-class frigate (large-ish multipurpose frigate)
      • Heron-class cruiser (fast carrier)
    • Astral changed to have 6 flight decks instead of 3

  • Fixed bug where ShipAPI.setCurrentCR() wouldn't apply the effects of the new CR to the ship
  • Scripts compiled by the game are now cached in the saves/cache directory
    • Caching can be turned on and off using the enableScriptCaching parameter in settings.json
    • Should automatically pick up the last modification time and recompile as needed, but this isn't 100% accurate (due to windows *things*), clearing out the cache if things seem to not update is a good idea
    • Each mod gets its own folder in the cache, multiple mods overriding the same core script should work correctly (it'll pick up the compiled version from the running mod's cache folder)
    • Result of caching is the the first startup takes longer because it has to write the compilation results to disk, but after that game startup is faster
    • Matters more for mods with lots of scripts not in a jar, but helps vanilla startup times as well
  • Added ShipHullSpecAPI.getHullName()
  • SectorAPI.getAllEmptyVariantIds() now correctly returns hulls for ships with built-in weapons

  • Fixed bug where transferring command to a ship that got destroyed while the shuttle is on the way caused the shuttle to get stuck
  • Fixed bug where asteroids were not properly using the light color of the system's star to render
  • Logistics widget in bottom left of the campaign screen properly absorbs mouse events (i.e. can no longer click/hover on fleets and such "through" it)

Changes as of October 21, 2013

  • Mothballed ships now have red "mothballed" text in the overlay to make their status more clear
  • Frigates: "peak active time" will continue to count down while any enemy ship is within visual range of the frigate
  • Transferring command using the encounter dialog will result in the flagship reverting to the original one after the engagement
  • Fighters always start out with missile weapons fully loaded, regardless of their CR
  • Where ships are placed during deployment takes into account the Helmsmanship bonus to the zero-flux speed boost to avoid a situation where a faster ship ends up behind a slower one; also improved spacing & AI behavior to help avoid collisions
  • Engine malfunctions: now do not cause a flameout by themselves; need at least some of the engines to have been taken out by combat damage, unless the last active engine malfunctions
  • CR:
    • Does not modify rate of fire, modifies damage dealt instead
    • Frigate CR deterioration now only occurs under the same conditions that would cause peak active time to tick down
    • Chance of shield malfunctions (shield impact causing an overload while about 75% flux) when CR is below 10%
    • Halved deployment cost and CR recovery rate (i.e. supply cost and recovery time remain the same, more deployments are possible)
    • Malfunctions occur below 40% CR, critical malfunctions below 20%
    • More info here.
  • Repairs:
    • Ships no longer have different repair rates; repair speed based entirely on "emergency repairs" stat and being below the logistics capacity
  • Construction Rig now adds 10 to the fleet's emergency repair capacity
  • Automated Repair Unit: Increases CR recovery rate by 50%. Increases logistical cost (supplies/day) by 50%.
  • UI:
    • Hull indicator in logistics display now shows combined hull and armor integrity
    • Repair indicator in logistics display now shows overall repair rate
  • Ship AI:
    • Improved logic for detecting whether a nearby ship is likely to explode (and cause damage)
  • Boarding: engaging the ship (rather than boarding) no longer leaves a chance for the ship to get away. it can still get away if the boarding option "launch assault teams from a distance" is used.
  • Improved autofire (and AI ship) friendly fire avoidance
    • Fixed bug that caused lots of friendly fire incidents with vs ships with flamed-out engines
    • Re-checks situation more often
    • Properly accounts for chargeup time for weapons firing one shot after a chargeup
    • Accounts for a friendly ship being out of range but potentially being able to move into range
  • Fleet AI: won't turn around to fight if the only ships left in the fleet are civilian

