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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)


Increase OP on some frigates (counterparts of vanilla frigates)

Yes, please up the OP
- 87 (75%)
No, leave it as it is now
- 24 (20.7%)
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- 5 (4.3%)

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Author Topic: [0.8.1a] Tore Up Plenty - Vanilla Friendly Mod - Campaign+Nexerelin  (Read 422886 times)


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Woke up to a pleasant surprise: Nexerelin updated!  So it looks like it's time to update TUP as well.  Drokkath, I also cleaned up ship_data.csv a bit so it should be consistent with vanilla for your hacking pleasure. :)

Download Tore Up Plenty 0.8.1

Version 0.8.1
+ Nexerelin 0.8 support
+ ship_data.csv cleaned up somewhat
+ Talus cargo increased to 200, several ships' fuel efficiency improved, many ships' shield efficiency adjusted
+ fixed appearance of asteroid belts in Iota and Qat

This is just a quick release before I go to work today.  Keep in mind that both Dynasector and Nexerelin override the starting ship selection.  However, Nex includes some starting ship options for the Corvus Scavengers as with all other factions.


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Ohh, splendid! Nexerlin along with this mod? Feels like a birthday, thanks! :D

Thanks for also taking the time to move the two supply tags to new default game's position, was wondering of doing it myself but then thought about what if it halts your own train of thought and modding or something along those lines so I asked about it first plus my sense of balance isn't that great to begin with. I sometimes compare the data of various ships and it was hard to make sense of when looking at TUP's ships due to different placement of supply tags.

SS sure is the one of the games that has a large replayablity value to me as modding and playing go along with gameplay and my playstyle in general, like I see something interesting to try out and after trying it out and if I feel like modding it not just in the game but outside the game to give something my own touch of personalization to either add in the fleet or fly around in solo mode or both.

That aside. I'm gonna start a new and proper playthrough with Nexerlin. 8)
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CaptainWinky, you're a right proper credit to the modding community.  ;D

This is just a quick release before I go to work today.

Does the above imply that there are other, perhaps more substantial TUP improvements (or even additions) in the pipeline for imminent release?
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CaptainWinky, you're a right proper credit to the modding community.  ;D

This is just a quick release before I go to work today.

Does the above imply that there are other, perhaps more substantial TUP improvements (or even additions) in the pipeline for imminent release?

Now that Nex is out and I made sure things are compatible, my main goal will be to overhaul the missions.  I made a few very small changes in the missions in the first 0.8 release but will need a caffeine-fueled weekend (not this weekend) for some real fixes.  Beyond that, I have some ideas but nothing concrete yet.


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Heh, "caffeine-fueled weekend" I've been there many times myself but with green tea when I build something in a game or mod something for a game and sometimes its both as I can be so dead-on persistent that I have sometimes skipped a day or two when I finally decide to get some sleep. Fortunately it doesn't happen often and only happens in rare times but still, yikes.
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Erick Doe

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Updated the download link. Better late than never.  ;)


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Indeed! :)

Been busy with very few other games lately, planning to do some weeks later or so another polymath Corvus Scavenger character run who's home is a modified and personalized Hermit-class, aka Hermit Mk2 due to being refitted with built-in hullmods from systems to health and hull in such a way that leaves the internal layout cramped and more like the corridors and rooms on the Nostromo from Alien movie.

Can think of my idea of the alternate Hermit I have, as the Torrens from Alien: Isolation game in a way. An upgraded wreck given life again and then some.
Star Trek Beyond's !SPOILER ALERT! Ye have been warned.
Like that scene where they make an old ship meant for only space travel fly again from its planetary bondage and prison, breaking it free and out and off the planet with it's now-beating heart of joy and freedom. *cue the epic Star Trek music*
« Last Edit: July 14, 2017, 09:28:23 AM by Drokkath »
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Erick Doe

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Indeed! :)

Been busy with very few other games lately, planning to do some weeks later or so another polymath Corvus Scavenger character run who's home is a modified and personalized Hermit-class, aka Hermit Mk2 due to being refitted with built-in hullmods from systems to health and hull in such a way that leaves the internal layout cramped and more like the corridors and rooms on the Nostromo from Alien movie.

