Okay, I get that weapons need range restrictions for balancing reasons, but why do bullets and such seem to disappear from existence after leaving their effective range?
Like, balancing-wise it makes sense, but in a realism sense a ballistic shell fired in space would keep going for a very long time if it didn't hit anything. As far as realism goes so far, missiles are near perfect: I'm not talking about them.
(Most) Energy weapons are different though. A beam weapon (assuming it's chemical, radiation, or plasma-based) wouldn't keep it's power for too long, so having beams stop against an invisible wall is somewhat believable. As with projectile-based ones, having a drop in damage over range is plausible... but at a much more shallow decline than what already exists.
All-in-all, ballistics weapons currently break physics, and this is worth being fixed IMO, since most small ballistics weapons are pretty underpowered.
Unless of course everyone else in the Starsector universe is Neo and stops you bullets mid-vacuum just to troll you.