  • Deprecated CargoAPI.isFreeTransfer()/setFreeTransfer()
  • Added SectorEntityToken.isFreeTransfer()/setFreeTransfer()
  • Deprecated VisualPanelAPI.showCore() with the noCost parameter (uses SectorEntityToken.isFreeTransfer() || SectorEntityToken.getFaction().isNeutralFaction() instead)
  • Added VisualPanelAPI.showCore() w/o noCost parameter
  • Fixed bug where on game start, the current location was being set before plugin-based modded system generators had a chance to run, leading to it being impossible to start in a modded system w/o using generators.csv
  • Added CombatEngineAPI.addPlugin(), CombatEngineAPI.removePlugin()
  • ShipAPI.removeWeaponFromGroups()
  • WeaponAPI.disable(boolean permanent)
  • Fixed bug where ships with a deployment point cost of less than 3 could cause deployment issues for both sides
  • Added to MutableShipStatsAPI:
    • getCriticalMalfunctionChance()
    • getShieldMalfunctionChance()
    • getShieldMalfunctionFluxLevel()
  • Removed from MutableShipStatsAPI:
    • getBaseRepairRatePercentPerDay()
  • Added to ShipHullSpecAPI:
    • List<WeaponSlotAPI> getAllWeaponSlotsCopy()
  • CombatReadinessPlugin: added HullSize parameter to applyCRToStats() method
  • ShipAPI.setShield() can now be use to remove the shield by setting the type to ShieldType.NONE
  • Removed from RepairTrackerAPI:
    • getRepairRate()
    • getRepairCostPerDay()
    • getRepairCostPerDay(float repairRate)
    • float getRepairMult()
    • performRepairs(days)
  • Added to RepairTrackerAPI:
    • performRepairsUsingSupplies(float supplies)
  • "repair cost" in ship_data.csv now includes full repairs to both armor and hull. You'll want to double all the values for the costs to remain as they were
  • Removed MutableCharacterStatsAPI.getTravelRepairRateMult()
  • Added MissileAPI.isFlare()
  • Added GuidedMissileAI interface; a MissileAIPlugin implementation can implement it to be properly affected by flares
  • Fixed issue with "fireSoundOne" (charge-up sound) playing every time the mouse button was pressed instead of once on chargeup
  • Added HullModFleetEffect interface, can be implemented by a HullModEffect
    • void advanceInCampaign(CampaignFleetAPI fleet);
    • void onFleetSync(CampaignFleetAPI fleet);

  • Fixed bug where pressing undo on the refit screen would reset the ship's CR to 50%
  • Fixed a couple of (non-growing) memory leaks that could cause memory usage to be 2-3x of what's actually needed
  • Updated Augmented Engines description to properly state that the repairs only take 25% longer
  • Fixed issue with repair rate not updating due to logistics change while looting/buying cargo above base capacity
  • Fixed bug where a successfully-retreating player fleet would get a speed penalty instead of bonus
  • Fixed bug that caused ship CR to be force-set to the crew-understrength value when opening the refit screen
  • Fixed bug where low-CR bombers would on occasion get into a loop of taking off from and immediately returning to a carrier
  • Fixed a couple of bugs to do with the Damage Control and Flux Modulation skills not applying/unapplying their bonuses properly
  • Fixed bug where having a very small number of mothballed/non-combat-ready ships while escaping would result in the enemy deploying nothing to pursue and retreating instead
  • Fixed a bug where if the player's fleet had 0 marines, the selector for how much crew to send during a boarding action would be slightly misaligned
  • Fixed bug where it was possible for a fighter wing to be "lost" in combat if all of its members landed on a carrier at around the same time while all available flight decks were busy preparing replacements for a different wing
« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 02:04:40 PM by Alex »


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Re: Starsector 0.6.2a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2013, 06:48:07 PM »

Alex, you sir are the boss!

And the flare thing, thank you so much.


