Yup, I wasn't expecting any of these for 0.95.1 - either 0.95.2 (if there is any) or later. Lifting the lid off my wish-list jar, there's one more item I would dearly love to see: the ability to manipulate scrollers programmatically.
Currently, if I want to have a button that changes the state of the CustomPanelAPI (either the one it resides in or elsewhere that is displayed as part of the same view) I have to call `ui.updateUIForItem(this)`. This causes the whole thing to recreate the panel (createLargeIntel()), and shows the default state (every scroller that exist in this view is parked at the top). I am happy to do the legwork, e.g. check scroller position for each CustomPanelAPI, store it internally in my structures, and when I create the same panel in the new call - reapply the scroller.
A bare minimum that I would need is thus:
float CustomPanelAPI.getScrollPosition();
void CustomPanelAPI.setScrollPosition(float);
Now, I THINK I could work this around and correct me if I am wrong. I could be keeping references to every CustomPanelAPI that was created as part of my UI (the ones that I allow scrollers at least), and on consecutive calls reusing them instead of creating a new one. Which is ugly, as these will have been created with different CustomPanelAPIs (from previous calls, so things could break). And it would have to be transient, of course, as resolution could have changed between loads affecting element sizes, and thus scroller positions.