A few suggestions if you want to up your game:
Gotta know how to chain strike mode, fall in and out of strike mode much more often than you are, its better for flux. Also i pretty much always go with 2 torpedos, the tracking missiles arent worth it in most cases. And your using the small plasma gun, use the biggest one you have unlocked. Generally its better to fire your guns in linked mode, just make sure you land the shots, on the higher numbered missions fighters get better ai and they turn, making the prediction circle not as useful, you'll need to lead the prediction dot based on their turning, as its an instantaneous prediction based only on their current speed and direction.
Use the strike mode for fast turns and maneuvering to get into positions around capital ships, you dont even need to use its weapons, as long as you have enough flux to engage the only thing you lose is a small amount of natural flux regeneration while your doing it. The default strike suit's suit mode guns are pretty bad, i only use it for killing torpedos usually, which should be your preference for killing torpedos, its a good place to abuse the shift-lock in strike mode as you can snap to all 4 in quick succession. Also abuse thruster speed more. Some people get higher scores by obsessing over shooting wrecks and stuff but thats not necessary, the time bonus is worth more than the points from wrecks.