Can think of my idea of the alternate Hermit I have, as the Torrens from Alien: Isolation game in a way. An upgraded wreck given life again and then some.
Star Trek Beyond's !SPOILER ALERT! Ye have been warned.
Like that scene where they make an old ship meant for only space travel fly again from its planetary bondage and prison, breaking it free and out and off the planet with it's now-beating heart of joy and freedom. *cue the epic Star Trek music*

Would you be interested in a custom Hermit sprite for your Hermit Mk2?


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Re: [0.8.1a] Tore Up Plenty - Vanilla Friendly Mod - Campaign+Nexerelin
« Reply #683 on: July 24, 2017, 12:53:51 PM »

Would you be interested in a custom Hermit sprite for your Hermit Mk2?

Woah, that's a first! I'm interested alright, I'm just speechless is all. O_O
I can send you the two variations I've been using the most right away. The second/latter variation I've been using a lot more as in more hours of usage.

PM sent.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 12:58:02 PM by Drokkath »
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Re: [0.8.1a] Tore Up Plenty - Vanilla Friendly Mod - Campaign+Nexerelin
« Reply #684 on: August 01, 2017, 01:16:53 AM »

It's been a couple months since I posted in here but rest assured that I haven't forgotten about you guys.  I started working on this again on the weekend and made some progress on the missions.  The next release will have the Mk2 variants back in the regular fleet well as a couple all-new ships.  Erick has some unused sprites including an updated sprite for the Overlord, so I have adjusted the Overlord a bit and plan on putting in the new ships soon.  Before I go to bed, here's one of those ships, a more spacious and slightly more defensible Buffalo.  I might give it laser PD drones instead of the machinegun drones.



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Re: [0.8.1a] Tore Up Plenty - Vanilla Friendly Mod - Campaign+Nexerelin
« Reply #685 on: August 01, 2017, 06:34:51 PM »

Ohh, I like that Buffalo! Not in a way that I'd fly it as its default form but rather customize a new ship using the turret parts, colors and assets from other existing buffalo variants and then fly a new ship. I'm big time Malcom Reynolds-ing here once again over what an otherwise unappealing/"junk"-ship could be once more again.
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Re: [0.8.1a] Tore Up Plenty - Vanilla Friendly Mod - Campaign+Nexerelin
« Reply #686 on: August 05, 2017, 08:22:35 PM »

Erick's new ships are in!  Mk2 ships are back!  I also tweaked the fleets in the missions a bit, mostly to get rid of fighter wings that don't have carriers as they can act weird in this version of Starsector.  In some cases I added a ship or two to the player's fleet or removed ships from the enemy's fleet to try and balance things a bit.  Mission 10 is the hardest in my opinion but it is doable.

The starting ship selection is updated.  If you're playing with Nexerelin, use the ship selection randomizer to get some of the alternate choices.  Also the Ryker and Hermit now have mining abilities to match their descriptions.

Download Tore Up Plenty v0.8.2
Be sure to delete your old TUP directory completely before unzipping, I'm pretty sure overwriting the old version will break stuff.

Changes in version 0.8.2:
+ added new ships: Rurhland, Rurhland (P), Innogen, Sojourner, Buffalo XL
+ updated Overlord sprite, added built-in hellbore cannon and 2 fighter bays
+ all Mk2 ships are reenabled in faction fleets and markets
+ starting ship selection has been updated to account for new and returning ships
+ fleet distributions reworked to add more variety and allow vanilla scavenger fleets to use some TUP ships
+ standalone missions adjusted somewhat, background in missions 10 and 11 changed because incoming sabots blended in
+ lots of small stat tweaks, mostly nerfs to OPs on some ships, nerfed speed on Void
+ shipbreaking facilities give more rep
+ Scavenger banner color adjusted
+ (Nex) Ryker and Hermit now have built-in mining abilities

