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Author Topic: Fullscreen Windowed on Mac [Tutorial]  (Read 2635 times)


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Fullscreen Windowed on Mac [Tutorial]
« on: March 11, 2013, 10:14:40 PM »

My apologies if this information has been posted before or if the steps given within violate the Terms of Service (although I don't think they do). If so, mods feel free to delete this thread and message me.

Most Mac-using players of StarSector have discovered firsthand the pain of fullscreen. The inability to tab out to other applications in fullscreen mode is infuriating, and if the game crashes in fullscreen your only options are to do a hard reset or pray for a miracle.
Thankfully, Alex added the ability to make the game window undecorated in the config files. However, for a mac user wanting to play fullscreen while in windowed mode there is still the problem of the Mac Menu Bar at the top of the screen. It appears over the game window and blocks useful information along the top border such as the framerate monitor and radar object distances. NO MORE.

After being irritated by this for a long time, it finally occurred to me to look into disabling the menu bar, and I was surprised at both how annoying and incredibly useful the Mac workaround is.

First, to set up fullscreen windowed mode:
Go to StarSector, right-click and select "Show Package Contents"

Then, find the file "settings.json"

Open the file
-Set "undecoratedWindow" to "true"
-Set "resolutionOverride" to your native screen resolution

Save your changes.

Now that that's out of the way, it's time to disable the menu bar. The great thing is that this works on a per-application basis, so when StarSector is selected the menu bar disappears, but all other applications will still show it.

Open "Info.plist"

Scroll to the bottom, where you'll see this:

Copy and paste in these lines

So that you get this:
Save your changes.

StarSector should now open in a fullscreen-like window with no borders or menu bar. Now the menu bar isn't completely gone, it will still show if you move your mouse to the very top of the screen, but at least now you can see everything unobstructed.

Now to find a way to keep the toolbar from popping up at the bottom of the screen...
My apologies if the contents of this post are in any way completely derped up. It's late, and I'm slightly comatose.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2013, 10:20:45 PM by DelicateTask »