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Re: Starsector 0.6.2a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2013, 08:46:56 PM »

Looks pretty solid!  Too bad no fighter wing changes happened, especially in terms of ship system usage or AI...  :(


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Re: Starsector 0.6.2a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2013, 08:49:41 PM »

Umm... any change you know exactly what else is going to be added? Economy? Don't gotta answer if you don't know!


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Re: Starsector 0.6.2a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2013, 09:13:33 PM »

  • Transferring command using the encounter dialog will result in the flagship reverting to the original one after the engagement

Sweet. I wanted that one.

  • Does not modify rate of fire, modifies damage dealt instead

Didn't see this one coming, but it makes a lot of sense. This way, it is purely a benefit, whereas the rate of fire would increase your flux consumption. Some of the other CR stuff looked pretty interesting. I'd really like to try it out.

  • Ships no longer have different repair rates; repair speed based entirely on "emergency repairs" stat and being below the logistics capacity

So ships no longer have a maximum amount of supplies they can use to repair per day? Does that mean that if I had a solo ship with a maxed out logistics capacity and maxed emergency repairs stat, that I could almost instantly repair a ship from near destruction to max hull/armor?


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Re: Starsector 0.6.2a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2013, 10:39:43 PM »

So ships no longer have a maximum amount of supplies they can use to repair per day? Does that mean that if I had a solo ship with a maxed out logistics capacity and maxed emergency repairs stat, that I could almost instantly repair a ship from near destruction to max hull/armor?

yes, In practice though, about the best you could do is fully fix up a wrecked destroyer in a day or so, according to the blog post
mmm.... tartiflette


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Re: Starsector 0.6.2a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2013, 01:26:49 AM »

  • Does not modify rate of fire, modifies damage dealt instead

Didn't see this one coming, but it makes a lot of sense. This way, it is purely a benefit, whereas the rate of fire would increase your flux consumption.

And it's a beam buff.
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Re: Starsector 0.6.2a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2013, 01:37:55 AM »

And a missile buff.
Basically it should affect all weapon types equally, which is good.


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Re: Starsector 0.6.2a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2013, 02:18:19 AM »

  • Frigates: "peak active time" will continue to count down while any enemy ship is within visual range of the frigate
  • Reduced peak active time for frigates (generally by about a minute, less/more at the low/high ends of the spectrum)
  • Halved deployment cost and CR recovery rate (i.e. supply cost and recovery time remain the same, more deployments are possible)

Not too fond of these changes, especially with the current supply system.

Edit: To clarify, I feel as if there is too much reliance on a single resource to do everything, and everything you do affect it. Instead of having crewmembers use a seperate resource called "provisions" or something, they also consume supplies.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2013, 02:39:41 AM by Jonlissla »


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Re: Starsector 0.6.2a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2013, 03:16:09 AM »

It makes sense in universe however, given that everythign is more or less nanofactured in the same way, limited only by the scale of the autofac and the blueprints available. The same base elements make up everythign from rations to reactors, clothing to clusterbombs and are assembled on the fly from raw materials as required.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2013, 03:18:03 AM by zakastra »
Oh DRM, bane of the carrier captain...


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Re: Starsector 0.6.2a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2013, 03:55:13 AM »

  • Frigates: "peak active time" will continue to count down while any enemy ship is within visual range of the frigate
  • Reduced peak active time for frigates (generally by about a minute, less/more at the low/high ends of the spectrum)
  • Halved deployment cost and CR recovery rate (i.e. supply cost and recovery time remain the same, more deployments are possible)

Not too fond of these changes, especially with the current supply system.

Edit: To clarify, I feel as if there is too much reliance on a single resource to do everything, and everything you do affect it. Instead of having crewmembers use a separate resource called "provisions" or something, they also consume supplies.

This is a pretty valid concern.  However, I think it'll really come into play once industry is implemented; the player will be able to produce his own supplies, as well as other possible things like ores to trade away for cash, or perhaps to manufacture ships.  You'll also likely be able to ship supplies to places where it's needed more, and is thus more valuable/gains you reputation with whatever faction needed it.