Brief description of the new ships:
The Rurhland frigate is a tanky low-tech freighter, not as much storage space as the Skylark SC but harder to destroy.
The Rurhland (P) has been given the pirate treatment, resulting in damaged armor and subsystems but also tricked-out engines and shielded cargo holds.
The Buffalo XL is an elongated version of everyone's favorite vanilla loot pinata.  This one has 1.5x the cargo capacity and enough PD mounts to slightly increase survivability, plus machinegun drones.
The Innogen is a powerful but fragile destroyer with a large ballistic mount and medium missile mount.
The Sojourner is a high-tech reimagining of the Condor and Talus.  Three fighter bays but only a few small weapon mounts.  Slow default speed but also has plasma jets for bursts of maneuverability.  Eats supplies like candy.

Lore, loadouts, and abilities for these ships are not set in stone.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

And with that, I'm going to stop staring at Starsector for the night.  Have fun!
« Last Edit: August 05, 2017, 08:28:11 PM by CaptainWinky »


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Re: [0.8.1a] Tore Up Plenty - Vanilla Friendly Mod - Campaign+Nexerelin
« Reply #687 on: August 29, 2017, 11:20:03 PM »

Browsing the forum earlier, I noticed Histidine mentioned a problem where mod factions would fail to post bounties in a randomly generated sector if the mod didn't force a certain function to be called.  Easy enough to fix.  I also have some tweaks for the Innogen so it seems like a good time for an update.

Download Tore Up Plenty v0.8.2a (full mod)

If you already have 0.8.2 just grab this small patch and overwrite where necessary.
Download v0.8.2->0.8.2a patch

Version 0.8.2a
+ (Nex) Scavengers properly offer bounties when using randomized sector
+ tweaks to Innogen: longer flames on engines, small hybrid mount is now small universal, more hull, lower supply cost
+ Zephyr's description now shows up properly
+ slight filesize reduction for mission icon PNGs


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Re: [0.8.1a] Tore Up Plenty - Vanilla Friendly Mod - Campaign+Nexerelin
« Reply #688 on: September 01, 2017, 02:37:45 AM »

Dumb question: Will we ever get a new version of that image with all the ships, as on the OP? It's always nice to see a full catalog of a mod's content, and since the recent changes to TuP I'd like to get a taste of the new stuff.  ;)


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Re: [0.8.1a] Tore Up Plenty - Vanilla Friendly Mod - Campaign+Nexerelin
« Reply #689 on: September 01, 2017, 08:08:39 PM »

Awesome. I knew I could put that buffalo's features into use on my own alternative version of a buffalo! The ship I just added sprite-wise to my graphics collection is basically a Hegemony colored (chose that because that color scheme blends in with the rest of the ship, and Hegemony is at least still seemingly the lesser of evils) buffalo with extra turret mounts thus more bulk on the sides along with bulkier front and an extra turret mount on the rear.

BTW, whenever I mention a ship I've personalized for in-game use and say "my own", what I mean by that is that I've only scavenged and welded together a new version/variation of a ship which I've worked on personalizing to be more effective while still valuing the original creators while also feeling like it's part of me now after I've added modifications to it with my own hands, modifications that I feel are necessary for myself to use in-game. If I can make an inferior ship much superior both with visual bulk, turret bulk and config bulk, then I'll make sure to have such a ship in the game ready for my usage.

And I'm aware that I tend to repeat my self sometimes too many times and it's because to avoid those who only read one line of a sentence and don't even read the entire post, or when my message is somwhow misunderstood. Just in case.

I've finished my Buffalo variation which config I tweaked by using default Buffalo's stats/configs as a base along with a little bit from Buffalo XL configs for the extra bulk info. Then cranked up what I felt needed a crank up... heh, come to think of it, this is my first Hegemony themed ship I've altered to my use but then again I can always swap a paintjob from other Buffalos and play with the colors.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2017, 03:43:31 AM by Drokkath »
For I dipt in to the future, far as my gazer eye could see; Saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be.
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