first thanks to Gotcha for great Hiigaran Descentants mod,
i made merge from my compatibility fixes of Hiigaran Descendants v2.0.4/v5 (v3/v4/)
as i had it in collection for modded 0.91
and 2.1.0 from bombasticmori (hence msg goes to him too, thanks again for it)
which i had for 0.95a and 0.95.1a
i cleaned it up, combined what i had done , fixes, tweaks, minor changes or small additions
noticed i had in my data some bomber, Reconditioned Vaygr Destroyer, so i made sure it works too
i tracked that RVD back to Hiigaran's Resurgence (from Draco, hence msg also going to him, thanks)
i know it ain't perfect but i mainly started it to remove crashes and errors
to be able play them together in version 0.95.1a
as i tried move my play-thru mod package from era from 0.8x/0.91/0.95a
change-log and test-log
+ added Hiigaran BPs : fighter, bomber, interceptor, rare, station, corvette, platform, drone, station
+ synced new BPs to faction files
+ re-added archaic (old visuals, lower armament), hull+variant of Vraan
+ added modernized (slightly better), hull+variant of Vraan
+ added 4 skins and variants for Carriers (Sashiir, Taiid, Woodan) with different shipsystem
+ added 4 skins and variants for Drone Carrier (Faal-corum) with different shipsystem
+ added 2 variants of old Turret platform with Flak and Ion weapons
+ added 3 new hull+skin+variant of Turret as Weapon Platform, mobile Crewed/Automated mobile, static Automated
+ added new variants of fighters (2x Fiirkan, 1x blaze) for new drone wings
+ added captured (reconditions) Vaygr destroyer hull (from Higaraan's Resurgence mod, thanks Draco(approved)
+ activated usage of Pulsar Bomber at Sashiir carrier (already in data but unused)
+ fixed some crashes in wings of fighters, bombers, interceptors
+ added some ship systems drone wings with fighters, bombers, interceptors, used by skin variants
+ corrected visible text names of hulls
+ tweaked some tags, hints of ships, added descriptions
+ optimized some of the backgrounds to downsize the mod to half
+ merged Commissioned Crew fix (thanks Oni, Timid)
+ all ships, stations, solo/wing (fighters, bombers, interceptors) are shown at main screen
+ all ships, stations, wing (fighters, bombers, interceptors) are available for combat sim
+ more ships, stations, fighters, bombers, interceptors wings are available for Hiigaran faction
+ all existing and new ship variants available as custom-game Nexerelin start for Hiigaran faction
+ Archaic Vraan, Reconditioned Vaygr destroyer, Crewed Mobile WP hulls available for pirate faction
+ simplified (optimized) some fighters and ship Bound Polygons
+ other tweaks and fixes i forgot
-(in theory save compatible but more likely not, on own risk)
0.95.1a tested :
codex :Vote_Check:
missions :Vote_Check:
simulator :Vote_Check:
benchmark :Vote_Check:
start new game (vanilla) :Vote_Check:
start new game (nexerelin) :Vote_Check:
with Nexerelin normal and random :Vote_Check:
outfitting :Vote_Check:
playing :Vote_Check:
new ships / variants appear at market :Vote_Check:
AI uses new variants / ships :Vote_Check:
Hiigaran commission works :Vote_Check:
leaving game whole night on UI screen :Vote_Check:
no suspicious starsector.log spam :Vote_Check:
no obvious memory leak detected :Vote_Check:
credits were updated too, like Oni's fix for Commissioned Crews
Gotcha! and all original credits for making the mod in the first place!
NoFoodAfterMidnight for helping improve the 0.9.1a update
Bombasticmori for updating the mod to 0.9.1a and 0.95a
Cycerin for Blackrock Drive Yards whose source code really helped me understand the coding side of the game
Starsector wiki for their modding guides, a huge help in finding things in need of update
Original Credits by Gotcha! below:
Huge thanks:
Original ship art and turrets (used with permission, this guy's awesome):
Original image used for portraits:
Guesscui (Link has died.)
Planet art:
Duael Designs LLC & Robert Stein - New Hiigara
Planet Creator, Christian Hart - Jakuul, Koya, Daiamid, Maal
Special thanks:
- Trylobot, Trylobot's STARSECTOR Ship Editor. Seriously, you, sir, are awesome and I salute you. I can't imagine having to create ships without it.
- Thule, for allowing me to adapt his 'contract' script.
- LazyWizard <3
- Wyvern and Lazywizard, for their Saved Variant Extractor.
- Fractal Softworks, for allowing people to create modifications and, ofcourse, creating this game.
- Relic, r.i.p. Thank you for blessing the world with two great games. /melodramatic
- megal00t and Relic, Homeworld 2 cruiser, carrier and corvette render.
- echosierraalpha, New Hiigara vs The Dominion story.
- EMN/DRACO for reconditioned Vaygr destroyer
- Oni, lot of help from the 'Commissioned Crews' creator, Timid, for HD Commission Mod
- silentstormpt, for directing me to LazyWizard's guide.
- IceXuick, for his sheet of doodads. Could lazily decorade my huge laser cannon with it. <3 Laziness
- Ember, testing, with video feedback even.
- Silver Silence, testing, feedback.
- echosierraalpha, Lore Keeper
download hope others can enjoy this great mod just like i do
thanks for your time to answer