I'm fine with resources being in a single form.  It simplifies things elegantly.  I think the best way to address your concern is to make supply need a more long term thing.  Make supply consumption lower, supply acquisition harder, and the punishment for low supplies more gradual.

For instance, you could make it so that you don't "run out" of supplies.  When you run too low on supplies (the number of which can be determined by a myriad of ways; percent of maximum cargo capacity, or more likely percent of daily/weekly/monthly supply consumption) the fleet begins to ration supplies, at which point logistical percent starts slowly ticking down.  Right now it's binary; when you run out of supplies, bam, that percentage just drops like a rock.

There needs to be more of a capacity to "make do" for at least a little while.  Best case scenario, this would be done in the form of the player making intelligent decisions, getting more gameplay out of the logistical side of the game.  However, I have no idea how to implement that, shy of an admittedly mediocre dialogue minigame where you try to decide where supplies should go.  "Should we use this portion of supplies to repair this ship's turret gyros or its maneuvering thrusters?"  And so on.


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Re: Starsector 0.6.2a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2013, 05:10:01 AM »

However, I think it'll really come into play once industry is implemented; the player will be able to produce his own supplies, as well as other possible things like ores to trade away for cash, or perhaps to manufacture ships. 

That gives more uses for supplies, which is kind of the opposite to what I mean. It's fun with more features no doubt, but the reliance on a single item is too great.

I think the best way to address your concern is to make supply need a more long term thing.  Make supply consumption lower, supply acquisition harder, and the punishment for low supplies more gradual.

This would be a good alternative.

There needs to be more of a capacity to "make do" for at least a little while.  Best case scenario, this would be done in the form of the player making intelligent decisions, getting more gameplay out of the logistical side of the game.  However, I have no idea how to implement that, shy of an admittedly mediocre dialogue minigame where you try to decide where supplies should go.

I would split supplies into three different items: "rough" supplies which are used for repairs, "fine" supplies which are used for CR recovery and maintence, and provisions which are used for crew. If you run out of rough supplies you can no longer repair your ships and maximum CR will be reduced, but your fleet will still be able to function without any major accidents. Fine supplies are used for standard upkeep and for CR recovery and for going above a certain CR threshold. It's also fully possible to integrate this into the hull mod mechanic somehow. Provisions is for crew maintence only, since I don't really see how a human being can survive on a diet of durasteel and electronics.

Values can of course be tweaked but atleast you get the general idea.


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Re: Starsector 0.6.2a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2013, 05:37:47 AM »

Do also bear in mind that supplies as they stand are very probably placeholder until the actual economy happens, with great merchant shipping empires and all the resource variations required for proper trading.
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Re: Starsector 0.6.2a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2013, 05:57:46 AM »

For instance, you could make it so that you don't "run out" of supplies.  When you run too low on supplies (the number of which can be determined by a myriad of ways; percent of maximum cargo capacity, or more likely percent of daily/weekly/monthly supply consumption) the fleet begins to ration supplies, at which point logistical percent starts slowly ticking down.  Right now it's binary; when you run out of supplies, bam, that percentage just drops like a rock.

I fully agree, some sort of automatic or manual rationing would be very welcome. The other side of hat idea would be to allow the distribution of extra supplies to boost CR for a short time.

Nevertheless, this is not the right place to discuss that idea further. Maybe make a suggestion in the appropriate subforum?
The game was completed 8 years ago and we get a free expansion every year.

Arranging holidays in an embrace with the Starsector is priceless.


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Re: Starsector 0.6.2a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2013, 07:09:28 AM »

•Engine malfunctions: now do not cause a flameout by themselves; need at least some of the engines to have been taken out by combat damage, unless the last active engine malfunctions
Does this mean that replacement fighters at low CR will not flameout spontaneously shortly after leaving the carrier?  Currently, once CR gets low enough, engine malfunctions makes fighters useless.
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